Future Fiction #241 – Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

Welcome to Future Fiction, my reimagining of the Waiting on Wednesday meme! There are so many amazing new books coming out, that I can no longer pick just one. My goal with Future Fiction is to share at least three new books each week, a combination of recent cover reveals and books that I’ve recently added to my TBR pile. I’m still going to be linking up with Wishful Endings/Can’t Wait Wednesday, and I also want to give a shout out to Jill at Breaking the Spine for starting the original Waiting on Wednesday meme. I hope you’ll find some new books to add to your TBR piles, and as always, I look forward to hearing what YOU’RE looking forward to:-D

It must be cover reveal season, because it’s so hard to choose only three books!

The Honey Witch of Innisfree can never find true love. That is her curse to bear. But when a skeptic who doesn’t believe in magic arrives on her island, sparks fly in this deliciously sweet debut novel of magic, hope, and love overcoming all.

Twenty-one-year-old Marigold Claude has always preferred the company of the spirits of the meadow to any of the suitors who’ve tried to woo her. So, when her grandmother whisks her away to her cottage on the tiny Isle of Innisfree with an offer to train her as the next Honey Witch, she accepts immediately. But her newfound magic and independence comes with a price: no one can fall in love with the Honey Witch.

When Lottie Burke, a notoriously grumpy skeptic who doesn’t believe in magic, shows up on her doorstep, Marigold can’t resist the challenge to prove to her that magic is real. But soon, Marigold begins to care for Lottie in ways she never expected. And, when darker magic awakens and threatens to destroy her home, she must fight for much more than her new home—at the risk of losing her magic and her heart.

The Honey Witch by Sydney J. Shields. Releases in May 2024 from Redhook. This sounds like a sweet fantasy with a little romance, and I am totally in love with this cover! I can’t believe how far away May seems right now…

A stranger has infiltrated your family…and now he’s taking over. Paul’s just here to help, or so he claims—sent by a charity for vulnerable people to do odd jobs for elderly widow Gwen. But for Gwen’s daughter Connie, there’s just something about Paul that rings alarm bells from day one. He’s a little too kind, a little too involved…Worse still, Gwen seems to have fallen under his spell. The last thing Connie wants is a stranger meddling in the safe routine she’s built around Gwen. She loves being the one Gwen turns to for cooking, cleaning and company. But the more Paul visits, the more Gwen is relying on him. By the time he conveniently finds himself between homes and has no choice but to move in, Connie is certain he’s trying to push her out completely. It’s her word against his, though, and as her attempts to unmask him become ever more desperate she’s not the only one left wondering if she’s lost her grip on reality. But when events start spiraling rapidly out of her control, should Connie wage all-out war on Paul and risk losing Gwen forever—or has that been his plan all along?

The Stranger In Her House by John Marrs. Releases in February 2024 from Thomas & Mercer. I’m a big John Marrs fan, so I was thrilled to stumble across a new book of his. This sounds a little more down to earth than his usual books, but I’m excited!

This cozy debut science fiction novel tells a story of misfits, rebels, found family—and a mystery that spans the stars

Welcome to the Grand Abeona home of the finest food, the sweetest service, and the very best views the galaxy has to offer. All year round it moves from planet to planet, system to system, pampering guests across the furthest reaches of the milky way. The last word in sub-orbital luxury—and an absolute magnet for intrigue. Intrigues such Why are there love poems in the lobby inbox? How many Imperial spies are currently on board? What is the true purpose of the Problem Solver’s conference? And perhaps most pertinently— who is driving the ship?

Each guest has a secret, every member of staff a universe unto themselves. At the center of these interweaving lives and interlocking mysteries stands Carl, one time stowaway, longtime manager, devoted caretaker to the hotel. It’s the love of his life and the only place he’s ever called home. But as forces beyond Carl’s comprehension converge on the Abeona, he has to face one final when is it time to let go?

Floating Hotel by Grace Curtis. Releases in March 2024 from DAW Books. A cozy science fiction mystery revolving around a mobile space hotel? This sounds pretty amazing, and I love this cover.

What do you think of this week’s Future Fiction picks? Let me know in the comments!

Posted August 23, 2023 by Tammy in Future Fiction / 23 Comments


23 responses to “Future Fiction #241 – Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

  1. Dang Grace Curtis’s sounds good, but uhhh I haven’t even read Frontier yet. In fact, did I even get a copy of that? Lol I can’t even remember anymore, outstanding

    • Tammy

      I’ve heard so many great things about Frontier, and until now I didn’t realize it was the same author. I might have a NetGalley copy of it that I never got to…

  2. Ok so you might have sold me on all three this week. I love the cover of Honey Witch, although with the second line being “her curse to bear” I was waiting for a Winnie-the-Pooh reference I can’t believe I haven’t read a John Marrs book yet and finally, a cozy sci-fi??? You’re definitely gonna single-handedly kill my TBR.

  3. The Honey Witch sounds like such a cute and cozy story. The cover takes my breath away!

    The Stranger In Her House sounds pretty scary. Not scary in a bloody or gory way but more in a subtle way, you know? Just gives me chills thinking about it!

    Floating Hotel also sounds like a good one. I always love a story about misfits, rebels and found family. Never gets old!

    • Tammy

      I agree, misfits and found family stories are some of my favorites. Fingers crossed all of these will be good!

    • Tammy

      Goodreads definitely needs work in a lot of areas, lol. And yes, super excited to see what John Marrs will do with this. I missed his last book, for some reason.

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