Most Anticipated Books of 2023 – Third Quarter

Today I’m focusing on my most anticipated book for the next three months, July, August and September. And I’m trying not to be too repetitive after recently sharing my Most Anticipated Books for the Second Half of 2023. Some of these are repeats, but I’ve mixed things up a bit. It wasn’t hard to find even more books I can’t wait to read, since this quarter is going to be pretty amazing for new SFF book releases! At the end of the post, I’ll share how last quarter went. Here we go:

July 2023 Most Anticipated:

Boys in the Valley by Philip Fracassi. I’m happy to say I’ve already crossed one book off my list! I posted my review for this book yesterday, it was really good!

And, let’s keep the ball rolling. I’m currently reading Burn the Negative by Josh Winning, so this one will also be crossed off:-)

Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno-Garcia. This is my second movie film-themed book of the month (Burn the Negative revolves around a movie as well). I sense a theme for July!

And for a nice change from the hot weather, I’m looking forward to this snowy story, Dead of Winter by Darcy Coates.

The Deep Sky by Yume Kitasei is the author’s debut novel, and it’s getting great reviews so far. I can’t wait to start it!

August 2023 Most Anticipated:

More Perfect by Temi Oh. The release date was moved, so I’ve moved this to my August list. This is one of my longest books of the quarter, at nearly 600 pages:-0

A new Catriona Ward book is always welcome, I never know what she’s going to do! Looking Glass Sound has been getting great reviews so far.

I’ve been dying to start Whalefall by Daniel Kraus, but despite wanting to read it early, I just haven’t found time. I’m glad I can finally dive in!

Wild Spaces by C.L. Coney is my only novella on this list, I believe, and I hear it’s very emotional!

Delicate Condition by Danielle Valentine is being compared to Rosemary’s Baby and I’m here for it!

September 2023 Most Anticipated:

September is going to be one of the best months of the year for new releases, I may have to start these early, including Black Sheep by Rachel Harrison.

Schrader’s Chord by Scott Leeds is a debut, and it’s getting rave reviews. I don’t find many horror books that revolve around music, so I’m very excited for this.

A tree that grows magic apples? Sounds like a Chuck Wendig book, lol. Black River Orchard sounds fantastic!

I’m excited to read Dan Frey’s next book, and Dreambound sounds great: a girl disappears into a fictional fantasy world, and her dad has to rescue her.

Finally, who can resist the cover of Starter Villain by John Scalzi? I can’t. A supervillain story with talking cats? Yes please:-)

Second Quarter Results:

I guess I did OK, but there’s definitely room for improvement, lol. I fully intend to go back and read all the books I missed, I’m sad I didn’t get to them!

What are your most anticipated books of the quarter? Do we have any in common?

Posted July 4, 2023 by Tammy in Most Anticipated Books of the Quarter / 38 Comments

38 responses to “Most Anticipated Books of 2023 – Third Quarter

  1. will

    Don’t worry, you don’t need to go back for Paradise-1. I’m pretty sure only Mogsy actually enjoyed it lol

    • Tammy

      I’m about to finish Dead of Winter and it’s really good! I had to stop last night because it was too scary, lol.

  2. Out of these I want to read Silver Nitrate the most. The premise of it sounds like it will make for an excellent read. Silvia Moreno-Garcia has been on my list to read for ages.

    • Tammy

      Her boos are so good, and all very different. I’ve heard really good things about Silver Nitrate, so fingers crossed:-)

  3. Oh, I love being able to cross out the books I’ve been planning to read for a long time. Though in my case, I’m focusing on one author and crossing out all the books they’ve published. 😀 This is a good list. I have to add these to my ever-growing and never-ending TBR list.

  4. I’ve been seeing The Deep Sky pop up for what feels like months, so I’m surprised to see it’s a July release. Dreambound is a book I keep pondering over on NG, though I haven’t officially requested it yet. It looks so different for the speculative fiction books I typically read that I’m tempted.

  5. I couldn’t narrow my third quarter list down so I pretty much threw on everything lol! You did really well on hitting most of your books for last quarter though, I missed at least two for each month on my list. I’m still catching up with June books right now in early July lol.

  6. Legit I think every one of these are on my TBR at this point Except the ones I already read basically heh. I LOVED The Deep Sky, and liked Boys in the Valley too! Whalefall… I am still trying to work out my thoughts on heh. Wow More Perfect is LONG! That one is up soon for me so I guess I better get ready! Also you did pretty great on your second quarter books! I hope you like Paradise-1 when you get to it!

    • Tammy

      It’s been hyped a lot, and I think it’s already out in the UK. Silver Nitrate is high on my list as well:-)

  7. I’ve got Starter Villain and I’m looking forward to tucking into that one. Scalzi is a favourite author of mine. I’m keen to get hold of a copy of Silver Nitrate, too. I think you’ve done really well with your second quarter reads! Happy reading with the third quarter – there are so many superb-looking books on this list!!

  8. You’ve done really well with your last quarter reading. I’ve obviously done abysmally but I am playing some catch up – whilst trying to read my latest books too. I will definitely try to get to as many books as possible that I’ve missed.
    Some great books to look forward to. I always eagerly await anything by Silvia MG so Silver Nitrate is high up on the list.
    Lynn 😀

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