Buffy’s Corner 5/28/23 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

Happy Memorial Day Weekend to all my U.S. friends! I hope you get lots of reading in. It’s absolutely gorgeous weather here in the mountains, a bit on the cooler side, but sunny and breezy.  This is our first spring/summer in our new house, and we’re learning all sorts of things about this town. For example, Memorial Day Weekend is a big, town-wide yard sale, where many people have big yard sales and even offer food to visitors. Since I live in a fairly small town of about 5,000 people, it’s easy to walk around the neighborhood and stumble upon lots of yard sales. I find this idea so charming! Let me know if your town does this too.

Upcoming reads & reviews:

I’m looking ahead at my summer reading pile, and wow, summer is going to be awesome! There are so many books I’m excited to read. In the meantime, I’m trying to squeeze a few more May books in, including Deadly Memory and Graveyard of Lost Children, both of which I’ll review this week. I started More Perfect, thinking it was a May release, only to discover it’s been released in the UK but doesn’t come out in the U.S. until August. What I’ve read so far is really good, but I may put it aside for some other books that are being released sooner. Maeve Fly comes out next week, I believe, so I hope to start it this weekend.

In blogging news, my review of Fourth Wing is leading the pack every single day for top post views since I posted it. Let me know if you’ve reviewed it too, and if you’re getting a lot of views as well. I guess it hit the New York Times Bestseller list and it’s very popular right now. I don’t usually review “popular” books, so this is a nice change:-)

Other posts this week:

It’s a pretty busy week, as we change over to June! On Tuesday I’ll share my May Reading Wrap-Up; Wednesday look for even more cover reveals on Future Fiction; June 1st (Thursday) I’m doubling up with my usual What’s On My Plate for June, as well as an excerpt for a thriller called You Look Beautiful Tonight.

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

Over-Booked [176]

I Am AI by Ai Jiang – Review 4/5 stars

Future Fiction #228

Quick Fire Fantasy Tag

The Endless Vessel by Charles Soule – Review 5/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 5/21/23

A Scarlet macaw flies through the air.
Scarlet Macaw, Costa Rica

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted May 28, 2023 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 32 Comments

32 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 5/28/23 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. We have a garage sale Saturday here but not on the holiday, just some random Saturday that they picked out. Glad you are enjoying your new town.
    That bird pic is so pretty!

    Have a great day and happy reading!

  2. I really love yard sales and stuff. They’re lots of fun and you never know what you might find! Also, gorgeous picture of the Scarlet Macaw that your husband took. The colors are amazing!

    • Tammy

      Thanks Stephanie! Yard sales are fun, especially when you find a treasure you weren’t expecting:-)

  3. I love the sound of your town – it sounds really friendly and just the right size to be a strong community, but not too small so that becomes smothering… As ever, that pic is amazing – such wonderful resolution on the feathers! I hope the coming week, including the extra day tomorrow, gives you a chance to put your feet up and tuck into some of those books, Tammy:).

    • Tammy

      Thanks Sarah, I’ve had several days of good reading time, hopefully that will continue all week:-)

  4. My next door neighbors actually decided to do their garage sale this Saturday, but being in Branson I could put anything in their sale. I did tell them they were welcome to use my driveway for their cars if they needed to though. I’ve got to read Fourth Wing with all the talk about it! Love the picture of the macaw, so pretty! Have a great week!

  5. Now that you mention it Fourth Wing is also the post at the top of my stats! And we do have yard sales once a year in my town on May 1st.

    • Tammy

      I’m curious to see how long Fourth Wing stays on the bestseller lists. I’m very happy for the author:-)

  6. Happy Mmeorial Day! That yard sale idea is cool. Where I grew up there was a neighboring town that did something similar, but not on Memorial Day. Cool!

    Deadly Mmeory and Lost Children both look good to me, so I’ll watch for your reviews. and a new SA Barnes?? 🙂

  7. I like a cool spring. I grew up in a town of around 1200 so 5000 is pretty big! We had a Memorial Day parade with the school band ending at the cemetery and some religious person spoke. It’s also the traditional day for pool openings. Our neighborhood has garage sales in the spring and fall but it’s not on a holiday weekend.

    • Tammy

      The town I moved from had a population of over 100,000 so 5,000 feels very small to me:-)

    • Tammy

      Thanks Lashaan! Maybe next year I’ll have things to get rid of and do a sale too:-)

  8. Your town sounds lovely. I love the idea of yard sales and you never know what you might find.
    Looking forward to your Maeve Fly review because that cover is just so bizarre.
    What gorgeous colours on this week’s photo, so pretty 😀

  9. Very glad to hear you’re having some gorgeous weather. It had been predicted to rain most of the weekend here but interestingly, Saturday ended up dry so my father and I hiked, Sunday had a small bit of rain but then it passed and I helped my father plant some pepper plants, and finally Monday, which was the most likely to be a washout, had a fair bit of rain but then it stopped, so I took a chance and went hiking along a creek in the woods and other than water dropping from the trees I stayed dry (well, except for walking into the creek for some photos…). Overall, it’s been a great weekend. I look forward to reading your reviews and thoughts later this week. And here’s to a Happy June! 🙂

  10. The yard sales sound so sweet. My area doesn’t do that, but there was such a huge back up on the highway last weekend that I had to make a detour through neighborhoods I’d never driven through before, and on one street it was like everyone decided to have a yard sale that day.

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