Buffy’s Corner 4/10/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

I hope everyone’s well! It’s been a blazing hot week in SoCal, but I think the weather is finally cooling down. I’m having a Bridgerton hangover, and I have no idea what to watch next. If you have any recs that are on Hulu or Netflix, let me know!

Upcoming reads & reviews:

So yeah. I’m in a mood reading sort of mood and I went completely off “schedule” last week. You guys, I’m having the worst time getting through The City of Dusk, and I’m about to call a DNF. I started reading it on March 18th and I’m only halfway through. Not sure what to do. I want to finish it because it’s a review book, but I keep putting it aside for other books. Sigh. I’m also about halfway through Always Beside You and I’ve also put it aside, it’s sort of confusing and I can’t figure out where the story is going.

In better news, I picked up Sea of Tranquility and read it in a couple of days, it was amazing. And next I grabbed And Then I Woke Up, which is a horror novella unlike any story I’ve ever read. So good! I’ll review both books this week, with the possibility of a third, we’ll see.

Next up: A Sh*tload of Crazy Powers is an early May release, and honestly I can hardly wait to jump in. Gone Dark releases this week so I’d like to read it soon. After that? Perhaps two more short books: Nettle & Bone or The Girl Who Outgrew the World. Hey, it depends on my mood!

Other posts this week:

It’s a light week on the blog, after a couple of post-heavy weeks. On Wednesday I have three cover reveals to share on Future Fiction, and the Friday Face-Off is “urban fantasy.”

In case you missed:

It was a busy week! Did you miss any of my posts?

The Friday Face-Off: Green cover

Blog Tour Interview with Chris Panatier, Author of Stringers

Future Fiction #171

Most Anticipated Books of 2022 – 2nd Quarter

Stringers by Chris Panatier – Review 4.5/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 4/3/22

Morning mist on the lake

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted April 10, 2022 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 36 Comments

36 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 4/10/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. Your reaction to City of Dusk seems to go hand in hand with other comments I’ve seen about the slowness of the story and the difficulty of slogging through it. My interest is waning after each new review…
    But at least I can console myself with that gorgeous picture! 🙂
    Maddalena@spaceandsorcery recently posted…DEAD SILENCE, by S.A. BarnesMy Profile

  2. The pic is so beautiful!!
    And I really understand where you are with City Of Dusk, I was tempted to drop it too. And even if I think that, in the end, it wasn’t a bad book, I am feeling quite comfortable to say that maybe you should drop it, if this is what you are feeling. Sadly it doesn’t really get better, sure we see more action in the end but… But it wasn’t enough to make up for the whole!

    • Tammy

      Hmmm well you’ve definitely made me think about whether I should keep going. Meanwhile I have not picked it back up and read another book instead, lol.

  3. Verushka

    A Shitload of Crazy Powers is a title I can’t go past! Looking forward to your review!

  4. The Bridgerton hangover is real!!! I’m very tempted to check put the books now.
    It looks like I got lucky with The City of Dusk – It took me forever to get through the first 20-30% of the book but then I got really in to it and ended up really enjoying it! Ot totally could have used some harsh editing to lose about 100 pages though

    • Tammy

      I feel like I still need to try to finish City of Dusk, especially since you enjoyed the end:-)

  5. I love mood reading, but it’s never fun when you keep putting a book aside because it’s just not working. I hate not finishing somthing but have been working on getting better at it. There’s just so much more out there to try. And though there’s always a chance the book will get better if I keep reading, my own personal history is not so great on that front. But it’s still tough to DNF.

    WoW, I love that photo! The morning mist is fantastic, the colors so soft and peaceful. A very quiet photo, but one that also captures the life and motion of taking flight. Just beautiful!

  6. That pic looks like a painting! I love the bird detail.

    Ugh, sorry you have not one, but two books you’re struggling to finish. Also, yeah, I get that their being review books (well, the first one at least) generates a guilt complex…but authors/publishers know the deal (or they should): there’s no guarantee that the person who gets the book will like it. I don’t think that a book that you’ve slogged through for almost a month will end up getting better for you. If it’s a DNF, it’s a DNF.
    Roberta R. recently posted…Offbeat Offline: March 2022My Profile

    • Tammy

      I think you’re right, Roberta. Plus I had another blogger tell me the book DOESN’T get better, so now I have a decision to make;-)

  7. I am currently reading Gone Dark, just a chapter or two a day. I need to just sit down and get a chunk read but reading lots of things…lol. I am liking it okay just not very fast paced at least to me…lol.
    That is a lovely picture!!

    Have a great day and happy reading!

  8. I have a Bridgerton hangover too and am waiting for Shadow and Bones season two LOL. Your husband’s picture with the mist is breathtaking Tammy!!

  9. Oooh love the photo. Sometimes you just want to read what you want to read. I’m usually pretty consistent with reading my books around release date and all that but sometimes my mood just won’t cooperate. I really wanted to read a mystery this week but I was “saving” them for the COYER mystery RAT. I broke down and just read one I’d been wanting to read in 3 hours straight through. I don’t DNF often; I can read some horrible stuff. But that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t DNF a bit more. Sometimes it just takes awhile for the story to build and my mind to assimilate the various aspects of the story. *shrugs* Happy reading!
    Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…Series on Saturday: California Here I Come!My Profile

    • Tammy

      I agree, I’ve finished books I wanted to quit and I was so glad I pushed through, because I ended up really enjoying them!

  10. I’m sort of between shows too, although I started Snowpiercer and it’s pretty good (not sure if it’s on Hulu or Netflix though). And I kinda want to read the new St. John Mandel one.
    Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #447My Profile

  11. will

    I’m always a bit of a mood reader (can’t schedule them at all), and lately I’ve been reading things due out in May. Which is… helpful, at least;) I passed on Crazy Powers as I still haven’t read Book #2. So. Let me know how it is? I hope you like it!! And I hope you have a good week, Tammy!

    (oh and it’s been snowing up here in Montana this week lol)

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