Buffy’s Corner 12/25/22 – Merry Christmas!

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates today, and Happy Hanukkah and Happy Kwanzaa to those who celebrate those holidays! We are moved into our new house in the mountains and getting accustomed to new routines. On Tuesday I’ll be transitioning to a remote capacity in my job, so that will also be an adjustment. The photo at the end of this post is our new house, isn’t the location beautiful? No snow at the moment, but there is a storm on the way…

This is my last Buffy’s Corner of the year. The years seem to pass so quickly, don’t they? I haven’t been able to really blog for a couple of weeks, and there are so many end of the year posts I wanted to do. I feel so behind, but over the next few weeks I hope to post more regularly and get back to a better reading routine. Tuesday I’ll be sharing my Best Books of 2022, and I also have plans for some kind of 2022 wrap up. In the meantime, here’s a bit of what to expect this week:

Upcoming reads and reviews:

I read The Light Pirate a couple of weeks ago but just couldn’t pull together a review while I was in the process of moving. But I adored this book and it’s going to be on my best books of the year list, so I need to get a review up tomorrow. After that, it’s full steam ahead into 2023! I’ve just finished Episode Thirteen and wow, it was a pretty unique haunted house story. I’ve just started Lost in the Moment and Found, and I plan on posting reviews for both those books next week. After that, I have a whole bunch of other January releases I’m excited to read, including How to Sell a Haunted House.

Other posts this week:

I’m so happy to be blogging again! Tuesday I’ll be sharing my list of Best Books of 2022; Wednesday is Future Fiction, with three new books to share; The Friday Face-Off is “satisfying conclusion.” Saturday is the last day of 2022, so I’ll probably do a monthly wrap up combining November and December, since I didn’t do one last month.

Last week on the blog?

So yeah, no posts last week except for The Friday Face-Off 🙂

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted December 25, 2022 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 33 Comments

33 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 12/25/22 – Merry Christmas!

  1. The Captain

    Happy Holidays and Happy New House! I hope that it wasn’t too difficult moving all of yer books and other treasure. Arrr!
    x The Captain

    • Tammy

      I haven’t actually moved my books yet, they are in storage for a bit. Something to look forward to! Thanks Captain:-)

  2. Wow, that’s a gorgeous looking house. I hope the move has gone relatively well. I’m sure you’re happy to get past it and be able to find that new rhythm. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  3. The new house looks really pretty…I hope you don’t get snowed in!

    I’m looking forward to your Episode Thirteen review, because that one is on my radar. Same for McGuire’s novella of course, which I will buy as soon as it’s available…

    Happy holidays!

    • Tammy

      Thanks Roberta! I’m sure at some point I might get snowed in. My town is near a ski resort so we will get snow.

  4. Marian Parsons

    A cheerful solstice season to you and yours. What a great looking house, and with all the pines around. Lovely! May it bring you contentment, always.

  5. Exciting to see your new home. I was surprised how much you were on the Internet while moving! I hope you love the new home, the area and the new work routine. That incline on the driveway and all those steps look a little scary though. I’m looking forward to your best of 2022. Happy Holidays Tammy!

    • Tammy

      I still did my usual blog hopping, it’s such a routine for me and I didn’t want to fall behind:-) And yes, I won’t be parking in the driveway, I’ll let my husband park there, lol.

  6. will

    Wow you have snow!!! Still not as much as us, nor is it likely as chilly, but you’re trying so I’m proud of you! Just tell me that all the books survived transit…

    Also, that you, you know, like it and are happy and stuff;)

    • Tammy

      We’re getting a storm in a few days, so we’ll get more snow:-) And the books are still in storage! I need time to figure out where they will all go, lol.

    • Tammy

      Thanks Lisa! I’ll admit I’m a little nervous about working remote. I’m sure there will be some adjustment.

  7. Oh my gosh, I’ve also fallen behind and didn’t get to any of the best-of lists I wanted to do for the end of the year. I do hope to put up a wrap up/best of post though, probably Tuesday as well. I hope you had a merry Christmas, and I am looking forward to getting back into the blogging routine too!

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