Buffy’s Corner 3/6/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

I guess the big book news this week was Brandon Sanderson’s Kickstarter, which has broken all Kickstarter records, from what I understand, and with 24 days to go, sits at over $24,000,000 funded as I write this post. Everyone has an opinion about it, too. The most interesting thing about this Kickstarter for me is that if you go to the Kickstarter page, you can actually watch the numbers turn over! I have never seen that happen before, and I have to say it’s mesmerizing, lol. Am I going to back it? Um, no. But let me know if you are! It actually sounds pretty cool.

Upcoming reviews & reads:

I managed to schedule two blog tours again this week! After this I’m taking a break, lol. On Monday, I’m on the tour for The Circus Infinite by Khan Wong, and I have a really good guest post about found families. I haven’t read the book yet but I’m looking forward to it! Oh, and I’ll be hosting a giveaway so do stop by. Tuesday I’m posting my review for The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi. I had a blast with it! Thursday is my blog tour stop for The Soul Stealer by Graham Masterton. I’ll be posting my review of this supernatural, demonic murder mystery. My next read after that is Crowbones, and after that I’ll probably start The Shadow Glass.

Other posts this week:

Wednesday per usual is Future Fiction, don’t miss it! The Friday Face-Off is Most Recent Read, and Saturday I may do a book haul post or possibly a review. Not sure yet:-)

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

The Friday Face-Off: Steampunk

The Maker’s Box by David Barclay – Review 4/5 stars

Future Fiction #166

What’s On My Plate – March 2022

Looking Back: February 2022 Wrap-Up

The Paradox Hotel by Rob Hart – Review 3.5/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 2/27/22

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted March 6, 2022 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 29 Comments

29 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 3/6/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

    • Tammy

      Right? Those numbers must have been changing more quickly the first day, but the fact that they are still moving when you go there is crazy!

  1. That Kickstarter is fascinating. I’m a bit torn about it. I used to think of Kickstarter as a great place for those who can’t afford to bring something to their audience to find the funding to do that, a place for those rejected by the bigger markets. So from that perspective it feels a bit off to see someone so successful and well off leverage it to pull in so much. But the other side is why shouldn’t someone do that if they’re able to? It really does speak to how the market and power structure has shifted over the years. And I love how individuals can now show direct support to someone they love. Granted, as much as I do enjoy his work I won’t be signing up.

    I can’t wait to read your thoughts on The Kaiju Preservation Society, I’m curious about that one. It’s been a while since I’ve read anything by Scalzi. And I love how the low horizon backlighting almost makes that grass/plant look on fire in Moses’ photo.

    • Tammy

      I think Kickstarter has changed over the years. It seems it’s now a platform for anyone creative, whether they are traditionally published or not. And I’ve certainly spent my share of money on book Kickstarters:-) This one seems pretty specialized, with drawing out the rewards over an entire year plus swag boxes, so I can see why he decided to do it this way.

  2. will

    My sister went and backed it for me as I was on the fence. It seemed exciting but expensive lol. Did you back it? As I recall you haven’t yet read him.

    • Tammy

      I’m not going to back it, I have never read him before and it doesn’t seem like a practical way to start, lol. But cool, I hope it’s a fun 2023, getting all those releases!

  3. I just went to the link and watched the numbers move, that is crazy! I’ve never seen that before either! Yeah, I think it is great, but like one author, Gwenda Bond, pointed out in a post last week, other authors have been kind of looked down on for doing that. So it’s a bit where I don’t know how to feel. But really, I guess I’m excited that people are so excited to read books! I can think of some authors I would probably join in on. Of course I pay monthly on Patreon for one favorite author, so I guess in a way I already do that. Lol. Hope you have a great week!
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #57 – March 6th, 2022My Profile

    • Tammy

      I’ve backed plenty of author Kickstarters, so I don’t really understand why people would criticize them. But yes, how cool that all this fuss is over BOOKS.

  4. I understand a bit of the backlash about HOW he chose to introduce it (pretending like he’d had a pandemic breakdown and instead revealing he’d been more productive than most authors are in five years), but that aside, I get annoyed sometimes at the hate people give when something is “too” successful. People like Sanderson books, so yes they’re going to pay for new Sanderson books. He and his reader shouldn’t be faulted for that. He is not single handedly responsible for other authors being less responsible. /end rant.

    Looks like you have some good books coming up – enjoy your week!
    Caitlin G. recently posted…Review: AZURA GHOST by Essa HansenMy Profile

    • Tammy

      Agreed! The video bit was weird for me, but ultimately it seems like a well thought out package, and fans are going to eat it up no matter what:-)

  5. So I know nothing of this kickstarter for the author so I guess I am confused as to why such a popular author needs a kickstarter and that is a very hefty amount raised, I mean I get he is popular but goodness. I thought kickstarter was for self starters who needed help publishing their works. I am sure Sanderson doesn’t need this help. *shrugs* I am not in the fastasy world so I know I won’t back it but guess his millions of fans are very excited…lol.

    • Tammy

      I don’t think he’s doing it for the money, but for his fans. At least that’s the impression I get. If you’re a big fan I can see why you’d want to get in on it:-)

  6. I confess that I have FOMO for Brandon Sanderson but if I had to fund, I’d go for the hardbacks but then, customs and shipping would cost more than the books!!! So I’ll pass even if I find his idea brilliant.

    • Tammy

      It’s definitely a brilliant marketing strategy for sure. If anyone can pull it off, it’s him.

    • Tammy

      It’s actually a pretty cool bunch of rewards! And yes, clearly his fans are excited, that’s on reason it’s doing so well.:-)

  7. I have been fascinated by that Kickstarter. I can’t believe how many people are dropping money on it, it’s madness! I decided I’d just wait and see. I’m still unsure if I still like his writing and I have so many on my shelves by him to read and reread already so, if I decide yes, I’ll get them later. If I can’t? Well I doubt that, especially if three are in the Cosmere!

    Yay for finally getting around to The Shadow Glass. You’ve been trying to get around to that for months, I’m sure! 😀
    Hannah @ Dragons and Whimsy recently posted…12 Books For 2022 ChallengeMy Profile

    • Tammy

      Sanderson has a lot of dedicated fans, so it doesn’t surprise me that it’s making so much money. I’m not a big enough fan to drop that kind of money, but I suppose for the right author I would!

    • Tammy

      It’s nice to be back in this world, I’ve just started but I know I’m going to love it:-)

  8. That Kickstarter is definitely the talk of the town! I thought it was crazy how quickly it surpassed $1 million, but with the prices for everything and how popular Sanderson is, I guess it makes sense. I won’t be backing, either; I enjoy The Stormlight Archive and some of his work, but not enough to participate, haha. I was actually a bit surprised by how controversial it was and how angry it made some people.. not what I expected! Looks like a busy week for you, looking forward to it! I’ve been super curious about The Kaiju Preservation Society , so I’m excited to read your review.
    Jordan @ Forever Lost in Literature recently posted…Review: Sundial by Catriona WardMy Profile

    • Tammy

      I didn’t understand the negativity of the Kickstarter either! If he can pull it off, more power to him.

  9. I’ve not read Brandon Sanderson but saw people sharing his video all over the place so couldn’t resist watching it. I was impressed by his productivity and plan to read something from him someday but don’t see myself supporting the kickstarter.

    • Tammy

      I feel the same. I have never read him either so the Kickstarter probably isn’t the place to start:-)

  10. Yes I read some of the furore about the kickstarter. I guess I’m not sure why he feels the need to do one but his fans are loving it so I don’t really feel the need to be angry about it like some people seem to be. I won’t be joining in however.
    Lynn 😀

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