What’s On My Plate – January 2025

Happy 2025! We’re at the quarter century mark, how weird is that? I’m excited to start a fresh reading year, and I think it’s going to be a good one. I’m starting January off with four of my January review copies read, so I’m a little ahead. There are a couple of January releases that I want to read but don’t have review copies for, but I’m listing them here anyway, just in case. Here are the books I hope to read this month:

I’m starting off with my two most anticipated January releases, which ironically I don’t have review copies for, lol. I’m always excited for a new Alice Feeney, and Beautiful Ugly sounds really good. I have it preordered and will probably drop everything when it get here.

I’m also very excited for Tartufo by Kira Jane Buxton, even though it’s not genre fiction, at least as far as I know. I may be offered a review copy, but as of right now I’ll be buying this one as well.

I have already read Witchcraft For Wayward Girls by Grady Hendrix, and my review will be up tomorrow!

The Way Up Is Death by Dan Hanks has a cool concept, and I may be reading this when this post goes lives.

I’m a big fan of Clay McLeod Chapman and was very excited to start Wake Up and Open Your Eyes. I’ve already read this and it was…intense? I am still working through my thoughts, but my review will be up next week.

At the Bottom of the Garden is the new release by Camilla Bruce. Ever since I fell in love with You Let Me In, I’m always excited to read a new book of hers.

I’ve already read All the Water in the World by Eiren Caffall and loved it! If you enjoyed Station Eleven and other post apocalyptic stories with a literary feel, you’ll love this too. Look for my review soon!

Death of the Author by Nnedi Okorafor. I’ve heard this is a “story within a story,” and because I’m a big fan of the author, I can’t wait to read it.

At Dark, I Become Loathsome by Eric LaRocca. LaRocca always writes emotional (and sometimes upsetting) stories, and I’m very curious to see what they’ve come up with this time.

Adrift in Currents Clean and Clear is the 10th book in Seanan McGuire’s Wayward Children series, and although this has been an uneven series for me, I really enjoyed this one.

Cold Storage by Michael C. Grumley is a sequel to Deep Freeze, a science heavy science fiction thriller.

ChloroPhilia by Christina Jurado has some mixed reviews on Goodreads, but it’s fairly short so I’m curious to see if it works for me.

The Crash will be my first Freida McFadden book, and I can’t wait!

Do any of these look good to you? What is your most anticipated book of January?

Posted January 2, 2025 by Tammy in What's On My Plate / 32 Comments

32 responses to “What’s On My Plate – January 2025

  1. “There are a couple of January releases that I want to read but don’t have review copies for”
    What??? I can’t believe it LOL. I’ve ordered Adrift, and I’ve already read and enjoyed The Way Up…I hope you’re starting the year with a bunch of new favourites!

    • Tammy

      Last year I read my favorite book of the year in January, but so far I haven’t found “the one.” But I am enjoying The Way Up is Death:-)

  2. Aggghhhhh I forgot about the Way Up is Death! I don’t seem to have a review copy for that yet, either. Hmmm I’ll need to double-check on that one—can’t wait to hear what you think!

  3. I was just commenting last night I think there are like 9 books I want to read this January. Although not all of them are new. I have read a McFadden book and just found it okay but had no idea The Crash was coming out and it has one of my favorite tropes – snowstorm. Thanks for adding to that 30!

  4. I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on At the Bottom of the Garden – I also loved You Let Me In, but right now I’m not up to anything that intense. Your January reads all look really exciting – what a strong start to 2025!

  5. I just finished Adrift in Currents last night! I really like it, and it was interesting to then go back and skim through the 3rd book to see how they connect. So many great books coming in January! I’m curious about Tartufo — the synopsis didn’t grab me, but I know I loved Hollow Kingdom, so I’m guessing it’ll be amazing.

    • Tammy

      I agree, normally I wouldn’t consider reading Tartufo but because of the author, I’m very curious:-)

  6. I’m very curious about Tartufo given how much I enjoyed Hollow Kingdom. They sound like completely different sorts of books but I always love when an author is able to successfully do that, writing in different genres or styles.

  7. Seems to be starting with a bang! Happy new year if reading to you!
    Okorafor I love her books, but in this one, I see other readers say there’s a ot of family drama in it, which is not my cup of tea, so not sure I’ll try it.
    My post: https://wordsandpeace.com/2025/01/01/the-top-7-books-to-read-in-january-2025/
    I have already finished 1, and 2 more that were not on the list, and started an audio that was not planned at all. Sounds familiar?

    • Tammy

      I hadn’t heard that about the Okorafor, but I’m ok with family drama so hopefully I will enjoy it:-)

  8. SO yes ALL of these look good! I love how our TBRs are basically the same heh. I got Beautiful Ugly in my BOTM box so I too am excited for it! Also very much looking forward to Wake Up and Open Your Eyes and At Dark I Become Loathsome- I really hope to get to them eventually. I really liked The Way Up is Death and All the Water- I think the former would make an amazing movie and the latter a great show. I can’t wait for your thoughts on many of the others, especially Chlorophilia- it looks weird but I am SO curious!

    • Tammy

      It will be fun to compare notes on a bunch of these! And I agree Chlorophilia does sound weird. Luckily it’s a novella so I can probably deal:-)

  9. I’m sorry that you didn’t manage to get review copies for your most anticipated two books. Hopefully the preorder will be worth it and you’ll find a new favourite. Well done on going into January with four of these read already. There are a couple I’m also excited for. And I’m hoping to read my first Freida McFadden book this year but I’m starting with The Tenant which comes out around mid year I think. Happy reading and I’ll watch out for your thoughts on these.

  10. The Alice Feeney is one of my most anticipated books this month and for some reason the new Camila Bruce has completely fallen off my radar – something I’ll have to rectify right now.
    Lynn 😀

  11. I just finished, “Adrift in Currents Clean and Clear,” and there was a segment of the narrative and the character development that was included in this entry that wasn’t in the other ones, which is why I believe I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. And, I just started reading, “Death of the Author,” and the framing of the story is very intriguing so far.

  12. Oh, there’s some good-looking options for the first month of the year here. I’m looking forward to seeing what you think of The Way Up is Death and Death of the Author.

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