Buffy’s Corner 7/14/24 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

In things I learned this week: did you know you can convert PDFs to epub files? I did not. Until someone offered me a PDF copy for review and I was about to turn it down (because I hate reading PDFs for review), but then found out I can convert it. For free!

It’s still hot here but starting to cool down. I hope wherever you are, the weather isn’t too bad. It’s fire season here in California, and we have a fire nearby that is causing a little concern. But the firefighters are amazing, and they are keeping it in check, even though it’s only partially contained at this point. Stay cool and safe, everyone!

Upcoming reads & reviews:

Queue panic mode. It’s mid-July and I have barely scratched the surface of my July TBR! Part of that is because I’m still trying to read some of my June books, and also it just hit me that Comic Con is next week (!!!) and I’ll be losing five days of reading and blogging. Not that I’m complaining! In any case, I should have two reviews up this week, Filthy Rich Fae, which was super fun, and I Was a Teenage Slasher, which I’m currently reading and loving. After that, who knows, but I’d like to knock out The Spellshop and The Drowning House.

Other posts this week:

Tuesday I’m posting my 2024 mid-year reading challenges check-in, so stop by to see how I’m doing; Wednesday I have some exciting cover reveals to share on Future Fiction; and I’m hoping to put together a Comic Con: Looking Ahead post, highlighting some of the books and authors I’m excited to see. That is if I can locate the publishers’ schedules, lol.

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

Five Star Predictions for the First Half of 2024 – How Did I Do?

Wilderness Reform by Matt Query & Harrison Query – Review 3.5/5 stars

Future Fiction #287

The 2024 Mid Year Freak Out Book Tag

Two Sides to Every Murder by Danielle Valentine – Review 2.5/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 7/7/24

Anna's Hummingbird perches at the end of a branch.
Anna’s Hummingbird

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted July 14, 2024 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 31 Comments


31 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 7/14/24 – Looking at the Week Ahead

    • Tammy

      I hear the hardcover has sprayed edges, I’m sort of bummed I don’t have that one:-)

  1. Well, I learned something new too here. I did not know about that conversion ability. Hoping the fire gets sorted and it doesn’t grow.

    • Tammy

      I’ve turned down quite a few review copies because they were pdf, so now I have that option.

  2. I hear you on the panic. I can’t believe July is whizzing by. I only wanted to go to Comic Con when Sons of Anarchy was there but I’m sure it’s fun. I have not gone. Covid is up right now so take care; the symptoms are more severe in this latest version. (yes I read some epidemiologist newsletters regularly).
    Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…Series on Saturday: National Park Edition @nevadabarr @kathkells #AJLandau @JonDLand #JeffAyers @sgrahamauthor @christine_carbo @ptbradley1 #SeriesOnSaturdayMy Profile

    • Tammy

      I was just thinking about Covid and going to a big convention. They aren’t enforcing masks this year, and I will probably take my chances without one.

  3. Such a pretty hummingbird!
    My July hasn’t hit off very good either and I am so behind too. 🙁 Hopefully the second half goes great!

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Stormi recently posted…Week in Review #88My Profile

  4. I knew I could email a pdf to my Kindle email address and it would be changed to epub or at least so I could read it on my Kindle app. I’m so behind on my backlist books, told myself I wouldn’t sign up for as many review books, and yeah, not doing great about that! Lol. Love the bird picture. Here’s hoping you don’t get any fires near you, and that your heat gets better. My mom and brother’s family are going to San Diego this week, but I think it’s cooler there?
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #178 – July 14th, 2024My Profile

    • Tammy

      I didn’t know that about emailing a pdf, I might try that too. And yes, it’s way cooler in San Diego, it’s by the ocean so they get that nice weather all the time. Have a good week, Lisa!

    • Tammy

      I want to read Filthy Rich Vampire now:-) If you need something fun and on the lighter side, this might do the trick!

  5. I knew about converting files Tammy. And our weather is quite cold and rainy unfortunately! I hope the fire leaves you alone!

    • Tammy

      I’m probably the last person to know about the pdf conversion thing, lol. Thanks Sophie!

  6. I know what you mean about panic – I haven’t started my July arcs at all yet! Let’s hope this coming week is a great reading week for both of us:)).

  7. Can you concert PDFs into Kindle epub files? I always turn down PDFs because when I’ve loaded them to my Kindle, they’re wonky. 🙁

    It’s still hot where I am. We’ve been in the triple digits for most of the week. I can’t wait until September, lol.

    I hope you have a great week!
    Jenni Elyse recently posted…Sunday News #60My Profile

    • Tammy

      It does sound adorable, and I’m going to be in the mood to read something adorable soon:-)

  8. Hope the fires stay maintained. I always hate seeing how much damage they do and worry about people as well as the wildlife. Hope you have a blast at Comic Con. July is really flying and it’s been miserable hot here for most of the summer. When we are both off, we are able to get up at 7am and walk the dogs before it gets too bad but when we work, by the time Mr. Barb gets home, it’s too hot. They aren’t having a lot of fun this summer!

  9. I’m no fan of the hot and humid summers we get, but I’ll take that over fire season. Those firefighters really do have quite a challenging job, one I’m glad they’ve chosen to do. Stay safe out there. And what a lovely little hummingbird, one we don’t get out this way.

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