Tammy’s Top Ten Most Anticipated 2014 Debuts

Top Ten Tuesday New copy

I’m happy to be joining Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by the Broke and the Bookish! This week we’re highlighting our most anticipated debuts of 2014, and I actually had a hard time trimming this down to ten. So keep in mind that this isn’t at all comprehensive. I’ve also listed my Top Ten Most Anticipated Books of 2014 and my Top Ten Winter Books I’m Excited About. Both of those lists have debut authors that could also be on this list. But rather than repeat myself, here is a brand-spankin’ new list for you! These are in order of the U.S. release date, and clicking on the book covers will take you to Goodreads.

Half Bad

Half Bad by Sally Green. Release date: March 4 2014 (Viking Juvenile). This title is getting lots of buzz, great early reviews, and a possible film deal. And it’s got an awesome cover!

The Enchanted

The Enchanted by Rene Denfeld. Release date: March 4 2014 (Harper). Now, I’m very cynical when publishers compare books to other books, but this one is being compared to Alice Sebold and Stephen King! It’s hard to walk away from that:)


Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige. Release date: April 1 2014 (HarperTeen). A retelling of The Wizard of Oz, but Dorothy’s the bad guy? Yes!

The Falconer 2

The Falconer by Elizabeth May. Release date: May 6 2014 (Chronicle Books). This book’s been out in the UK for a while, I’m so jealous! It’s finally going to be published here this year, and I’m very excited!

Blackfin Sky

Blackfin Sky by Kat Ellis. Release date: Fall 2014 (?) (Running Press Kids). I just featured this book on a Waiting on Wednesday, and here it is on another list already! I don’t know the exact U.S. release date, but for you UK readers, it will be released this May.

Midnight Thief

Midnight Thief by Livia Blackburne. Release date: July 8 2014 (Disney Hyperion). I’m thrilled that the author offered me a copy of the novella that acts as a prequel to this book, Poison Dance. It looks like the characters are different in the two stories, so now I’m really intrigued!


Between by Megan Whitmer. Release date: July 29 2014 (Spencer Hill Press). First of all, I’m loving this cover. And second, the story sounds pretty darn good. Click on the cover and read the description, you’ll agree!

The Merciless

The Merciless by Danielle Vega. Release date: August 7 2014 (Razorbill). This horror story sounds pretty scary, although it’s hard to tell from that pink cover. (But seriously, and I said this before, I love the cover—it’s simple and effective.)


Wordless by AdriAnne Strickland. Release date: August 8 2014 (Flux). This looks like some very cool world-building, and I can’t wait to read it:)

Falls the Shadow

Falls the Shadow by Stefanie Gaither. Release date: September 16 2014 (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers). Clones! I love stories with clones, and this sounds awesome. Don’t you love the cover?

So, that’s my top ten! Do we have any in common? I’d love to read yours, link me up in the comments!

Posted January 14, 2014 by Tammy in Top Ten Tuesday / 16 Comments


16 responses to “Tammy’s Top Ten Most Anticipated 2014 Debuts

  1. As my wife loves everything OZ, I am guessing Dorothy Must Die will be a rare book brought into the house by someone other than me.

  2. Dorothy Must Die made it on my list too, although I need to read Wizard of Oz before that 🙂 Half Bad, The Falconer and Midnight Thief are also on my to-read list. I just found out about The Merciless today and I added it immediately! I’m not easily scared, so I hope it’ll be really creepy with all exorcism 🙂

  3. Halfbad, The Falcoer, Falls the Shadow! SO EXCITED about these titles. I just have the feeling they will all be amazing. What a great list…you just got me so impatient for them all 🙂

  4. Bonnie @ For the Love of Words

    So many good ones coming out this year! I’m reading The Enchanted right now and it’s a real trip, not what I expected, but is still really good. Cannot WAIT for Half Bad. That cover is so amazing. Great picks!

  5. Great list 🙂 Dorothy Must Die looks so good, I can’t wait for that one. There are so many great books coming out in 2014, I don’t know how I’m going to find the time to read them all. Great picks, I hope you get to them all 🙂 My TTT.

  6. Awesome, I haven’t seen some of your picks before! Going through the TTT posts in my feed I felt like I was reading about the same books over and over again. I’ve got an ARC of The Falconer and can’t wait to start reading it! I almost put The Midnight Thief on my list as well, and I’ll have to check out The Enchanted 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Someone got a new blog design!! Love it, Tammy! Ahh yeah, I am really looking forward to Blackfin Sky, and The Midnight Thief almost made my list too. I am unsure what to think about The Enchanted but I will definitely be watching for reviews of that one!

  8. Pabkins

    By the way – I really like the new background and header that you’ve got yourself now! It gives it such a fresher cleaner look than the chandelier which I always wondered why the chandelier haha

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