The 2023 Mid Year Freak Out Book Tag

This is my fifth year doing the Mid Year Freak Out Book Tag! The tag was created by Ely @ Earl Grey Books and Chami @ Read Like Wildfire.

It’s the halfway point of 2023, so you know what that means! Here’s a look back at my reading for the first six months of the year. I’m trying to hit everyone else’s Mid Year posts, too, so let me know if you’ve done this tag. (books are linked to my reviews and Goodreads) Here we go!

# of Books Read So Far:

I took this screen shot at the end of June, and I’m thrilled to see I’m exactly on track to read 100 books this year, as long as I keep my current reading pace. This is the best (as far as quantity goes) reading year I’ve had for a long time, and I’m more determined than ever to hit my goal.

Best Books I’ve Read So Far This Year:

I’m actually surprised by this list, since I never would have predicted these three books to wind up in this category (except for Infinity Gate, maybe) Taking the top spots of the year so far are:

Lone Women by Victor LaValle. Ahhh this is such an underrated book you guys! I have only seen a handful of reviews, and seriously everyone needs to read this historical horror story. Depending on what comes up in the next six months, this could end up in my top five at the end of the year:-)

The Endless Vessel by Charles Soule. This was a huge surprise! I’ve loved Soule’s books in the past, but this is his best by far. Quirky, unique and full of heart, this is a must read if you appreciate speculative fiction that doesn’t follow the usual tropes.

Infinity Gate by M.R. Carey is the start to a new epic SF series, and although it was something very different from this author, I enjoyed it immensely.  This is an intricately plotted and immersive novel, and I can’t wait for the sequel!

Best Sequels I’ve Read So Far This Year:

I have not read a lot of sequels this year, for some reason, but all of these were really good.

Hel’s Eight by Stark Holborn. This is an exciting science fiction series that I discovered a couple of years ago, and I was thrilled when a sequel was announced. I love these characters so much, and I hope a third book is on the horizon:-)

Stephen Graham Jones is a must read author for me, and this year he’s given his fans the sequel to the emotional slasher My Heart is a Chainsaw, with Don’t Fear the Reaper. While the second book wasn’t as good as the first (in my opinion), I’m fully invested in this series and can’t wait for the trilogy conclusion next year!

And for pure escapist fun, you can’t go wrong with David Walton’s Living Memory series, about dinosaurs that are brought back to life in the present day. Deadly Memory was a great sequel, and the third book is coming out soon.

New Releases I Haven’t Read But Want To:

These are three review books that somehow escaped me so far this year, and I’m going to make every effort to go back and read them. Rubicon by J.S. Dewes | The Strange by Nathan Ballingrud | Gothic by Philip Fracassi

Most Anticipated Releases for the Second Half of 2023:

I mean, you might as well ask me to pick my favorite child, lol. BUT if forced to pick only three, here they are!

Black Sheep by Rachel Harrison, because I love everything she writes.

Earth Retrograde by R.W.W. Greene, because I love everything he writes!

And Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros because who isn’t excited to read this?

Biggest Disappointments:

Mothered by Zoje Stage wasn’t terrible, but I expected to love it a lot more. Plus another strike against it: it’s a pandemic story, and I’m just so over those.

The Scourge Between Stars by Nessa Brown had tons of potential, but it just didn’t live up to my expectations.

Feed Them Silence by Lee Mandelo had an intriguing set-up, but annoying relationship drama overtook the wolf plot.

Biggest Surprises:

No one is more surprised than me that a rom-com is one of my favorite new releases of 2023! I loved The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston, and I’m not afraid to say so:-)

I almost didn’t accept a copy of Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros for review, but changed my mind at the last minute. And I’m SO glad I did. This was one of the best book surprises, and I’m not the only one who thinks so!

I thought I’d enjoy Gareth Powell’s Descendant Machine, but I ended up loving the hell out of it!

Favorite New Author:

I love discovering new authors, and these three are some of my favorite discoveries of 2023 so far.

Heather FawcettEmily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries was such a delight, and it’s nice to know that the author has a bunch of books I can go back and read.

Weyward was such a lush, historical, multifaceted story, and I can’t wait to read Emilia Hart‘s next book.

Kate Alice Marshall‘s What Lies in the Woods was such an engrossing mystery thriller, and I’m looking forward to reading more of her work.

New Favorite Characters:

Gods of the Wyrdwood by R.J. Barker has a bunch of great characters, but in particular I loved Cahan Du-Nahere and his monk friend Udinny. I’m so glad this is the start to a series, because I need more of them!

Maeve Fly might be an odd choice for a “favorite” character, but those of you who’ve read the book understand. Maeve is a Disney Princess/serial killer and a character unlike anyone you’ve ever met. I was terrified of her, but I couldn’t help loving her too. Maeve Fly by C.J. Leede was a lot of grisly fun.

In T. Kingfisher’s A House With Good Bones, we meet Samantha Montgomery, who returns to her childhood home to check on her ailing mom. I loved Sam’s first person voice, and as usual Kingfisher adds a lot of humor to her story.

Books That Made Me Cry:

I’ve read so many stories this year that deal with abuse in one form or another, and those are always tough to read. The first two fall into that category:

The Crane Husband by Kelly Barnhill is a beautifully written fairy tale-esque story about a girl trying to save her mother from an abusive relationship.

I’ve read two of Tiffany McDaniel’s books and both were unbelievably heart wrenching. But I will never not read one of her books, even though they are painful. On the Savage Side dealt with heroine addiction and man, it was tough to read!

I wasn’t expecting Untethered Sky to make me cry, but Fonda Lee’s beautifully written novella has some heartbreaking moments that crept up on me.

Books That Made Me Happy:

Looking over my books, I realize I’ve been reading a lot of serious, dark-themed stories, but luckily there are some bright spots:

House to Sell a Haunted House by Grady Hendrix was crazy fun! With lots of humor mixed in with the horror, this book was awesome.

I’m always so happy whenever I read a K.D. Edwards book, and The Eidolon might have been short, but it has Edwards’ trademark loveable characters and wit.

World Running Down by Al Hess was a delightful surprise, a feel good story with plenty of optimism.

Favorite Post I’ve Done This Year:

I love lists, so here are a few favorite lists I’ve done so far in 2023:

Summer of Horror – 2023

Pretty Colorful – Most Colorful Book Covers of 2022

28 More Horror Books to Read in 2023

Most Beautiful Book I’ve Bought This Year:

I saw an add for The Eyes & the Impossible by Dave Eggers and I had to buy a copy (yes, I’m very susceptible to book adds:-)) . Not only is it a story with a dog main character, but the McSweeney’s edition of this book is so cool. The binding is made of die cut wood, and there are full color illustrations inside. Hopefully these photos convey a little of how special this book is.

Books I Need to Read By the End of the Year:

A bunch. LOL. Check out this post to see my most anticipated books for the rest of 2023:-D

Have you done this tag? Let me know!

Posted July 11, 2023 by Tammy in Mid Year Freak Out Tag / 28 Comments

28 responses to “The 2023 Mid Year Freak Out Book Tag

  1. That’s a very interesting list of books, and some which I’m very eage to get to – particularly The Crane Husband and Emily Wilde.

  2. will

    Ahahahahaha I loved the last blurb! And I concur—always more and more to go! Good luck, Tammy!!

  3. I do love this tag. Perhaps I should try it this year – it would be interesting to see ho I get on given my appalling reading stats so far.
    Lynn 😀

  4. It’s hard to believe we’re already halfway through the year. I’m dying to get my hands on a copy of Iron Flame. I also love that a rom com has made it on to your list of favorites, haha. The Seven Year Slip was so good!

    • Tammy

      I think I read The Seven Year Slip at the right time, and it just worked so well for me:-)

  5. I got Gods of the Wyrdwood! I was so curious, I had to get it. Will see if I actually manage to start it any time soon. Loving the cover of The Eyes & the Impossible.

  6. You’re doing so well, I wish I’d managed to read half so much 😀
    Emily Wilde is one I definitely need to read soon.
    The Eyes & the Impossible looks like a lovely book, I can see why you wanted a copy of that.

    • Tammy

      I really want to actually read The Eyes and the Impossible, lol. I often buy books and never read them, I need to change that.

  7. Yay freak out tag! I’m still slowly making my way through Infinity Gate lol. Black Sheep is my most anticipated, too. The hype is really making me consider Fourth Wing. I love, love, love Kate Alice Marshall.

  8. Love this! Of the books I’ve read, I agree with a lot of the categories you’ve put them in, especially for favorite new author, but sadly also for biggest disappointments. I’m surprised you haven’t read Rubicon yet! I thought I’d read a review from you, but I must have remembered wrong. You need to read it!

  9. You’re doing so well – I am in awe, Tammy!
    I haven’t read any of the books you’ve listed here, I don’t think.
    I was so sure that Emily Wilde wouldn’t be something I’d be interested in … I’m starting to realise that it sounds EXACTLY like something I’d love. Dagnabbit.

  10. I am SO glad to see that two of your “best” books are books that are on my shelf and I need to read ASAP! Now I am even more excited for them! I agree with Sam completely, and while Maeve is a bold choice, I do totally get it! World Running Down was definitely a happy book, I agree!

  11. You’re doing such a great job with your reading goal for the year! The only book I’ve read is What Lies in the Woods, which was amazing. Also looking forward to reading Rubicon at some point in the near future. I hope you have as good of a second reading half in 2023!

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