Future Fiction #204 – Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

Welcome to Future Fiction, my reimagining of the Waiting on Wednesday meme! There are so many amazing new books coming out, that I can no longer pick just one. My goal with Future Fiction is to share at least three new books each week, a combination of recent cover reveals and books that I’ve recently added to my TBR pile. I’m still going to be linking up with Wishful Endings/Can’t Wait Wednesday, and I also want to give a shout out to Jill at Breaking the Spine for starting the original Waiting on Wednesday meme. I hope you’ll find some new books to add to your TBR piles, and as always, I look forward to hearing what YOU’RE looking forward to:-D

Time travel, queer romance and trans representation – you don’t want to miss these three upcoming science fiction books!

To save the future, she must return to the beginning

Three years after her best friend Peggy went missing, Harper Starling is lost. Lost in her dead-end job, lost in her grief. All she has are regrets and reruns of her favorite science fiction show, Infinite Voyage.

Then Peggy returns and demands to be taken to the Argonaut, the fictional main character of Infinite Voyage. But the Argonaut is just that … fictional. Until the TV hero himself appears and spirits Harper away from her former best friend. Traveling through time, he explains that Peggy used to travel with him but is now under the thrall of an alien enemy known as the Incarnate—one that has destroyed countless solar systems.

Then he leaves Harper in 1971.

Stranded in the past, Harper must find a way to end the Incarnate’s thrall … without the help of the Argonaut. But the cosmos are nothing like the technicolor stars of the TV show she loves, and if Harper can’t find it in herself to believe—in the Argonaut, in Peggy, and most of all, in herself—she’ll be the Incarnate’s next casualty, along with the rest of the universe.

The Infinite Miles by Hannah Fergesen. Releases in June 2023 from Blackstone Publishing. Oh wow, this sounds like a lot of fun. And you gotta love the Back to the Future-like cover. I’m definitely keeping my eye on this one!

In the distant future most of the human race has fled a ravaged Earth to find new life on other planets. For those who stayed a lawless society remains. Technology has been renounced, and saints and sinners, lawmakers and sheriffs, travelers and gunslingers, abound.

What passes for justice is presided over by the High Sheriff, and carried out by his cruel and ruthless Deputy.

Then a ship falls from the sky, bringing the planet’s first visitor in three hundred years. This Stranger is a crewmember on the first ship in centuries to attempt a return to Earth and save what’s left. But her escape pod crashes hundreds of miles away from the rest of the wreckage.

The Stranger finds herself adrift in a ravaged, unwelcoming landscape, full of people who hate and fear her space-born existence. Scared, alone, and armed, she embarks on a journey across the wasteland to return to her ship, her mission, and the woman she loves.

Fusing the fire and brimstone of the American Old West with sprawling post-apocalyptic science fiction, FRONTIER is a heartfelt queer romance in a high noon standoff set against the backdrop of our planet’s uncertain future.

Frontier by Grace Curtis. Releases in February 2023 from Solaris. I love a good Western/Sci-Fi mashup, and I’m totally on board for this book!

An edgy, queer cyberpunk detective mystery by an exciting new trans voice from New Zealand.

Someone wants trans girl hacker-for-hire Kiera Umehara in prison or dead—but for what? Failing to fix their smart toilet?

It’s 2032 and we live in the worst cyberpunk future. Kiera is gigging her ass off to keep the lights on, but her polycule’s social score is so dismal they’re about to lose their crib. That’s why she’s out here chasing cheaters with Angel Herrera, a luddite P.I. who thinks this is The Big Sleep. Then the latest job cuts too deep—hired to locate Herrera’s ex-best friend (who’s also Kiera’s pro bono attorney), they find him murdered instead. Their only lead: a stick of Nag Champa incense dropped at the scene.

Next thing Kiera knows, her new crush turns up missing—sans a hand (the real one, not the cybernetic), and there’s the familiar stink of sandalwood across the apartment. Two crimes, two sticks of incense, Kiera framed for both. She told Herrera to lose her number, but now the old man might be her only way out of this bullshit…

A fast-talker with a heart of gold, Bang Bang Bodhisattva is both an odd-couple buddy comedy that never knows when to shut up and an #ownvoices exploration of finding yourself and your people in an ever-mutable world.

Bang Bang Bodhisattva by Aubrey Wood. Releases in May 2023 from Solaris. First, I love the title and the cover of this book. I need to know what’s going on! This has so many cool elements, I’m excited to check it out.

What do you think of this week’s Future Fiction picks? Let me know in the comments!

Posted November 23, 2022 by Tammy in Future Fiction / 25 Comments


25 responses to “Future Fiction #204 – Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

  1. The cover for The Infinite Miles is freaking AMAZING, I love it! And the synopsis is giving me Doctor Who vibes, which I also love soooo much. I am definitely added this book to my TBR!

    Frontier also sounds like a great read. I love the Western/Sci-Fi mashup. I don’t think I’ve seen something like this before in a book??

    Bang Bang Bodhisattva sounds equally good as the other two books. I love how the synopsis calls it an odd-couple buddy comedy. I agree that it has some very cool elements!
    Stephanie @ Bookfever recently posted…Nonfiction November 2022: Worldview ChangersMy Profile

  2. As ever, you’re the one with the cool books. And I’ve just nicked across to Netgalley and requested Frontier and Bang Bang Bodhisattva:). Fingers crossed I get copies… Thank you so much for sharing, Tammy!

  3. The description of The Infinite Miles had me thinking back to the movie, The Last Starfighter, where a guy who loves playing the video game of the same name is surprised when he learns what’s in the game is based on reality and is recruited by the folks using the game to find pilots on the backwater planet Earth. 🙂

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