Most Anticipated Books of 2023 – Fourth Quarter

It’s the last quarter of the year, can you believe it? And so here we are, taking a look at my most anticipated books of October, November and December. October and November are crammed with new releases that I want to read, but as usual, December is very light, so this year I’ve decided to only highlight three books for that month. You can read the full Goodreads description by clicking on the titles, and keep reading to see how I did last quarter!

October 2023 Most Anticipated:

Easily my most anticipated book of October is Starling House by Alix E. Harrow. I may be finished with it when this post goes live, and so far I’m entranced by Harrow’s writing and her eerie, gothic story.

I’m a big R.W.W. Greene fan, and Earth Retrograde will be my third book of his. It’s the sequel to Mercury Rising, and I can’t wait to dive back into Rob’s unique retro sci-fi world.

Edenville by Sam Rebelein is a horror debut that’s getting lots of good reviews so far. The tagline “for fans of Stephen Graham Jones” makes me even more excited:-)

It’s a rather horror heavy month, which makes sense because it’s October, and Nestlings by Nat Cassidy is another horror novel I can’t wait to start!

I first heard about Luke Dumas last year when his book A History of Fear was getting a lot of attention. I haven’t read it yet, but I’m definitely going to read The Paleontologist.

November 2023 Most Anticipated:

Who else is excited for Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros? As soon as my preorder arrives, I hope to dive right in!

Redhook is on fire in November with two new releases from two of my favorite female authors. First, The Star and the Strange Moon by Constance Sayers, whose books never let me down.

Also from Redhook, The Ghosts of Beatrice Bird by Louisa Morgan. I think I’ve read every one of Louisa’s books, they are simply wonderful. I have no doubt her latest will be too.

Calamity by Constance Fay is from Tor’s new Bramble line, which focuses on speculative fiction romance. This is a sci-fi romance that could be a lot of fun!

Finally in November, I’m excited to read Christina Henry’s new book, Good Girls Don’t Die. I always love to see what Henry does with each new book, and this appears to be a bit different.

December 2023 Most Anticipated:

I’ve been a fan of Sharon Lynn Fisher for years, so I always look forward to her new books. Salt & Broom is a “witchy retelling of Jane Eyre,” and I am intrigued!

Where the Dead Wait by Ally Wilkes has the words “polar” “gothic” and “Victorian” in the description. I’m dying to know how the author puts these all together:-)

And last but not least, Her Second Chance Shifter by L. MacNaughton is described as “a fun, fast-paced, clean paranormal fantasy adventure.” Wow!

Third Quarter Results:

This is the best I’ve done all year, I think! I read thirteen out of fifteen books, and the two I didn’t read I hope to get to by the end of the year.

What are your most anticipated books of the quarter? Do we have any in common?

Posted October 3, 2023 by Tammy in Most Anticipated Books of the Quarter / 36 Comments

36 responses to “Most Anticipated Books of 2023 – Fourth Quarter

  1. I can’t wait for Starling House (glad you’re loving it so far) as I’ve adored both of the authors books that I’ve read. I still need to read Fourth Wing but I hope you love the sequel. Also well done for reading so many of your anticipated books last quarter. I hope they lived up to your expectations

    • Tammy

      Thanks Charlotte:-) I really loved Starling House, it was completely different from what I expected.

  2. I’ve just nicked across and bought myself a copy of Mercury Rising and requested Earth Retrograde. I’m not quite sure how I missed seeing MR – but I’m aware I have had times when days have passed when I haven’t gone near my computer – so I’m guessing that was the case. Thank you for sharing! I also love the look of Salt and Broom – and of course… the Rebecca Yarros books. After THAT cliff-hanger, I can’t wait!!!.

    • Tammy

      I wish the publisher would push R.W.W. Greene’s books more. They tend to push only certain books and there are some good ones that get left out. He deserves a wider audience:-)

    • Tammy

      No one is really talking about the Sayers or the Morgan books, so I need to yell louder, I guess. LOL

  3. Well, we don’t share a whole lot after October, but that’s not terrible! You’ll let me know if I need to read any of those should you love them;)

    • Tammy

      Thanks Barb! I don’t really look at my list during the quarter, so it’s always a surprise when I sit down and see which ones I’ve read.

  4. Your good at getting to your anticipated books! I tend to make the fun list and then read everything but them. UGH. I am curious about Starling House, that authors other books have never intrigued me but this one sounds cool.

    • Tammy

      Urgh, I think Bluehost was having issues on Monday, it was so frustrating. Even when I contacted them they couldn’t tell me anything. It might be time to switch to a different host.

  5. Of all these, Starling House would also be my most anticipated. Can’t wait to hear what you thought of it. Very nice job getting through 13 of 15 so far!

  6. Looks like we do have different books for December! That’s definitely a lighter month for me so I look forward to it being my catch up month. And I might get to Iron Flame if I have time. I feel like the only one not super excited for it lol.

  7. Great job on reading 13 out of your 15 books 😀
    Can’t wait for your thoughts on Starling House as I’ve enjoyed all I’ve read by Alix E. Harrow so far.

  8. Nicci

    Congrats on your successful reading schedule. I’m patiently waiting for Iron Flame. I checked my library for Starling House. Because, yes, I’m slowly dipping into horror stories. The library has one copy and 100 people on the hold list. Geez. You would think they would purchase more copies.

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