Buffy’s Corner 12/4/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

Happy December everyone! I’m still in my reading slump but I’ve just decided to go with it instead of stressing out. I may get two reviews up this week (last week I wasn’t able to post any), we’ll see.

I’m currently running an international giveaway, celebrating the end of Sci Fi Month, so check the link below if you’re interested! The giveaway will end on Tuesday, so enter quickly:-)

Upcoming reads & reviews:

Look for a review of All the Blood We Share tomorrow, and I’m trying to post a review of In the Shadow Garden later in the week. After that, I have my December review book, The Light Pirate, and On the Savage Side to read next.

Other posts this week:

After concentrating on all science fiction cover reveals last month, I have quiet a few new books from other genres to share, so look for three of those on Future Fiction! The Friday Face-Off is “dark lord,” and for now that is all I have planned, other than possibly a couple of reviews:-)

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

The Friday Face-off: Assassins

What’s On My Place – December 2022

#SciFiMonth 2022 Wrap-Up & Giveaway Giveaway is open, click to enter!

12 Best Science Fictions Books of 2022

#SciFiMonth Prompt: Out of This World

Buffy’s Corner 11/27/22


A black and white photo of a tree in the rain.
Tree in the rain

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted December 4, 2022 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 31 Comments


31 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 12/4/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. will

    I got one review this week, and I’m not going to get another. December starting did NOT snap me out of my slump either. AND I’m still awaiting the announcement that you’re going to become a groupie and follow your daughter on tour

  2. I am sorry that you are in a reading slump Tammy but I do think too that the best is to roll with it and wait. I hope it won’t last too long though 😉 That picture of the tree is absolutely gorgeous by the way. Such a mood!

  3. Caroline

    Reading slumps are the worst 🙁 I hope you come out of it soon…and for you, not for any authors or publishers or anything! It’s a horrible feeling when we can’t read.

    • Tammy

      I have a bunch of “life” distractions right now so I think once those are resolved, I will be ok:-)

  4. From one perspective slumps are no fun at all, but from another they’re a chance to slow down, relax, and enjoy some other things for a while. (Looking for the positives) 🙂

  5. I don’t like reading slumps but every now and again they just creep up on you. I usually try to read something like a cosy murder mystery or a romance – they’re outside my normal sort of reading so they usually shake me out of my rut.
    Lynn 😀

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