Buffy’s Corner 2/14/21 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

Happy Valentine’s Day! Doesn’t this remind you of those cheesy Valentines we used to trade in grade school? Hope everyone is doing well. I can’t believe we’re already halfway through the month, seriously where does the time go? This is a long weekend in the United States, and I’m looking forward to having Monday off work. More time for reading, right? Speaking of, here’s what’s going on with me this week:

Upcoming reviews:

It was just an OK reading week for me. I didn’t love either of these books, unfortunately, although there were things about both I enjoyed. The Minders was a lot of crazy fun but ultimately the whole concept behind the story just seemed so ridiculous, and I had trouble getting past that. And A History of What Comes Next was an interesting idea but the format and the way the story unfolded was unconventional and hard to follow at times. I will say, though, that it did grow on me in the second half, and by the end everything did come together. I guess when I write my review I’ll go into more details, but I’m sort of torn with this one and I’m not even sure what my rating is going to be.

Upcoming reads:

Dragonfly Girl and The Package are carry-overs from last week, and I’m adding a short novella as well, Sun-Daughters, Sea-Daughters. I’m trying to get in as many February release reviews as I can, but shoot I’m running out of time, lol.

The usual memes…

Top Ten Tuesday this week is a book cover Mardi Gras theme, and you know I can’t resist a good cover post! Look for three new upcoming SFF books this Wednesday on Future Fiction, and the Friday Face-Off is “serpent.” 

I’m participating in a cover reveal on Thursday for Usher House Rising by Don Roff. It’s been a long time since I was invited to do a cover reveal, and I’m pretty excited! Finally, stop by on Saturday for another Over-Booked book haul.

In case you missed…

Here are my posts from last week:

The Friday Face-Off: Furry

The Future is Yours by Dan Frey – Review 4/5 stars

Future Fiction #111

The Echo Wife by Sarah Gailey – Review 4.5/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 2/7/21

Hope to see you around the blogosphere!

Posted February 14, 2021 by Tammy in Uncategorized / 31 Comments

31 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 2/14/21 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. Wow, that opening photo, seeing those two that young reminds me how long ago the series aired. I’d be curious to rewatch it at some point. And I love seeing that Allens hummingbird. We typically only see one variety out here so I love seeing others. It’s a short month, but not that much shorter than the others, and yet sometimes it feels so much shorter…

    • Tammy

      I know! Buffy seems like forever ago! And it’s amazing how two less days seem like a lot more, right?

  2. The time slides by – we worked out just how long ago Buffy aired – and couldn’t quite believe it was so long ago! Those bird pics, particularly the little humming bird is exquisite. I’m sorry that The Minders didn’t work out – I was a bit upset when I didn’t get an arc, as I’d really enjoyed The One. I hope the coming week is a good one, Tammy:).

    • Tammy

      I’m very curious about The One, but I just had too many issues with The Minders for it to be really enjoyable, unfortunately.

  3. will

    Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m looking forward to a History of What Comes Next scoring your first ever G out of 5 stars!

  4. I really enjoyed The Minders…A History of What Comes Next, though, was really bizarre! I enjoyed the concept, but yeah the format was difficult and didn’t always work. Looking forward to your review!

  5. Those cheesy valantines day cards was so much fun back in the day haha. I hope you enjoyed your three day weekend, Tammy! I had to work but I never get off on these extra holidays so I’m used to that LOL. I hope that you have a wonderful week and enjoy some good books!

  6. Happy belated Valentine’s Day! It was a long weekend here in the “sunny paradise” (read: winter nightmare) of Saskatchewan too! I miss getting valentine’s cards. I didn’t get any from anyone this year, and usually, I get one or two from the kiddos at work. I hope you got some nice cards! ❤️

  7. I ordered a bunch of Valentine’s not realizing I would be getting 32 and not just a small few for my daughter’s friends who we did porch Valentine deliveries for this year. Oops. I will have plenty for next year at least. Your upcoming reads all sound good! I hope you can get to all your planned reads. You still have time. A little anyway. 😉 Have a great week, Tammy!

  8. I can’t believe how quickly February is flying by. You have some good books to look forward to and I look forward to your reviews – sun daughter/sea daughter in particular.

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