Buffy’s Corner 9/22/24 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

It’s been quite a week. In case you missed last week’s Buffy’s Corner, my husband and I had to evacuate because of a fire threatening our town, and we were out of the house for over a week. It was pretty stressful, although the fire crew is excellent (they are still up here working on the fire, which is about 50% contained at this point) and they literally saved our town. The fire jumped a ridge unexpectedly, which is why we had to get out quickly. Now we are home! And very relieved to find everything the way we left it, although there is a bunch of ash to clean up, as well as a smokey smell. But things could have been a lot worse. I’m hoping to get back to my usual routine this week, although the hubby just left on a trip to Brazil, so my routine will be a little different, since I have to walk Badger for a while:-)

The photo at the end of this post is Badger in the lobby of the Motel 6 we stayed in. He had a great time and went everywhere with us, including frequent trips to Target and restaurants. I hope everyone is safe and having a good weekend!

Upcoming reads & reviews:

As you can imagine, I’m way behind with my September books, and September is almost over! I’m going to try to get three reviews up this week. Tomorrow, look for my review of American Ghoul, which was a lot of fun. I’m going to finish up An Academy for Liars (on hold since I didn’t have it with me during the evacuation) and I’ve just started Out of the Drowning Deep, a short novella that I’m intrigued by so far. I’d love to read A Dark and Drowning Tide next.

Other posts this week:

I’m making up for last week with a full schedule. On Tuesday, I’m joining in the 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 Book Tag that I’ve seen floating around; Wednesday is Future Fiction as always; and Saturday I’ll share my September book haul. Other days I hope to fill with reviews!

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

Future Fiction #297

Negative Girl by Libby Cudmore – Review 4/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 9/15/24

A black shepherd lies on a sofa in the motel lobby.
Badger at Motel 6 during evacuation.

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted September 22, 2024 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 34 Comments

34 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 9/22/24 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. Glad your back home and everything is okay. I am also glad you were able to take Badger with you everywhere! He looks very relaxed.

    Have a great week and happy reading!

  2. Awww! Badger is soooo cute!! And I am glad you are back to your home, and that all is as you left it!
    I didn’t have the best experience with A Dark and Drowing Tide, but I hope it would work out for you!!

  3. Badger seemed to like the motel at least! But, over a week? What an ordeal! I’m glad you were able to return to a whole, unaffected house (ash and smoke smell are indeed minor nuisances in the face of what could have happened!). Did they find out what caused the fire in the first place?

    • Tammy

      I’m not sure what caused the fire, it might have been arson. There are two big fires in the area and one was arson for sure. And yep, Badger was a great companion. He just goes with the flow:-)

  4. Tammy, very glad to hear all’s well around the house and you’re back home. Must be a tremendous relief, I know it certainly would be for me. Don’t stress yourself out too much trying to catch up, but that said I look forward to reading each of your posts. Have a great week, and enjoy your extra Badger-time!

  5. I’m glad you’re back home, Tammy! I’ve gotten evacuated so many times, I just keep a go-bag and some personal stuff in a box in my car every summer. But it’s worth it to live right up close to the wild places I hope that book that you had to wait for delivered in a big way!!

    • Tammy

      We’re putting together a go-bin with all things things we forgot. It sounds like it’s just part of life, living in the mountains. The last time the town was evacuated was four years ago.

  6. So glad that you’re all safe and that your home is ok too. I can’t imagine how stressed and worried you and your hubby were while away.

  7. Oh my gosh I definitely missed last week’s Buffy’s Corner and I am so sorry to hear that you were affected by the fires but equally relieved to hear that you’re all safe and that your house and town are okay! Thank goodness for the hard work of the firefighters. Sending you big virtual hugs and one for Badger too, what a handsome pup!

  8. Happy that you’re home safe.
    Badger is just the best – he’s so handsome.
    I feel like I’ve not done as well with my review books this month – I’ve read quite a few books but I don’t think I’ve been totally bowled over with a few of them.
    Lynn 😀

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