Buffy’s Corner 7/4/21 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

Happy Independence Day to everyone who celebrates! I will be trying to keep my super scared dog Otis from panicking too much, as he hates fireworks. Last 4th of July was strange. In the middle of Covid lockdown, thousands and thousands of citizens decided to say “fuck you” to local government firework laws (they are illegal in my city) and the result was like a war zone. Far from a moving patriotic experience, the booms and noise of backyard firework displays went on and on and on (for days, it seemed) and I got very little sleep that night. Fingers crossed it isn’t as bad this year, especially since we’ll actually have official fireworks displays. Whatever you do, please stay safe!

Upcoming reviews:

Welp, I’ve FINALLY finished For the Wolf. I think I’ve been talking about this book for a few weeks now, lol. Man, this was a tough one. I know bloggers who loved it, but I found it extremely slow paced and repetitive, and I just couldn’t get into it, no matter how hard I tried. I literally had to force myself to finish it. Saying that, though, there were things about it I liked, so it wasn’t a complete bomb. My review will be up tomorrow, so stop by for more details. And later in the week, probably on Thursday, I’ll be posting my first horror review of July, The Book of Accidents by Chuck Wendig. I’m in the middle of it now and loving it so far!

Upcoming reads:

I have a lot of books to get through this month, so I’m going to try for three reviews next week. My next read will probably be The Final Girl Support Group, and then I’d like to read a few shorter novellas: A Psalm for the Wild-Built and the first of my indie horror titles this month, The Barrens.

Other posts:

On Tuesday, I’m joining in the fun and posting the 2021 Mid Year Freak Out Book Tag, one of my favorite posts of the year! Wednesday I have three pretty exciting cover reveals to share on Future Fiction, the Friday Face-Off is “wicked grin,” and Saturday marks a pretty big day for me, the 10th anniversary of Books, Bones & Buffy! Hard to believe. I’ve started an anniversary post that will highlight some of the milestones of my blogging years, so do stop by for that. And I may also try to squeeze in a book haul post this weekend, I’ve received some exciting book mail and I need to record it (and that’s basically what my Book Haul posts are for: so I remember to read all my review books, lol)

In case you missed:

The Witness for the Dead by Katherine Addison – Review 4/5 stars

The Friday Face-Off: Landscape

What’s On My Plate – Horror in July

Future Fiction #131

Most Anticipated Books of 2021 – Third Quarter

To Dust You Shall Return by Fred Venturini – Review 4.5/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 6/27/21

A flock of black necked stilts flying over a lake.
Black-necked Stilts

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted July 4, 2021 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 22 Comments


22 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 7/4/21 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. There are local laws here, too, for certain types of fireworks (those that shoot up in the air), but that’s never stopped folks. I always cringe, though, when I hear the (hopefully) spent remains landing on my roof or deck. There’s been folks setting off noise makers almost each night for the past week and they’ll likely continue for another week. Pretty normal here each year. Most times they don’t do it too late, except for the 4th and a day or two on either side, but sometimes I do get shocked awake by someone else setting them off. I used to enjoy them more, but now I am growing tired of them… Oh well, I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable day/week/month! 🙂

    • Tammy

      It’s normal here too, but it’s been especially bad since Covid hit. People are so mad about the state of the world they don’t care about breaking the law, I guess. We have no police force monitoring it on the 4th so I figure they assume they’ll get away with it.

  2. I live out in the country so you can imagine the noise I had to deal with last night, up till about midnight! 🙁 I hate fireworks and so does my little dog!
    I am curious to check out your For the Wolf review and I am thinking I am glad I never grabbed it though it was on my anticipated reads…lol.

    Have a great week and happy reading!

    • Tammy

      Same here Stormi! And I don’t live in the country. We had fireworks until well after midnight, it kept me awake and scared poor Otis:-(

  3. Have a great weekend and I have my fingers crossed for Otis. I realized I somehow missed out on 4 review books and it is a bummer. I’m scheduling them in as quick as I can but it sucks. It’s not typical. I’m also reading Final Girl Support group after I finish up some of the forgotten ARCs and hope it is not too much horror for me.
    Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…2021 Library Love Mid Year UpdateMy Profile

    • Tammy

      You are much better organized than I am with review books. If I can post them in the release month, I consider that a win:-)

  4. I’ll be interested to see what you think about the Final Girls Support book. It looks interesting, and I do like that author. Oh yeah, the mid year freak out tag! I forgot about that. I need to do that one of these years. If I get my writing done this week like I need to for Camp NaNoWriMo, maybe I’ll try to do my own post. Have a great week!
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #23My Profile

  5. Awww, I hope your dog doesn’t get too traumatized by the fireworks this year. So far my dog doesn’t seem overly bothered by them, but we’ll see how he fares tonight. That’s a shame about For the Wolf, but I have seen a few mixed reviews for it so I’m not too surprised. Glad to hear Wendig’s new book is a winner for you so far though.

    • Tammy

      I just finished the Wendig book and it was not at all what I expected! But in a good way:-)

  6. Happy Independence Day! There are laws against fireworks where I live too, but Fourth of July only happens one day a year and people are going to celebrate whether we like it or not, so we just roll with it since enforcement is nonexistent anyway. Last year it was crazy as well, but while some were unhappy with the loud festivities, it’s also hard not to feel moved by people trying to make the most out of their Fourth of July. Around here anyway, this time last year there were areas hit especially hard by the lockdowns. Among the already underprivileged, folks lost their jobs, couldn’t be with their extended families, were feeling dejected and broken and sad – so I found it hard to begrudge their one escape. Luckily we’re fortunate that our dogs don’t seem bothered by the noise (one of them is practically deaf, lol) and I would say most people are respectful and everything was quiet after 10pm. It’s definitely another story when you have neighbors shooting off fireworks into the early hours of the morning, there’s no excuse for that!

    • Tammy

      I do get it, the lockdowns have affected so many people negatively. You’re lucky you have respectful neighbors. I don’t, unfortunately. Our fireworks went on until well after midnight and my dog hid under my daughter’s bed and got stuck. It wasn’t fun:-(

  7. I hope Otis did okay tonight. Poor dog. I feel for all the animals today. Our cats seem to be holding up well. Or else they are good at faking it. Things have quieted down for now. Hopefully everyone is done now. They aren’t legal here either, but it never fails. Every year.

    I love the sound of The Book of Accidents. I am glad you are enjoying it! I am really looking forward to The Final Girl Support Girl. I love the premise.

    I hope you have a great week, Tammy!

    • Tammy

      He had a rough night! I’m so over fireworks in general. I’m glad your cats were ok:-) The Book of Accidents was soooo good!

  8. Belated Happy Independence day wishes to you. I hope the fireworks weren’t too bothersome. I kind of went off fireworks because of the fear it induced in my dog.
    I really enjoyed the Hendrix so can’t wait to see what you make of that one.
    Hope you have a lovely wee.
    Lynn 😀
    Lynn recently posted…The Rising Tide by Sam LloydMy Profile

    • Tammy

      I feel like only dog owners (or other pet owners) really understand how awful neighborhood fireworks are. I just finished The Book of Accidents and it was amazing! Can’t wait to dive into the new Hendrix:-)

  9. Hope Otis didn’t have to put up with too much. Cass and Apollo are a tad nervous when they start going off but not terrified like Booker was. I just have to make sure they go out before they start because once they do, there’s no going out until morning. Our neighbors went crazy for about an hour and a half which really ticked me off and I’m fearful tonight will be round two. I’m so glad you are enjoying the Wendig book. I’ve heard a few other good reviews so I’m excited for my pre-order.

    • Tammy

      Otis hid so well last night I couldn’t find him! My husband finally found him squeezed under my daughter’s bed in a box of shoes. I have no idea how he got there and it was hard to get him out. Poor baby. We had fireworks well past midnight, which is what happened last year. It was such a pain.

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