Buffy’s Corner 11/12/23 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

I’ve been having issues with my blog going down randomly, and haven’t been getting any help from Bluehost. I decided to try deactivating Comment Luv and that might have fixed the issue. I’m not that happy with the default WordPress comment box, though, and I’m just wondering if anyone is having issues leaving comments. Comments are pretty important to me, so if visitors are having issues, I need to come up with something else. Anyway, if you’ve tried to leave a comment on my blog and couldn’t, I’d love to know!

Now for something fun: we got our DNA results for Badger back and here’s what our crazy dog is:

We thought he would have more Belgian Malinois (he has only 5%) because of his color, but I do like these results. Let me know if you’ve ever done a DNA test on your dog!

Upcoming reads & reviews:

This week look for reviews of Earth Retrograde and Good Girls Don’t Die. I’ve just started The Star and the Strange Moon, and after that it’s back to science fiction with Calamity.

Other posts this week:

On Tuesday, I’m doing a book tag for SciFiMonth, the Intergalactic Book Tag; Wednesday I have two awesome SF cover reveals (plus one more) on Future Fiction; and the Friday Fives prompt for SciFiMonth is “I gotta get one of those,” where we find books with cool futuristic tech.

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

Friday Fives – Upgrade Me

Future Fiction #252

21 Adult Science Fiction Books to Read in 2024

The Paleontologist by Luke Dumas – Review 3.5/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 11/5/23

Badger watching the sunrise from the porch.
Badger and sunrise.

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted November 12, 2023 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 30 Comments


30 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 11/12/23 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. No matter his ancestry, Badger is both handsome and cute and that’s what matters πŸ™‚

    As for the comments trouble, I’ve noticed that on some of the blogs I follow I have now to insert mail address, name and the address of my blog before I can post (something that was a default feature on your blog but not on others I follow), so I wonder if this new “addition” to the WP features is the one generating conflict on your own. But I’m as far from an expert as one can get…
    Maddalena@spaceandsorcery recently posted…THE MARTIAN CHRONICLES, by Ray Bradbury #SciFiMonthMy Profile

    • Tammy

      Thank you Maddalena:-) I’m also not an expert at all on the technical side of things. I just expect everything to work, but I guess that’s a naive way to think, lol.

    • Tammy

      Your comment worked, yay:-) Ha ha I know, some of these Badger photos make him look like a thug, lol. He’s really quite sweet looking in person.

  2. Interesting DNA mix. This the first time I’d heard of doing DNA tests on pets, though it should have already occurred to me. πŸ™‚

    And like Maddalena, I’ve noticed differences in how many WP blogs handle comments in the past few weeks and I’ve had to re-login to WP for each and every comment, something I didn’t used to have to do. But so far I don’t recall seeing those sorts of issues/changes on yours. Will let you know if I do run into anything strange.

    • Tammy

      Thanks Todd! Yes, WP has really changed a lot over the past few weeks. I’m still not sure how I feel about the new comment/default box, but I’m still playing around with options so we’ll see:-)

  3. I think that Argyle’s breeder did DNA tests on the dogs, but otherwise I haven’t. Although I’d be interested to see if my Dora is part chihuahua, some things about her make me think that. I use what comes with my wordpress or maybe the hosting? Don’t know. I’ve not had any trouble that I’ve noticed with commenting on your blog. Other than at work when your blog is blocked by our stupid controls so I can only comment at home. Also, perfect picture of Badger at the end there!
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #143 – November 12th, 2023My Profile

  4. I don’t think I have had issues commenting but have with the CommentLUV . Lots of blogs have had changes in their comment section lately. I see the ACD in him. We tested Lulu. They told us terrier mix at the rescue and she has NO terrier. She is half Chihuahua, 19% Dachshund, 12% poodle, 5% shitzu and 5% cocker spaniel. I can see the chihuahua once I got the results and some of the other also in characteristics.
    Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…Series on Saturday: Security Groups @SuzBrockmann @kayleacross @JanieCrouch @BennettBooks @PJFialaAuthor #PamelaClare #SeriesonSaturdayMy Profile

    • Tammy

      The DNA tests are so interesting. I remember our rescue dachshund Otis had poodle, and we were shocked!

  5. You have my sympathy regarding the technical woes on your blog. I know only too well how miserable it is when you’re trying to get stuff sorted out. For what it’s worth, I’ve never had any difficulty commenting and as blogs go – I think yours is one of the easier ones to negotiate:)). Fascinating to find the badger’s mix. And I’m really looking forward to reading your thoughts on Earth Retrograde! Have a great week, Tammy.

    • Tammy

      Thank you for your input, Sarah! My review is up for Earth Retrograde. I think we share many of the same thoughts:-)

  6. I haven’t had any issues with using CommentLuv on your blog. However, this past week I’ve had issues with leaving comments in general. I’m wondering if it has to do with the 2 most recent WP updates. The first one resulted in me (and others) not being able to like or comment on a lot of WP blogs from the WP Reader feed stream. Then there was another update which fixed that issue. Only now I can’t comment directly on people’s blogs if they use the default WP comment box; this seems to be limited to my Chrome browser since when I open the Microsoft Edge browser the “post” button on the comments isn’t greyed out. WP is definitely messing with something and it’s causing issues. For what it’s worth, I use wpDiscuz for comments and haven’t noticed anything odd–or, at least, this time around no one has told me they can’t comment. (However, I do know people can’t comment on my blog within the WP Reader feed…my hunch is it’s because I’m a self-hosted WP blog and don’t use WP[dot]com’s platform. That or the theme I use for whatever reason isn’t coded to allow comments from WP Reader.)
    Celeste | A Literary Escape recently posted…A-Z Book TagMy Profile

    • Tammy

      You would think WP could make it easier all around to comment, it’s so weird all the recent changes I’ve seen. I also have a self hosted blog but I rarely use the reader to blog hop (I like to get email notifications). I may try out Discuz at some point!

      • For whatever reason I can comment on your blog within the WP reader ecosystem. I wonder why I can do that with some self-hosted WP blogs and not others. I haven’t found a definitive answer yet…the most reasonable explanation I’ve come across is perhaps it has something to do with the coding on the theme. I wish I knew so that I could fix it for my blog and make it easier for others to comment via WP reader…it seems like a lot of people use that to catch up on their blog subs.

  7. I’ve found issues leaving comments on yours and some others’ blogs for the past year or so (as in I can’t), but so long as I leave them while in the reader they actually deign to show up. That’s normally how I leave all my comments now, but I’ve been… in and out a bunch this year because of personal things, so I haven’t noticed any trend. Although lately your avatar has been glitching in and out. Dunno if it’s related though.

    Don’t suppose you’ve ever DNA tested yourself? I’ve never had one for my dog, but my me has had one or two!

    • Tammy

      LOL now you’ve got me wondering what my DNA test would say, lol. I guess the comment thing isn’t just me, I’ve noticed other people have various issues. Oh well, hopefully things will sort themselves out…

    • Tammy

      Thank you! The dog DNA testing is so interesting, it’s hard to resist, especially when you have a rescue/mutt:-)

  8. I do seem to be having trouble posting comments on a number of blogs just recently. Even answering comments on my own blog!
    Badger is gorgeous. He gets more striking every week and I can see the Australian cattle dog link – with those ears (aothough German Shepherd dogs also have similar ears).
    Lynn πŸ˜€

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