Buffy’s Corner 4/21/24 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

It was a pretty good week, and the weather is finally warm and lovely here! I finished installing my new bookcases, so now I can continue my book cataloging project, which stalled for a while while I figured out how to utilize the weird angles in this bedroom. These are IKEA Billy bookcases and they’re almost a perfect fit! Have a good week, everyone:-)

Upcoming reads & reviews:

I had a rough reading week. I started a couple of books and just didn’t click with them, so I set them aside (Indian Burial Ground and A Letter to the Luminous Deep, although I’m going to give them another shot). I finally grabbed First Light and I’m so glad I did, it was really good. Extremely dark and depressing, but I loved it. This week I’m not sure what I’ll read, but a few possibilities are the rest of my April review books: Bless Your Hearth, Someone You Can Build a Nest In and Immortal Pleasures. Let me know which one I should pick up!

Other posts this week:

On Tuesday I’ve got a new list, this time I’m sharing some upcoming releases that DON’T have covers yet, it should be a fun post! Wednesday is Future Fiction and three new cover reveals; and right now that’s all I have planned.

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

Over-Booked [193]

The Devil and Mrs. Davenport by Paulette Kennedy – Review 4/5 stars

Future Fiction #275

2024 Reading Challenges – First Quarter Update

Ghost Station by S.A. Barnes – Review 4.5/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 4/14/24

A raven sits in a field.
Raven song.

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted April 21, 2024 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 37 Comments

37 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 4/21/24 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. Great use of those shelves. They really do fit well on those walls. If I were to pick one of the three books you’re considering reading next it would likely be Someone You Can Build a Nest In just because of that title. And Tuesday’s list sounds like it ought to be a VISUALLY stunning post! 😉 Have a great week. And let’s all stop for a bit and sing along to the raven song.

  2. Yay for new bookcases! That’s a weird angle indeed! And the title of the picture made me smile as I just finsihed listening to Ravensong by TJ Klune today! Talk about fate Tammy…

  3. Those shelves look fantastic! And what odd angles you’re fighting – but once you’ve got them filled with books, they’ll look wonderful:)). As for not knowing what to read next – that’s tends to be me allll the time, these days. I’m finally getting around to a Netgalley arc from the beginning December! And thank you for the lovely pic of the raven:)). Have a great week, Tammy.

    • Tammy

      I love that! They really are the best for the money, sturdy and they blend in just like they should:-)

  4. Love your new bookshelves! I think the Billy might have a corner shelf that I’d like to get to put in where I have just an open space between two shelves. Looks like some good books you have as choices to read this week, but I will just wait and see which you pick! Glad First Light was able to grab you when the others were not working. Have a great week!

  5. Academy for liars looks interesting i have to check that one out. My hubby built me a bookcase that in our dinning room, then i have a book cart in the living room that suppoused to hold what i currently want to read. Then i have two more shelves and a cart upstairs in our master bedroom. Of course that not mentioning the 3 tubs of books in a corner but i like a squirrel i make it fit.

  6. Too bad you’re not in L.A. I’m getting rid of my four Billy bookcases, free to whoever will come get them. Yours look GREAT with those angles! Can’t wait to see them filled up!

  7. Sooo jealous of your new shelves!! We’re actually going to do a home renovation too (so yay new shelves!), but it’s definitely going to take a while (maybe a year or two!). Anyway, so excited for you to fill your shelves up!! <3

    • Tammy

      Thank you! I’m using an app called Bookshelf. You can scan barcodes or even just type and search. It’s working really well so far.

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