Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D
Not much going on here except work! Sometimes I wish my life were more exciting but then I don’t, ha ha. On to the books…
Upcoming reads & reviews:
I’m still fighting to get through my March TBR, but at least I’m reading some good books! I absolutely loved The Shadow Glass, and my review will be up tomorrow. I’ve started The City of Dusk and I’m loving it so far. Up next, I’d like to squeeze in a shorter novella, and Comeuppance Served Cold will fit the bill. And as March winds down, I’m looking at the books I’d like to read most, and The Book of Cold Cases is definitely on that list.
Other posts:
Look for three new SFF books on Future Fiction on Wednesday; I’m excited to be part of an Angry Robot cover reveal on Thursday, don’t miss it! And The Friday Face-Off is “one word title.”
In case you missed:
My posts from last week:
The Friday Face-Off: Rainbow/Colorful
The Fall by Alan Baxter – Review 5/5 stars
Crowbones by Anne Bishop – Review 4/5 stars

The Book of Cold Cases is gonna be good, I think! The Egyptian goose is a gorgeous bird!
It is a gorgeous bird:-)
I sometimes wish my life were a little less “exciting,” at least in regards to work. And yes, I’m kinda stretching the definition of exciting.
I hope the rest of your March books keep that trend of good books going. And I don’t believe I’ve seen anything quite like that Egyptian goose. Wow! Great pose to showcase the coloration and patterns.
The Egyptian Goose is so unusual, right? It almost doesn’t look real.
We seem to be on the same reading path – I’m halfway through City of Dusk, having not long finished Shadow Glass
I look forward to comparing notes:-)
Yes too much work! I wish I could get to your blog at work but for some reason the school filters won’t let me get to it. I have so many of your reviews to go read! I need to set a night this week and just burn through them all so I can see all the good stuff you’re reading! Hope you have a good week coming up!
Thanks Lisa, I hope your week isn’t too stressful:-)
Gorgeous photo! Hope you have a great week!
Thanks Lisa, you too!
I’m glad you are enjoying your reads and a not too much life! Normal and regular sounds really good to me.
Ha ha I agree. I like my boring life, lol.
I downloaded the Book of Cold Cases on my audible app and can’t wait to listen to it after my current one!
I hope we both love it, Sophie:-)
The City of Dusk and The Book of Cold Cases is on my to-read list for the rest of the month as well!
Hope we both get to read them:-)
I am so behind on my tbr too!
March just has way too many new releases…
Malice House definitely looks promising! I just saw a positive review of that first book somewhere too…
Malice House sounds great:-)
Comeuppance Served Cold has caught my eye a few times so interested to hear what you think of that one. What a lovely photo
I just finished it and really enjoyed it:-)
I am so glad you are enjoying The City of Dusk! It would be my next reading because I am dying to start it!!
Have a nice week!!
Thanks Susy, you too:-)
I hear you on work. I’m heading back today after a few days off and I already don’t want to go because I know it’s going to be super busy, lol. I hope you enjoy The Book of Cold Cases when you get to it!
Good luck at work this week:-)
I never know what to write in my Sunday Posts because every week is the same! Enjoy your books! I’m glad you found some good ones.
LOL I know what you mean! Thanks for visiting:-)
Glad you’re enjoying The City of Dusk so far, I really liked it! Looks like a very promising week.
It’s shaping up to be a good reading week for sure:-)
My March review schedule is never ending!
I like the look of the new St James
Wishing you a great reading week
Thank you Shelleyrae:-)
Hope you enjoy your upcoming reads! And wow, that is a stunning photo. The colours on the bird are fascinating and I can’t say I’ve ever seen that bird before in my life!
It’s an unusual bird, right?
the Book of Cold Cases jumps out at me immediately. Look forward to your thoughts on that one.
That Egyptian Goose is stunning.- it looks like it has heavy liner round the eyes and is wearing a golden necklace.