Buffy’s Corner 1/23/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

We’re already staring down the last week of January, can you believe it? I’ve already started diving into my February books, because I guess I want to? Ha ha. I know I should be reading them more or less in order of release date, but I figure, what’s the point of publishers giving bloggers early ARCs if you aren’t going to read them early? Next month I already have some March releases scheduled to read, so hopefully this new way of reading will work for me. One of my personal goals is to mood read more, which makes blogging feel less like a chore. Let me know, how early do you read ARCs that you get from NetGalley or publishers?

Upcoming reads & reviews:

I’m hoping to post two reviews this week, so we’ll see how my week goes, lol. Tomorrow I’m reviewing The Violence by Delilah S. Dawson (the second February release that I’ve reviewed this month!). I loved it, and I’m looking forward to sharing my review. I’m currently reading Dead Silence (hooked from page one!) and Goliath, so look for reviews soonish. I have quite a few January releases that I won’t get to, unfortunately, but of all of them I’d like to cross Engines of Empire off my list.

Other posts this week:

On Tuesday, I’m running a giveaway of Obsidian by Sarah J. Daley, so don’t forget to stop by if you live in the US/UK or Canada! Wednesday I have three exciting cover reveals to share on Future Fiction, and The Friday Face-Off is “murder mystery in space.”

In case you missed:

The Friday Face-Off: Vintage SF

Hunt the Stars by Jessie Mihalik – Review 3.5/5 stars

Future Fiction #160

2021 Regrets: Books I Wanted to Read in 2022 But Didn’t Get To

Reading Goals & Challenges for 2022

Buffy’s Corner 1/16/22

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted January 23, 2022 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 19 Comments

19 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 1/23/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. will

    Does blogging feel like a chore much? Mostly… it doesn’t to me, but sometimes when I’m slogging through an ARC that I don’t like and would rather not read and want to read something else instead it does, but otherwise… yeah. I hope mood reading helps it feel like less of a chore!

  2. I will admit I don’t get to my ARCs as quickly as I should. I was trying really hard this year to do so and still got behind because a book I was anticipating put me in a bit of a slump as I wasn’t enjoying it as much as I thought I would and that has me behind now. 🙁

  3. I’m glad to hear you’re embracing mood reads and being more flexible when it comes to dates. No point to any of this if you don’t enjoy it, right? I only ever get to read ARCs won through giveaways, and I generally try to read those as soon as I can. I figure there’s no reason to wait until closer to publication date, as if there was wouldn’t the publisher have waited until then to offer the ARC? Not sure if my reasoning is accurate. 🙂

  4. Well mostly I read ARCS a couple weeks before they are released. Partly because I review lots of audio and that is not available as soon as eARCs. For absolute favorites, like Ilona Andrews, I read the eARC the moment I get it, then I listen to the audio closer to review date. Some publishers are fussy about not posting until around the release date, and not so far ahead because they are worried about spoilers I guess. I try hard not to write spoilers anyway. So mostly I get to ARCs just a couple weeks or right before the review. I’m staying a couple weeks ahead so far in 2022 and I like that. I used to get behind last year because if I got ahead I read library books and books I own instead of ARCs, which I still do sometimes.

  5. Dead Silence I’m SO looking forward to. My January is getting off to a slow start so it will probably be a few weeks yet before I get to it, but *cracks knuckles* can’t wait!

  6. Like you, I’m a bit poleaxed that we’re nearly at the end of January – surely Christmas was only a couple of weeks ago??? As for reading arcs – I’m struggling more than usual because I don’t start on a new one before having written the review. And there are a lot of days when I’m simply not well enough to write anything at all. But there are definitely times when it can feel a bit of a trudge – often at this time of the year! However, I refuse to slog through a book I’m not enjoying – I simply DNF it as Life is too short to read a book I don’t like. So that cuts out a lot of the gruntwork:)).

  7. I don’t read ARCs nearly as early as I should, I’m always very behind on ARCs which is why I’m going to do my best this year to request less than 10 of them so I can actually read them in time. Hopefully, it will make everything less stressful.
    I can’t wait to read your thoughts about Goliath. 🙂
    Maryam recently posted…Ten Books I wish I read in 2021My Profile

  8. Yes, I’ve also been trying to get a little ahead with my february books. I’ve read a couple and trying to squeeze in one more – primarily because there were so many releasing on the same date.
    Happy reading.
    Lynn 😀

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