Buffy’s Corner 5/26/24 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

It’s Memorial Day weekend here in the U.S., and we have lovely weather, perfect for spending time outside. My hubby and I bought a new tree yesterday, a flowering plum tree. I can’t wait to plant it. And today (I’m writing this on Saturday), I’m getting together with my kids for shopping and lunch. And with an extra day of reading, I’m pretty sure this is going to be an awesome weekend. I hope you all enjoy the weekend too:-)

Upcoming reads & reviews:

I did a zig this week and set aside The Honey Witch to pick up a TBR Jar book, Good Bad Girl, and I loved it! After that I pushed hard to finish The Honey Witch, which unfortunately I didn’t enjoy very much. Now I’m reading A House Like An Accordion, one of my May books I’d love to sneak in this month. After that it’s full blast ahead with June releases, and because Small Town Horror is my number one most anticipated June book, I’m reading it first! Look for reviews of Good Bad Girl and The Honey Witch for sure this week.

Other posts this week:

Wednesday I have three new covers to share on Future Fiction; Friday is the end of May, so I’ll be posting my monthly wrap-up; and Saturday is the first of June {!}, and boy do I have a big plate full of awesome books to share!

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

Quick Fire Fantasy Tag 2024

Cover Reveal: Grimm Curiosities by Sharon Lynn Fisher

A Friend Indeed by Elka Ray – Review 4/5 stars

Future Fiction #280

Nine Upcoming Romantasies to Add to Your TBR

The Silverblood Promise by James Logan – Review 4.5/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 5/19/24

A Carpenter Bee flies in front of a tree.
Carpenter Bee

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted May 26, 2024 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 34 Comments


34 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 5/26/24 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. How lovely to be having some shopping and lunch with your children:)). And the flowering plum sounds lovely – our garden could do with a strimmer and a machete, frankly… Thank you for the fabulous picture of the bee in mid-flight – I’m in awe, I know all too well how difficult they are to photograph! Have a lovely week, Tammy.

  2. Oh my goodness that bee picture is so cool! I’m pretty sure I have a bunch of those on one side of my house. And when we used to stay at Lilley’s Landing in Branson there were always bunches of them hanging out, the wooden decks attracted them I assume! Hope you have a nice extra day of reading. I’m hoping for that too.

  3. I hope you enjoyed your day of shopping with the kids and the extra day to read! Also that carpenter bee is glorious!

  4. Oooo I really love that bee photo! I’ve a soft spot for bugs lol. Enjoy the beautiful weather this holiday weekend! And hopefully I’ll catch your review for THE HONEY WITCH this week…the time difference where I’m vacationing (17 hrs ahead of the east coast) makes it difficult to catch US blogger posts!

  5. I hope you’ve had an enjoyable weekend and have an enjoyable Memorial Day, Tammy. Carpenter bees can be an annoyance for the damage they cause, but they’re so much fun to watch and a fascinating creature. Very nice work by Moses capturing one in flight.

    • Tammy

      Thank you Todd! We have a hive of Carpenter Bees near the street outside our house, they’ve taken up residence in a telephone pole:-)

  6. I hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend! Sounds like it was a nice one. πŸ™‚ I love that cover for A House Like an Accordion more every time I see it, haha. I hope you have a great week, I’m looking forward to your reviews this week!

  7. I hope you had a lovely weekend.
    Love the carpenter bee – what a fantastic pic.
    Hope your reading is going well, I’m just starting the Malfi book.
    Lynn πŸ˜€

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