Quick Fire Fantasy Tag @WyrdandWonder 2024

Artwork by Elena Zakharchuk

I’m back for another round of the Quick Fire Fantasy Tag, updated with fantasy books I’ve read since W&W 2023. This tag was originally created by The Bookworm Dreamer, and it’s a quick fun tag. Join in if you’d like!

5 Star Book:

Both of these books made my Top 5 Books of 2023, so of course I’ll use any excuse to talk about them again! Dreambound by Dan Frey is a story about a father looking for his lost daughter, and it’s an unforgettable story.

Likewise, The Ghosts of Beatrice Bird by Louisa Morgan is a story of friendships and ghosts, and like everything Morgan writes, reading it will give you a warm tingly feeling.

Always going to Recommend:

The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett is one of the author’s most accessible books. It’s a fantasy murder mystery with an emphasis on “mystery.” Lots of fun and the start of a series too!

Own it but haven’t read it yet:

I preordered The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo, but a heavy review TBR has prevented me from getting to it yet. Hopefully I can read it this year:-)

Would read again:

I just recently reviewed The Silverblood Promise by James Logan, and already I’m dying to revisit these characters and this world.

In another world:

A Letter to the Luminous Deep by Sylvie Cathrall is one of the most magical, imaginative worlds I visited recently. It’s worth reading for many reasons, but the worldbuilding is wonderful.

Back on Earth:

There were a few books that could have fit in this prompt, but I decided to pick The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden, set in a very gritty, realistic WWI setting, because I’m still thinking about it longer after reading it.

Have you read any of these books? Let me know if you do this tag too so I can visit!

Posted May 25, 2024 by Tammy in Book tags / 27 Comments


27 responses to “Quick Fire Fantasy Tag @WyrdandWonder 2024

  1. TNT

    I read and thoroughly enjoyed A Letter to the Luminous Deep, which you made me aware of, so thank you very much for the recommendation. The others I have not read, but The Tainted Cup looks interesting.

  2. There are a number of the above I haven’t read – but I completely echo your comments regarding The Tainted Cup and A Letter to the Luminous Deep:)). Thank you for sharing.

  3. I remember you raving about DREAMBOUND! I have THE FAMILIAR on my list and actually got about 50 pages in or so. But I put it aside to tackle a bunch of ARCs before I went on vacation. But I do plan to finish it this year.

  4. I’ve not read any of these yet, but the two highest on my list are The Tainted Cup and The Silverblood Promise.

  5. I’m really curious about Tainted Cup and Silverblood Promise so hopefully I’ll get a chance to check them out sometime. I’m also definitely ordering Warm Hands Of Ghosts into the library sometime this year. I hope you get a chance to check out The Familiar soon too. It’s still my favourite read so far this year.

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