February 2024 Reading Wrap-Up

February was a month of ups and downs for me in the reading department. I read some excellent books and had some disappointments as well. I succeeded in crossing a TBR Jar book off my list (Baby Teeth) and read and reviewed seven other books as well. Here are the books I read this month, and you can click on the titles if you missed my reviews:

The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden

The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett

The Bad Ones by Melissa Albert

The Butcher of the Forest by Premee Mohamed

Baby Teeth by Zoje Stage

The Frame-Up by Gwenda Bond

What Feasts At Night by T. Kingfisher

An Education In Malice by S.T. Gibson

What was your favorite book of the month?

Posted February 29, 2024 by Tammy in Monthly Wrap UP / 27 Comments


27 responses to “February 2024 Reading Wrap-Up

  1. I’m sorry to see that An Education In Malice was such a disappoint. It’s so exciting to see all those 4.5 ratings though. I’m particularly excited by Bad Ones & Warm Hand Of Ghosts but all four are on my tbr. Hopefully March will bring even more wonderful books your way.

  2. Overall it looks like it was a good month for you with more on the upper end of the scale than the lower. My favorite read wasn’t a speculative one or a recent book, but a classic: To Kill a Mockingbird. It might be one of the best books I’ve ever read.

  3. Eek! The Butcher of the Forest was a DNF for me, and An Education In Malice is one I’ve been looking forward to. Hopefully we’ll be of opposite opinions on both. 🙂

  4. I really hope my library gets a copy of THE BUTCHER OF THE FOREST because I’d definitely read that! Sometimes I just like a novella as a palate cleanser. Sorry to see you didn’t really enjoy WHAT FEASTS THE NIGHT! You know, I listened to the audiobook last month. And while I liked it, I’m not sure I liked it enough to want to pick up the sequel. It wasn’t really disturbing enough for me, if that makes sense, lol
    Celeste | A Literary Escape recently posted…Monthly Book Blog Wrap-Up: February 2024My Profile

  5. I finished The Tainted Cop last night and it was awesome! Exactly what I needed. Hoping to get pick up the new Katherine Arden soon too but it sounds thematically heavy so I’ll wait a little for the right mood.

  6. That’s a good-looking set of books and I’m glad to see so many so highly rated. I’m curious about the Arden book and will probably grab a copy from my local library once they get it.

  7. We read a lot of the same books! And I see a few I still need to get to, haha. Those months where it’s a mix of good and not so great can be a little annoying sometimes, haha. I still need to read AN education in Malice, but I think a lot of the reviews I’ve been seeing have really been putting me off of it and now I keep procrastinating on it, haha. I hope March is full of great books!
    Jordan @ Forever Lost in Literature recently posted…Month in Review: February 2024My Profile

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