Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D
The hubby took a shooting trip this past week, and I have a lovely photo of a tree to share at the end of this post. Nothing much happened this week, except it’s SO cold here, and we got our first gas bill. After seeing it we turned off the heat and added more layers, lol. Not sure if the gas price hikes are nationwide or not, but wow. Stay warm, folks!
Upcoming reads & reviews:
My reading’s been a bit slow this past week. I’m about halfway through Don’t Fear the Reaper, and it’s very slow. I’m waiting for things to kick in. I’m just about finished with Bad Cree, which is also very slow (do you see the theme this week?). Next up will be The Keeper’s Six and One Girl in All the World. I’m hoping I can get a couple of reviews up this week, we’ll see how it goes!
Other posts this week:
I may post a Top Ten Tuesday list (the theme this week is “new to me authors discovered in 2022”); I have three cover reveals to share on Future Fiction on Wednesday, and I missed The Friday Face-Off last week, so I’ll try to get up a post on Friday.
In case you missed:
My posts from last week:
The Villa by Rachel Hawkins – Review 4/5 stars
Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett – Review 5/5 stars

Fantastic tree photo. I feel your heating pain. The power company here raised rates as of the first, so even though we used less power last month the bill went up. I’ve decided to only emerge from my blanket fort for absolute necessities lol.
Good plan, Marian! I’d like to get under a blanket right now:-)
That is my favourite photo your husband ever took! Stunning.
The cold kicked in here, too – but I guess it’s worse in your (literal) corner of the woods LOL.
Thanks Roberta! It’s one of my favorites too.
I had to laugh at your unplanned very slow theme this week as I’m having one of my own. I started reading Dante’s Divine Comedy, part of my plans to experience older classics, but I’m finding it extremely slow and boring. Then I started Edwin Abbott’s classic, Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, and though I enjoy the basic premise it feels too long (even though it’s really short) and so it’s going slow, as well. So to pick things up I started reading Moonraker, figuring James Bond is always good to move things along.
I absolutely love Moses’ photo. Such a beautiful composition and perfectly executed. Very nice work!
Oh wow, I remember reading Flatland in school, lol. I can’t image reading Dante’s Inferno. Good luck with it, I hope it picks up! And thank you for the kind words about the photo. It really is stunning:-)
Happy Sunday, Tammy! I know the feeling of the gas prices, here in Belgium it’s been the same since the last couple of months. Lots of people can’t pay their bills, it’s insane. Great time to be alive lol
That picture your husband took is AMAZING. I love it so much!
Ha ha crazy times! Our gas bill literally was 3x what it used to be in our old house. Scary…
Such a cool tree pic!! I hate when both books I am trying to read are slow, bummer. Hope they pick up for you soon!
Have a great week and happy reading!
Thanks Stormi, you too:-)
The tree photo is beautiful! Yeah, I had the heating pains t his week too. It was almost $200 for just my little house that I keep at 66-67! I guess I”ll switch to the level pay. I already did it for electric, but had held out on gas because it never went over about $120, and in the summer it was like $50. I’m reading and reviewing the Buffy book this week too. Hope we both enjoy it!
Thanks Lisa! Good luck with all your reads:-)
Urg! Yes… I don’t know whether it’s any comfort – but we are also holding our breath at the gas bill. Especially as we’re in the middle of a cold snap when the temperature is below freezing every night, so we keep the heating running to make sure the boys are comfortable. And to help Himself when he has to get up at 3 am to go into work… That photo of the tree is stunning! I’m not going to read your review of the EWEofF, as I just started it today:)). But so far, I’m absolutely loving it. I hope the coming week is a good one and that you aren’t feeling too frosty!
Thanks Sarah! I can’t wait to see what you think of Emily Wilde:-)
Tammy, you may see a lot more variation in temperature and thus utility bills where you are now. Our bill was higher but Christmas weekend was one of the coldest temperatures in the 7 years I’ve lived in NC. It was a short 3 days though. Our bills are normally higher in the summer needing AC when it’s in the 90s. I hope you have some great and a bit faster reading this week!
It’s definitely a shock as to how cold it is and how much heat we need. I guess the bonus is we probably won’t have to worry about A/C bills in the summer:-)
I love that tree pic! And my reading has been so slow too. I’m reading station Eternity and thought it started a little slow but I’m pushing on lol
Stay warm!!!!
Thanks Greg! Oh yeah, Station Eternity definitely has some slow parts:-)
That ghost tree photo is beautiful! Sorry to hear the books you’re reading are slow going. I hope things pick up soon.
Thanks Suzanne, I’m sure they will:-)
Gorgeous photo! Wishing you a great week!
Thanks Lisa, you too:-)
I’ve been keeping up with my reading, but I’m actually really behind on reviews! I’m hoping to get Keeper’s Six read before the end of the month, it looks like a quick one /
I just started it and I like it so far:-)
Wow, a very nice photo! I’m looking forward to your review One Girl in All the World.
Thanks! I’m cautiously optimistic about One Girl in All the World;-)
That picture is amazing!!!! And we turned down the heat since months here . I also bought lots and lots of blankets.
Thanks Sophie! Yes, we’re using tons of blankets too:-)
This picture is stunning!
Thanks Emma!