Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D
My week was pretty much work, sleep, repeat. Oh and I made enchiladas for the first time, lol. Yeah, pretty exciting week! Here’s what’s happening on the blog this week:
Upcoming reviews:
My reading is all over the place lately. I never ever read more than one book at a time, but last week I had three going at once. Maybe that’s why I didn’t finish much! Tomorrow I’m posting my review of Human Tenderloin, a collection of horror short stories which was very good. I’m also reviewing Scales and Sensibility later in the week (still reading it at the moment). This is a light, fun fantasy/romance with some Jane Austen influences, and Stephanie Burgis never disappoints me.
Upcoming reads:
I’m about two hundred pages into The Bone Ship’s Wake, and I knew I’d be reading this for a bit since A) it’s not a fast read and B) it’s almost six hundred pages long. I love being back in Barker’s wonderful (but grim) seafaring fantasy world! After that, Summer Sons and Slewfoot are two I’d like to review next week if I can read fast enough.
Other posts:
I have some cool cover reveals to share on Future Fiction (Wednesday), The Friday Face-Off is “favorite thriller,” and I’ll be sharing my latest book haul Saturday in Over-Booked.
In case you missed:
My posts last week:
The Body Scout by Lincoln Michel – Review 4.5/5 stars
Top Ten Tuesday: Books with Numbers in the Title
The Friday Face-Off: Murder in the title

I really think this photo is stunning, a work of art. One of my favorites of the thousands and thousands of bird photos my hubby has taken!
The ibis! Gasp! How gorgeous! Your husband must spend hours waiting for just the right bird in just the right spot. I’m super looking forward to your review of Human Tenderloin!
I don’t know how he gets so lucky with his photos. I think by now he’s done so much bird photography he just knows the right time and place to try to get good shots:-)
Wow, that bird pic is beautiful!!! I am glad you enjoyed Scales and Sensibilities! Can’t wait to see a bit of your thoughts and I need to make room for it myself.
It’s a lot of fun, and the dragon is cute:-)
It’s been a very long time since I’ve been able to read just one book at a time.
I almost always have 3 or 4 going, sometimes more, usually all different genres and often in different formats.
And that ibis, wow! First off it’s a beautiful bird with incredible plumage. I wish I could see one. But your husband caught it at such a fantastic moment with the wings spread out showing off all those fabulous feathers, that nice catchlight in the eye, and a completely non-distracting background. Fantastic!!
Thanks Todd. He says the feathers are usually brown, which I find hard to believe looking at this photo!
Oh my gosh that ibis is gorgeous. And we love some enchiladas!
Thanks Hannah!
I always have 2 going, an audio and an ebook. But if I am buddy reading, I sometimes have a third. Or if one book isn’t working for me yet. Absolutely stunning photo!
Thanks Anne! I guess if I started reading audio it would be easier to switch back and forth:-)
Looking forward to your review of Scales and Sensitivity, that one looks interesting. And I love the bird picture! Beautiful! Have a good week!
Thanks Lisa, you too:-)
That ibis is gorgeous!! And..I’ve never made or even eaten enchilladas
You need to come to California, enchiladas are everywhere:-)
Scales and Sensibility was indeed a delightfully fun read, and now I would LOVE to have a pet dragon as well – that is, as long as it’s not as… ahem… too sensitive to moods as Sir Jessamyn!

And that ibis is beyond gorgeous….
Ha ha exactly;-) Thanks Maddalena!
Gorgeous photo! Ha, Scales & Sensibility??? Can’t wait to read your review! Hope you have a great week.
Thanks Lisa, you too.
How did the enchiladas turn out? I love enchiladas. My husband has gotten pretty good at making them. More often than not, I only read one book at a time but sometimes I stray and read more — like now. I’ve been having trouble sticking with a book and so this at least gives me variety for the time being. Your husband’s phot of the A White-faced Ibis is gorgeous, Tammy. Thank you for sharing. I hope you have a wonderful week! Happy reading!
The enchiladas turned out pretty good for my first try, but I’ll do a few things differently next time:-) Thanks Wendy, have a great week!
Oh my gosh, the ibis picture is GORGEOUS! Ibises are some of my favorite birds so I’m all like
Thanks Stephanie!!
I’m getting back to Stephanie Burgis’s Harwood Spellbook series this month, excited to see new regency fantasy from her!
Her books are so much fun, a nice change of pace from my other reading:-)
I made Quesadillas for the first time tonight (I’ve made enchiladas a few time’s though)
The cover of Human Tenderloin is enough to scare me off.
Wishing you a great reading week
I’m putting off the longer books for now, I’ve fallen far enough behind and now I just feel this anxious need to catch up, lol! Either Summer Sons or Slewfoot look like they’ll be good fun and fast reads though so I might be picking them up soon as well.
I feel like this summer/fall is so over crowded with new books, it’s very stressful! My October is looking pretty bad too, lol.
That photo of your hubby’s is absolutely stunning! I’m really looking forward to your review of Jane Austen inspired fantasy. I usually love all things Austen so I’m hoping that one will be a good fit for me.
I love that photo too. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a bird before.
Can’t wait to see what you’re making of Bone Ships Wake.
And, hate to sound like a scratched record but, your husband certainly is a talented photographer.