Over-Booked [175] – A Book Haul Post

Welcome to Over-Booked, where I share my latest and greatest book acquisitions! There is a new blog hosting Stacking the Shelves, so do check out Reading Reality for more information!

It seems there’s no end to amazing sounding books, so of course I needed a bunch of them. Here’s my latest book haul:

Books in the mail for review:

I’ve had The Deep Sky by Yume Kitasei on my TBR for months, so I was thrilled to be offered a review copy. This comes out in July, so look for a review later in the summer. Big thanks to Flatiron Books for the review copy:-)

Huge thanks to Orbit for this lovely copy of Gods of the Wyrdwood by R.J. Barker. I’m trying to start this in May since it’s pretty long, but no matter the length, I cannot wait to see how Barker follows up his amazing Tide Child series.

I just happened to see an Instagram post from Christa Carmen offering ARCs of her upcoming The Daughters of Block Island, and I couldn’t resist requesting a copy. She kindly sent one to me, and I’m very excited to start this gothic horror novel. Thank you Christa!

Zen and the Art of Starship Maintenance by Tobias S. Buckell was a surprise from Apex Books. I’ve never read Buckell before, which surprises me, but I’m looking forward to diving into these short stories. Big thanks to Apex:-D

The last three books are courtesy of the amazing Tor team, thanks Tor! I love horror westerns and don’t read enough of them, so I am very excited to check out Red Rabbit by Alex Grecian.

I also received a beautiful finished hardcover of The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw, which I loved.

Last but not least, I’m excited to dive into Fractal Noise by Christopher Paolini. This is a prequel to To Sleep in a Sea of Stars, which I haven’t read yet and so I feel comfortable taking this on.

Digital books for review:

Aaaahhhh this is such a great bunch of books!

Black River Orchard by Chuck Wendig was hiding in the “General Fiction” section on NetGalley, so I didn’t even realize it was up there (I’ll never understand why some publishers misfile their books and make them harder to find). This is horror, baby! I cannot wait to read it.

I was finally approved for Edenville by Sam Rebelein, my request was hanging out there for a while. This is another horror title that’s getting some good early buzz, and I believe this is also a debut.

Whalefall by Daniel Kraus. I’ve been seeing a bunch of rave reviews for this book, so I just had to grab it from NetGalley.

Last month I read Ai Jiang’s Linghun and loved it. Ai was kind enough to offer me a copy of her upcoming novelette, I Am AI. This is pretty short, so I may squeeze it in before the June release date.

I featured Fever House by Keith Rosson on a Future Fiction post, so I was very happy to be approved for a review copy. This sounds like a fun mix of horror, crime and…a severed hand!

I’ve really enjoyed Ashley Poston’s books in the past, so I thought I’d give this one a try. The Seven Year Slip sounds really good, a timey-wimey story with romance. It should be a nice change of pace:-)

Big thanks to Del Rey Books, William Morrow, MTV Books, Ai Jiang, Random House and Berkley:-D

Are you planning to read any of these books?

Posted May 13, 2023 by Tammy in Over-Booked / 35 Comments

35 responses to “Over-Booked [175] – A Book Haul Post

  1. As soon as I saw the cover for The Daughters of Block Island I wanted to know more so clicked the link and inevitably that book has gone straight onto my TBR/wishlist. I can’t resist that sort of story 😀

    • Tammy

      Ha ha I guess it does look overwhelming. Good thing the release dates are spread out:-)

  2. Chuck Wendig has become something of a must read author for me. And I’m growing more and more curious about Whalefall.

  3. Thanks to your description – I’ve just nicked across and requested The Seven Year Slip from Netgalley:)). Thank you for sharing, Tammy.

  4. Looks like some great books! I am Jelly you have Red Rabbit! 🙂 I am trying for an eARC, so fingers crossed…lol. Enjoy!

  5. I hope to take a break from my Wyrd and Wonder reads long enough to this month to fit in Fractal Noise. It’s said it’s a standalone set in the same world as To Sleep in a Sea of Stars so you should be totally fine!

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