Buffy’s Corner 12/24/23 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

Merry Christmas Eve to those who celebrate! I hope everyone has a safe, fun holiday! I’m currently visiting my parents with my kids and the dog, so it should be a crazy holiday for me, lol. (the dog is the crazy factor, by the way)

I started the week reading a LOT, but then my daughter came to stay on Thursday, so I haven’t read much since then. Which is fine, because we’re having a blast, watching movies and drinking espresso martinis, and even doing some last minute Christmas shopping. We watched Leave the World Behind on Netflix, which was really good! And I also signed up for Max just so we could watch the Barbie movie, which neither of us had seen yet. Barbie was crazy! But we both loved it:-)

Upcoming reads & reviews:

As I said, I started out the week strong. I decided to read one of my January novellas, Tusks of Extinction, which was very very strange but also really good. Then I let my mood pick the next book, and I quickly flew through The Heiress, another January release. Wow, I absolutely loved it! It’s even better than her last book, which I really enjoyed. Highly recommended, and I will post my review in the next two weeks. After that, I remembered I hadn’t read Memory Reborn yet, so I picked it up a couple of days ago. Unfortunately, on the heels of The Heiress, it’s not holding my attention like I thought it would. I just realized this is the third dinosaur-centric book I’ve read this year, and I think I’m done with dinos for now, lol. But I’ll finish it up soon, since it’s the final book in the series. After that, I’d love to squeeze in one more January release, just so I can start 2024 off a little  bit ahead, and I think I’ll grab Thirteen Ways to Kill Lulabelle Rock.

Other posts this week:

On Tuesday, I’m doing Top Ten Tuesday and talking about recent additions to my TBR; Wednesday is the last Future Fiction of the year! I’ll try to squeeze in one last review, maybe Memory Reborn if I can finish it; and stop by on Saturday for my December Wrap-Up post. I’m hard at work on my Best Books of 2023 post, which will be posted on January 2nd, FYI.

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

Over-Booked [187]

Where He Can’t Find You by Darcy Coates – Review 4/5 stars

Future Fiction #258

2023 Reading Challenges – End of Year Check-In

Buffy’s Corner 12/17/23

A coyote hides in the grass, Carizzo Plain National Monument
Coyote, Carizzo Plain National Monument

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted December 24, 2023 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 35 Comments


35 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 12/24/23 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. Merry Christmas, Tammy! I’m very glad to hear you’re spending some time with family, that’s fantastic. And kudos to Moses on that incredible photo of a coyote. That one is a really stand out image and I love so many things about it, from the shallow depth of field to the placement of the coyote in the frame to the coyote looking out of the frame leaving me curious what it might be looking at. Just gorgeous! It might be one of my favorites of his I’ve seen in a while.

    • Tammy

      Merry Christmas, Todd! And thanks for your kind words about the coyote photo. It really is one of my favorites too.

  2. Merry Christmas! I want to watch Leave The World Behind. Sounds like a good holiday movie lol.

    Glad to hear The Heiress was good. Really starting to like Rachel Hawkins.
    Greg recently posted…Song of the WeekMy Profile

  3. My husband and I watched Barbie for the first time on Friday night! Only I bought the dvd because I am so over subscribing to everything . It was a good movie! TUSKS OF EXTINCTION is next on the docket for me. I technically started it already, but decided to hold off until I finish a September ARC (oops).

    • Tammy

      I totally understand what you mean about subscribing. I literally signed up for Max just so I could watch it, now I’ll probably drop it:-)

  4. I ended up taking the extended Christmas weekend off reading after finishing my latest, then we watched an old Samurai movie. You left your husband out of the Barbenheimer, eh? Won’t he be jealous;)

    • Tammy

      Thanks Jenni! Leave the World Behind was so well written and directed, although it’s one of those movies where you don’t get all the answers at the end.

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