I received this book for free from the Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

A MARRIAGE OF UNDEAD INCONVENIENCE by Stephanie Burgis – ReviewA Marriage of Undead Inconvenience by Stephanie Burgis
Published by Five Fathoms Press on August 5th 2024
Genres: Adult, Cozy fantasy
Pages: 62
Format: eARC
Source: Author
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The nitty-gritty: Short and sweet with a touch of (implied) spice, A Marriage of Undead Inconvenience is a gothic fantasy treat.

Stephanie Burgis is back with a short but delightful gothic fantasy romance with a vampire love interest, and as I do with all her books, I enjoyed this immensely!

Margaret Dunhaven has just found herself married (not by choice) to Lord Riven, a vampire, after her aunt and uncle insisted that the family would be ruined if she didn’t. When she and her new husband sit down to talk about their situation, Margaret realizes that Lord Riven was duped as well. Forced into an odd marriage of (in)convenience, Margaret takes charge and the two decide to get to the bottom of what really happened—and of course, to figure a way out. At the center of the mystery is a fabled family heirloom called the Rose of Normandy, a gem with immense powers that could fix their problem.

A Marriage of Undead Inconvenience is barely a novella at less than seventy pages, but Burgis works her magic and gives readers a complete story—a mystery with just a touch of romance. I loved Margaret, a go-getter who refuses to accept anything less than the perfect cup of tea and won’t sit still until she’s unraveled the mystery behind their unfortunate forced marriage. Margaret is a scholar who has been studying the Rose of Normandy for years and is somewhat of an expert on it, so that helps when they realize their situation revolves around this mysterious and valuable gem. 

I also enjoyed learning about the history of the gem throughout the years and how it was responsible for creating an army of werewolves during the Battle of Normandy. Because of that, humans live alongside supernatural creatures, so  the fact that Margaret finds herself married to a vampire isn’t that unusual. But still, the fact that she was blackmailed into marriage is simply terrible, so it’s a good thing she’s determined to set things right.

Burgis adds a few twists to her mystery, and I did love the way the gem storyline is resolved. There’s a cute part about how vampire bites can add spice and excitement to a married couple’s, er, bedroom activities, and despite the couple’s annoyance at being thrown together against their will, Margaret and Lord Riven eventually acknowledge their common ground. I thought they were adorable together, and I wouldn’t mind another story centered around these characters. And although we only get a glimpse of this world, it’s intriguing enough that I’d love to revisit it. Fingers crossed!

Big thanks to Stephanie Burgis for providing a review copy.

Posted July 29, 2024 by Tammy in 4 stars, Reviews / 18 Comments

18 responses to “A MARRIAGE OF UNDEAD INCONVENIENCE by Stephanie Burgis – Review

  1. Vampires AND marriage of convenience? You just made me pre-order this novella! It sounds like just the kind of story that I would enjoy. August 5 needs to hurry up so I can read it! 😀

  2. This sounds like a fun read and I love that it manages to include some history despite its short length. Hopefully the author will revisit the world one day

    • Tammy

      It’s such a rich world, despite how short it is, and I’d love for her to expand on it:-)

  3. Wow, only 62 pages. Makes me wonder if they publish it in print how it will look. Would they use a smaller format to give it more pages or just print it very thin? Very glad to hear you enjoyed it.

    • Tammy

      It’s self published, and I think she’s only publishing it in ebook format, which makes sense for such a short story.

    • Tammy

      I do wish it had been longer, but still, she does a great job with such a short format.

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