2024 Reading Challenges – First Quarter Update

It’s time for my first check-in of the year, to see how my reading challenges are going. As you’ll see below, I’m doing well with some and not as well with others, but hey, I have many more months to catch up. You can refer to my original challenge post at this link for more details. Here is how my challenges currently stand:

1. 2024 Goodreads goal:

My actual goal for the year is 100 books, but I like to set it lower so I can pat myself on the back when I’m “ahead.” Six books ahead right now means I’m on track to hit my real goal!

2. Bookforager’s Picture Prompt Bingo:

This is always the trickiest challenge of the year, but also the most fun. I’m not doing too badly, and I have some upcoming books that will work for a bunch of these. Hopefully my next check-in will show some improvement. Here is the list of prompts (from left to right), and I’ll be adding book titles as I fulfill them:

A healed shoe decorated with a bow =

A microscope =

A partially unrolled scroll and pen =

A land snail =

An old Roman coin =

A fern plant = The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett (ferns are an integral part of the setting)

A simple crown = The Serpent & the Wings of Night by Carissa Broadbent (“Crown” in the series title)

An armillary sphere =

A seashell = Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt (ocean setting)

A cannon on a gun carriage = The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden (set during WWI)

A harp =

Two hands making a shadow puppet dog =

An old camera and tripod =

A dog (a very good doggo) =

A beehive =

Fluffy cumulonimbus clouds = Calypso by Oliver K. Langmead (clouds play a part in terraforming a new planet)

3. TBR Jar Challenge:

So, I’m not doing too well with this challenge. After a strong start, I wasn’t able to read a TBR Jar book in March or (so far) April. I realized after I chose these books that they are all chonkers, so next year (yes, I’ll definitely do this again!) I’ll be sure to select a better balance of book lengths. I’m hoping as the year goes on, I’ll be able to squeeze in the rest.

4. Alphabet Reading Challenge:

I’m halfway through this challenge, so I feel pretty good about it! Although a lot of the letters left are going to be tough to find. Still, I have a good shot at finishing this up, provided I can come up with something for X and Z.

How are you doing with your 2024 reading goals so far?

Posted April 16, 2024 by Tammy in Reading Challenges / 36 Comments


36 responses to “2024 Reading Challenges – First Quarter Update

  1. Just checked and, not unexpectedly, I’m currently 4 books behind schedule. I like those alphabet challenges, but yeah, X and Z… not easy. 🙂

  2. I’m still on track—which is amazing as I’ve spent the last month and a half NOT reading. Congratulations on yours! I have faith in your ability to hit 100!

    Also, if I EVER manage to write a book, remind me to name it something beginning with “X”. I feel like that would help so much lol

    • Tammy

      LOL Yes please write a book starting with X, I feel people would read it just for challenges like this:-)

  3. These challenges other than Goodreads are more challenging with some thought and planning necessary. You are doing well. Good luck with the chonkers! I didn’t think the Alice Feeney one was too long. I really enjoyed Iron Flame and Ninth House but Iron Flame for sure is long.

    • Tammy

      Yes, they do take some thought. Yep, some of my TBR Jar books are over 600 pages, sort of long for me, lol.

  4. You’re doing so well 😀
    I’m hoping to have read about 42/43 books by the end of April so providing things stay on track I’m set to meet my yearly 100 quota – which I totally failed with last year.
    I’m also on track with the picture prompt bingo so fingers crossed.
    Lynn 😀

  5. I love the Bookforager bingo challenge! I hope you enjoy Iron Flame when you get around to reading it, I literally just finished it in the early hours of the morning!

  6. Ooh well done with your challenges so far, you’re doing wonderfully. I haven’t set my Goodreads target yet (I dont want it telling me I’m behind schedule ) so I totally get putting it lower than you hope to achieve.

    I’m with you on the TBR thing too. I’m meant to be prioritising mine but I only finally joined Netgalley earlier this year so I’ve fallen into the excitement of ARCs atm instead (that and I want to get my number of books up on there a bit so that my Feedback Ratio doesn’t drop so dramatically with every acceptance). Hopefully we’ll both manage to tackle some of our TBR.

    Good luck finding an X and Z book for your alphabet challenge.

  7. So, you and I both still need to read IRON FLAME! I admit the hype when it came out kind of ruined my eagerness to read it. But it’s absolutely on my list to read this year. Good job being ahead of your reading goal!

  8. Aww sorry about the TBR Jar challenge. Just do as best you can. It’s supposed to be fun, no stress. You’re doing great with the challenges overall though.

    • Tammy

      Yes good choice. I’ve done that for the past two years and it’s so much better to be “ahead.”

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