Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D
It’s almost April, so of course we’re in the middle of a big snow storm this weekend. And why does it always snow on the weekends, the only time I can run errands?? LOL I hope everyone who celebrates is having a nice Easter. We might do a snow Easter egg hunt for the dog:-)
Upcoming reads & reviews:
April means a whole new pile of books to tackle. I’ve already read The Gathering, which I really enjoyed. This is a different take on the vampire tale, casting vampires as a minority group and pitting them against a town full of evangelical vampire haters. But it’s more complicated than that. I’m currently reading The Redemption of Morgan Bright and Calypso, and will probably read Ghost Station next. It’s so hard to pick my next reads because I want to read ALL of them, lol. Look for at least one review this week of The Gathering.
Other posts this week:
Tomorrow is April 1st, so stop by to see What’s On My Plate; I’m trying to come up with a Top Ten Tuesday post, but struggling a bit with this week’s prompt; the cover reveals and new book announcements are coming fast and furious, so don’t miss Future Fiction on Wednesday to see what I’ve picked! And Saturday I’ll share my latest book haul.
In case you missed:
My posts from last week:
The Angel of Indian Lake by Stephen Graham Jones – Review 4.5/5 stars
Floating Hotel by Grace Curtis – Review 4/5 stars
Diavola by Jennifer Thorne – Review 5/5 stars

I saw your instastory with the snow and it’s so pretty (even if it makes errands impossible/hard)! Also, lovely pictures, as usual, of nature…the birds are so crisp in that photo!
My husband has very nice camera equipment so his images are always very sharp:-)
Damn Tammy Snow in April is hard! When all we want is sun and birds and flowers… Have a great week despite the snow!
It is hard! Thanks Sophie:-)
I saw the snow on your instagram story and it looked crazy. I guess I can’t complain too much about the rainy weather we’re having in Belgium. Easter Monday there’s always an annual fair/market with food, farm animals, stalls etc but it doesn’t look good with the weather. Hope you’re having a good Easter weekend!
It was crazy! Thanks Stephanie, I hope your Easter wasn’t too rainy.
Oh my goodness – Spring is definitely going out like a lion in your neck of the woods!!! I’ll keep quiet about the drop of sunshine we’ve been having the last couple of days, which is due to end tomorrow anyway. Have a great Easter weekend – I’d curl up by the fire and tuck into more books if I were you.
Oh no, don’t keep quiet, I love hearing about sunny places right now, it gives me hope:-)
An Easter egg hunt in the snow, that’s awesome! And not something I’ve ever tried.
I love the photo of the ravens, very unique.
Thanks Todd! I never got around to the egg hunt, but the dog doesn’t know so I’m not too upset:-)
Beautiful pictures, both of the bird and the snow! lol The Gathering sounds a bit like the one I just finished The Poisons We Drink which I haven’t posted a review of because I found out the pub date was postponed till May. But it was about witches that were minority and that there were actual bills in congress about how they were going to be treated. Hope your snow melts soon! Have a great week!
Thanks Lisa:-) The Poisons We Drink does sound a lot like the Gathering. The vampires were protected by the government, it was a cool idea.
yes I am done with most of the snow which lasted for 5-6 months in Minnesota, as early as October and as late as June, though. We’re in the 80s this weekend but mostly 60s high/40s low right now. Your snow looks like it might last a few days too. At least it doesn’t affect reading. I read from my plan unless I’m moody and then all bets are off.
I actually had a lovely weekend inside, reading and putting bookcases together, so it worked out:-)
We had snow this weekend too. It was heavy but not storm heavy. I think a snow Easter egg hunt for the dog would be so fun! Enjoy!
Glad I’m not alone in the snow:-)
Snow is great…unless you have to run errands . Also, yeah, April is around the corner, what’s with the snow? How rude LOL.
Looking forward to your Ghost Station review. And as usual, your husband’s pic is awesome!
Exactly! Thanks Roberta:-)
Our snow storm was last week, this weekend was a whole lot better and it’s all melting pretty fast at this point. Hope you have a great week!
I’m glad your snow is melting, ours is too!
The snow looks beautiful! I know it’s maybe not so great when you actually have to live with it… hope you’re staying warm! Looking forward to hearing about The Gathering!
It is beautiful! Until you slip and fall, lol. (which I’ve done a couple of times)
Oh no, sorry to hear you have snow! Our Easter was actually really nice for once as it usually rains. That pic is so awesome!!
Have a great week and happy reading!
Thanks Stormi, you too:-)
Wow, that’s some late snow! My kids are jealous, lol. I got an audio review copy of The Gathering which I’m tempted to start right away because I have been reading Immortal Pleasures and I’m not really feeling it – I don’t mind the sex but there’s barely any story.
Luckily it’s already melting:-) I have seen some very bad reviews for Immortal Pleasures, and I’m a bit worried!
The snow!! Here it’s raining… A lot! I am so done with rain!!
But the egg hunt sounds fun! I bet Badger will love it!
There has been so much rain and snow everywhere lately!
Looking forward to your thoughts about Ghost Station: the story sounds very, very promising…
It does, I hope to start it very soon:-)
At least the chocolate won’t melt!
Wishing you a happy reading week
LOL so true! Thanks Shelleyrae:-)
We are supposed to have flurries Thursday and Friday. We always seem to get an April snow but nothing like you have right now – wow! We did an easter egg hunt with the pups yesterday and it was a blast. It rained so we had to do it inside but it didn’t put a damper on their fun. We kept the plastic eggs and want to do it again. I think it will be a great activity for when it rains a lot and they can’t walk. Hope you had a great weekend!
I never got around to my doggie egg hunt, but good to know your dogs love it. Will have to do it next year!
All that snow – it does look beautiful though., and your hubby’s picture.
I’ve just finished The Gathering. I liked it. It wasn’t what I was expecting in some ways but it was a quick and compelling read – very moody.