2024 Reading Challenges

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday prompt is Bookish Goals for 2024, and I’m linking up with Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Check out upcoming Top Ten themes on Jana’s blog!

January is the perfect time to set goals for the year, and I was very happy that last year I was able to successfully stick to most of my reading goals. This year I’m cutting back a little, and the reading challenges I’ve chosen are either fun or easy (or both!) so as not to put too much pressure on myself.  Here are the reading challenges I hope to complete:

1. 2024 Goodreads goal:

I’m doing the same goal as last year, starting off with 75 books and hopefully increasing that later. I managed to read 101 books in 2023, so I’m aiming for at least 100 this year.

2. Bookforager’s Picture Prompt Bingo:

This is the definition of “challenge,” lol. I wasn’t going to do this again, but I can’t resist the different images and what books they might represent. Plus, Mayri lets readers interpret these pictures in whatever way they want. If you’d like to learn more about the challenge, check out this post and join in the fun!

3. TBR Jar Challenge:

I’m determined to read backlist/owned books this year (I try every year and fail), which brought me to deciding to try the TBR jar. This is a mix of purchases and overdue review books, and I’m randomly choosing one each month. January’s choice is Remarkably Bright Creatures, which I haven’t started yet, but it might be next on the list. Wish me luck!

4. Alphabet Reading Challenge:

I also saw this challenge on Mayri’s blog and couldn’t resist. This is a low-key challenge that shouldn’t be too hard, although I’m sure certain letters will be harder to find. I got the template on Instagram here, so join in if this looks like fun to you too!

And there you have it! Let me know if you are doing any of these challenges, or if you found some good ones I didn’t mention!

Posted January 16, 2024 by Tammy in Reading Challenges / 50 Comments


50 responses to “2024 Reading Challenges

  1. Good luck with your challenges.
    I’m doing the Alphabet one after seeing it on Mayri’s blog too! Hope we both manage to finish it, although no idea about ‘X’ at present. 😀

  2. The only official challenge I currently plan on starting is the Goodreads one, and I’ll have to check whether I’ve already done that or still need to. I like your determination to read backlist/owned books, that’s something I’d like to do more of, as well. Good luck with them all, and most importantly, have fun!

  3. Have fun with your challenges!
    Besides Goodreads, I have only Agatha Christie’s short stories, and otherwise some more reading events, like Japanese Literature in January-February, and a few other things along the year.
    BUT, I want to try new thing this year: letting myself be drawn from one book to another one.
    For instance, Among Others by Jo Walton refers to tons of other books, and for instance to Babel-17 that was on my TBR. So I started reading it yesterday night, and so loving it.
    Now it will be interesting to see where I go from there!
    A student is not showing up, so I may actually prepare a post for TTT!
    Emma @ Words And Peace recently posted…Book review: Continuum French Science Fiction Short StoriesMy Profile

  4. These sound fun and not too much pressure. I pretty much just do COYER (which is HUGE with lots of options) and Library Love and Thrifty Thursday which I host. I host the Read-along and different memes to help me read my books.

  5. I don’t do challenges anymore aside from the Goodreads Reading Challenge but all of these look like so much fun. I especially like the Picture Prompt Bingo. Good luck with them all! 😀

    • Tammy

      Thanks Stephanie! Challenges seem like fun in January, let’s see how they feel later in the year, lol.

  6. I’m doing the Goodreads challenge, but that’s about it. I can barely keep up with everything I want to read as is1 The TBR jar is a great idea, and one I might try in the second half of this year, once I get through my pending ARCs and feel like I have more time for random reading. Good luck!

  7. Good luck and have fun. I just recently saw a review on Booktube of Remarkably Bright Creatures which made me hop over to Hoopla and grab it. I just don’t know when I’ll have time for it though. Hope it’s a good one. I’m bad at using a jar, I tried it once, but am trying to grab something from my shelves each month.

    • Tammy

      I’m not using an actual jar, I’ve just got a list and I’ll probably do a random number generator each month. I’m about halfway through Remarkably Bright Creatures and it’s really different than I expected, but I love it!

  8. If you need any ideas for the harder letters in the Alphabet challenge let me know! I’ve done this for a few years and have found a few good fits for each (yes, even X!). You can also check out the StoryGraph challenge where people add books that fit for ideas!

    Also I’ve seen “picture” prompt challenges in a few people’s TTTs for the first time and I like the sound of this one where it allows some interpretation… might be joining you on this one! 🙂

    Jennifer @ My Book Joy recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Books I’m DEFINITELY going to read this year!!!My Profile

  9. I’m hoping to get back to 100 books this year. I’m also doing the picture prompt and now you’re posted here I like the look of the A-Z.
    Good luck.
    Lynn 😀

  10. My goal is the TBR to get read this year too! I fail every year it seems too. But I am going to do my best this year! I’ve got to get better about taking on review tour books too from authors I haven’t read. Good luck with your challenges! I like the ABC one. I am intrigued enough to see if I could do that one.
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