Best Books of 2022

It’s finally time to share my favorite books of the year! Before I begin, I wanted to give a heartfelt thanks to all the authors, publishers and publicists who offered review copies to me this year. Thank you to the authors who poured their time and souls into writing such unforgettable books. And finally, thank you to my fellow readers and bloggers who visited my blog this year and perhaps discovered something new to read:-)

2022 wasn’t my best reading year. The last three months have been stressful and chaotic as my husband and I decided to sell our house and move out of the city. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good thing, and after things settle down and we finish the (seemingly) never ending process of unpacking, I know I’m going to love it here. But the whole experience did a number on my blogging and reading. I don’t think I’m even going to hit 85 books this year, and my Goodreads goal was 95, so it makes me sad that there are so many 2022 releases I wasn’t able to get to. Still, there’s no point mourning unread books when the ones I did read were excellent!

As usual, I’m starting off this list with my top five favorite books of the year. This is whittled down from eight books, by the way. It was extremely hard to pick my top five! (Click on the titles to read my reviews.)

Top Five Books of 2022

Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel. The nitty-gritty: Emily St. John Mandel explores the tenuous boundaries between the past, present and future in Sea of Tranquility, a thoughtful and emotional journey through time.

Daisy Darker by Alice Feeney. The nitty-gritty: Clever, outrageous, emotional, shocking and just plain entertaining, Daisy Darker is this summer’s must read thriller.

The Shadow Glass by Josh Winning. The nitty-gritty: An ode to fandoms and the nostalgia of 1980s fantasy films, The Shadow Glass drips with magic, humor, perfect pacing and thrilling adventure.

Black Mouth by Ronald Malfi. The nitty-gritty: Four childhood friends are forced to confront the past in Ronald Malfi’s latest, an epic, nightmarish tale with unforgettable characters.

Our Crooked Hearts by Melissa Albert. The nitty-gritty: A seductive, multi-layered story with family secrets, betrayal and magic, perfect for fans of dark contemporary fantasy.

And the rest of the best…

Best Horror of 2022

Such Sharp Teeth by Rachel HarrisonThe Fall by Alan BaxterThe Book Eaters by Sunyi Dean |The Violence by Delilah S. Dawson | Little Eve by Catriona Ward | The Hollow Kind by Andy Davidson | What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher | Ghost Eaters by Clay McLeod Chapman

Best Science Fiction of 2022

The Mother’s Wheel by Robin Kirk | A Sh*tload of Crazy Powers by Jackson Ford| The Light Pirate by Lily Brooks-Dalton | Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes | August Kitko and the Mechas from Space  by Alex White | Glitterati by Oliver K. Langmead | Stringers by Chris Panatier | Mercury Rising by R.W.W. Greene

Best Fantasy of 2022

The Great Witch of Brittany by Louisa Morgan | The Hourglass Throne by K.D. Edwards | Ordinary Monsters by J.M. Miro | Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher | The Girl Who Outgrew the World by Zoje Stage

Best Mystery/Thriller/YA of 2022

The Book of Cold Cases by Simone St. James | Such A Pretty Smile by Kristi DeMeester | Dark Room Etiquette by Robin Roe

What were some of your favorite books of the year? Do we have any in common?

Posted December 27, 2022 by Tammy in Best Books of the Year / 52 Comments


52 responses to “Best Books of 2022

  1. Both Ronald Malfi and T. Kingfisher were amazing discoveries for me this year, and I will have to explore more of their works in the next one.
    The move to a new house, with all that it entails, might have upset some of your reading plans, granted, but you still have a good number of exceptional books under your proverbial belt, and you can be proud of that 🙂
    Maddalena@spaceandsorcery recently posted…DUNE MESSIAH (Dune #2), by Frank HerbertMy Profile

  2. I really enjoyed Black Mouth. It didn’t make my favorite list but I still really enjoyed it. I just double checked to be sure Daisy Darker was on my audiobook wishlist as that’s how I’m most likely to read that one. Looks like a great reading year despite the end of year stressors. And as you said, it’s less important how many you read and far more important how much you enjoyed or learned from what you read.
    todd recently posted…Quarterly Look Back – 4th Quarter 2022My Profile

    • Tammy

      I always have to remember not to compare myself to other bloggers and readers. It’s hard, but if I focus on the wonderful books I do read, then numbers don’t really matter.

  3. Great recap!
    I just read he most amazing scifi, self-published! I’m going to review it before the end of the year. That’s the reason why I don’t do recaos before the end of the year, as I can get another amazing one in before the year ends.
    I really want to read your first listed here.
    And to many more great books in 2023!
    Emma @ Words And Peace recently posted…Sunday Post #71 – 12/17/2022My Profile

  4. Moving house is a great reason to read less… how could you possibly have the time?? You’ve read some amazing-looking books in 2022! I haven’t read any of your top 5 (although I do have a copy of Sea of Tranquility that I need to get to). I’ve read a few of your others (loved Nettle & Bone!!), and have a couple of others on my to-read list. Here’s hoping there are many more fantastic books awaiting us in 2023!

  5. Overall though I think you did really good! I am going to read Daisy Darker in January, I am really curious to see if I will like it. Seems like everyone does so that worries me…lol.
    Stormi recently posted…Week in Review #14My Profile

  6. I hope things settle down for you soon & that you end up loving your new home.

    Omg I haven’t read any of your top five, two (Daisy Darker & Our Crooked Hearts) are must reads for me in 2023 though.

    There are several other books mentioned here that I want to read but the one I could really kick myself for failing to get to is The Book Eaters.

    My favourites were Juniper & Thorn (Ava Reid is definitely a favourite author for me now), The Final Strife & Gilded.
    Charlotte recently posted…My Most Anticipated Releases Of 2022 Part II:My Profile

  7. I liked the first half of the Violence, but it felt like it wore out its welcome in the second half. But I”m glad to see that others like it because Deliah Dawson is a great author.

  8. Excellent reading year. I also struggled to make my usual 100 this year. I think I rolled in around 85 (although I know I’ve missed a few off my list so maybe closer to 90). Maybe this year we’ll be on a roll.
    Some great books and unsurprisingly we share a lot of titles.
    Lynn 😀

  9. Wow! You managed to read and blog while moving?! That’s crazy!! (in the best possible way!)
    And you read a lot of good books!! The Hourglass Throne and Nettle and Bones are some of my favorite too!

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