Buffy’s Corner 6/5/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

I’ve just started a rewatch of Stranger Things and I’m on Season 2 at the moment. I forgot how good it was! I’m also very curious about a show called First Kill, which I believe is written by V.E. Schwab, that starts later this week. Here’s the trailer, it looks pretty good:

Otherwise it’s business as usual, work is busy and I wish I had more time to read!

Upcoming reads & reviews:

I’m almost halfway through Ordinary Monsters, and I have to finish it because I’m on the blog tour next Monday. It’s very good, but sooo long. I raced through A Mirror Mended, and I’ll post my review tomorrow. I loved it! I’ve also started making my way through Screams from the Dark, which is a short story collection. Next, I really want to read Half a Soul, but I have to finish Ordinary Monsters first.

Other posts this week:

On Tuesday, I’m joining Top Ten Tuesday, which is books with a unit of time in the title; Wednesday I have some exciting cover reveals to share on Future Fiction; and The Friday Face-Off is “turquoise cover.”

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

Over-Booked [159]

Black Tide by K.C. Jones – Review 4/5 stars

What’s on My Plate – June 2022

Future Fiction #179

Looking Back – May Wrap-Up – Wyrd & Wonder Giveaway (you can enter until 6/11!)

Glitterati by Oliver K. Langmead – Review 4.5/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 5/29/22

Wild goose chase

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted June 5, 2022 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 28 Comments

28 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 6/5/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. Hope you have a great week! I am watching Stranger Things 4 and finding it kind of boring which is a bummer. That is such a cool pic!!

  2. Geese can be so incredibly aggressive sometimes, especially around mating season. I recall one trip we took with my mother to a really nice garden park full of flowers and trees and ponds… and some geese along the trails. As we wheeled my mother along one trail one of the geese started to stand tall, lifting its neck and opening its wings, and started coming at my mother. I had to get in between them and shoo away the goose. Not sure what set it off. Perhaps my mother in the chair was too close to the goose’s height so it saw her as aggressive. It was an interesting experience. Thankfully, my mother was never worried and enjoyed watching the encounter. Strangely, not that long afterwards we encounted another goose laying down and resting just off the trail. I very slowly got down low and approached it with my camera and it let me get with a few feet with no more reaction than opening an eye and looking at me. Very different personalities. 🙂

    • Tammy

      Interesting! My daughter has always been afraid of ducks and geese, I’m wondering if she had an encounter that I don’t remember:-)

  3. Damn First Kill seems so good!!!! I know I’ll ask my family to watch it. And that picture of Wild Goose chase from your husband is extraordinary!!!! With all the droplets! Have a great week Tammy!

  4. Starting Locklands this week! And having just finished S4v1 of Stranger Things, I might go back and try to rewatch at least season 1 before the last two episodes drop next month..I’ve forgotten so much!

    • Tammy

      I’m glad I started ST from the beginning. I don’t think I actually watched Season 3, lol.

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