RECKONING by W. Michael Gear – Review

I received this book for free from the Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

RECKONING by W. Michael Gear – ReviewReckoning by W. Michael Gear
Series: Donovan #6
Published by Daw Books on November 8 2022
Genres: Adult, Science fiction
Pages: 512
Format: Finished hardcover
Source: Publisher
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The nitty-gritty: Gear brings more deadly creatures, more political maneuvering and lots of action to the table in Reckoning, another fantastic entry in his Donovan series.

It’s always fun when a new W. Michael Gear Donovan book comes out, a series that could keep on going as far as I’m concerned. I’m convinced Gear isn’t done with his characters yet, despite the rather tidy ending of Reckoning. This sixth book is lighter on plot and action and heavier on character development, and I was OK with that. Gear still manages to get in lots of tense, scary scenes, and fans of the series will not be disappointed.

As the story opens, we learn that the Turalon, a ship caught in inverted symmetry for quite a while, is about to finally emerge within orbit of Capella III. Those on board include four representatives of powerful Solar System families, each one hoping to gain control of Donovan’s wealth of natural minerals. Also aboard is Inspector General Soukup, who is convinced that Board Supervisor Kalico Aguila, a resident of Donovan for many years, has broken her contract and needs to be removed from office. Finally, a team of thirty marines under the direction of Colonel Stanley Creamer plans to act as enforcers once they get to the planet’s surface.

But what none of these people know is that Donovan is a dangerous place for humans, more likely to kill them than provide shelter and resources. Those who live there have developed tough survival skills, working together to keep the many dangerous species out of Port Authority, the hub of the planet. The new arrivals are considered “soft meat” and have no idea what awaits them once they touch down. Yes, things are about to get interesting in Port Authority. 

This installment of the series is in many ways a recap of what’s happened so far. Gear includes references to previous books by integrating settings and plots from them into the story revolving around the Turalon passengers. We see Inspector General Soukup taking a tour of the Freelander, the haunted ship from Abandoned. Kylee and Falise spend time with the survivors of the Ashanti from Unreconciled. And the horrible fate of the Maritime Unit, which featured heavily in Adrift, is mentioned several times. For fans who have kept up with the series, Reckoning is such a treat. I had lots of fond memories as I was reading, although “fond” might not be the right word, since most of those memories involve cannibalism, murder and deadly sea creatures!

As I mentioned, we get lots of great character growth in this story. All the old familiar characters are still around. Kalico has had success with her mining operation, but she’s also worried about the impending arrival of the IG, who could dethrone her from her corporate position. Kylee, who is now sixteen, is living off the grid with her quetzal companion Flute and her friend Tip. But when Tip is seriously injured, Kylee is forced to bring him into Port Authority for medical attention, and as a human-quetzal hybrid, that’s way out of her comfort zone. Old favorites like Shig, Dek, Talina and Inga pop up in the story, although they aren’t the focus this time around. 

And then there are the new characters. Falise Taglioni represents the high powered Taglioni family and just happens to be Dek’s sister. She’s the family assassin and enforcer, and she’s not above killing to get what she wants. Unfortunately for Falise, she’s completely unprepared for Donovan’s deadly flora and fauna, and it was gratifying (at first) to see her brought down by the elements and the hardened Donovians who refuse to put up with her shit. But once she and Kylee end up stranded outside the walls of Port Authority and are forced to survive on their own, I loved seeing Falise change from an entitled rich woman to one who realizes she has to adjust her way of thinking if she wants to stay alive. I despised most of the new characters, including IG Soukup, who readers will love to hate. He truly was a vile man, and I’ll admit I was hoping Donovan would get him first.

The first half of the book is very slow with very little action. There’s a lot of “talking” among the characters so it feels as though nothing is happening, and considering the book is over five hundred pages, it makes for a slow start. Gear inserts unexpected bursts of action and sudden violence to shake things up, though. And once you hit the midway point, the stakes become much higher and the story more action-packed. All the set-up in the first half is worth it at that point, as Gear throws in plenty of “Holy shit” moments. I still think this series would make an excellent Netflix show, as each book feels like a complete season of television.

Let’s face it—this series has everything I love about science fiction: fantastic characters who show tremendous growth from book to book, an exciting planet with endless alien creatures to keep things interesting, and lots of tension and pulse-pounding action. I’ve no double Gear has more Donovan stories to write, and I’ll be the first in line to read them.

Big thanks to the publisher for providing a review copy.

Read my reviews of the Donovan series: Outpost | Abandoned | Pariah | Unreconciled | Adrift

Posted November 14, 2022 by Tammy in 4 stars, Reviews / 25 Comments


25 responses to “RECKONING by W. Michael Gear – Review

  1. I was eagerly waiting for you review, both out of curiosity and as a confirmation (as if I needed one….) that this series is still going strong: there is little doubt that Gear would never bore his readers with the Donovan books, given the practically endless narrative opportunities offered by this deadly planet and its rugged colonist.
    Thank you so much for sharing!!! 🙂
    Maddalena@spaceandsorcery recently posted…DUNE (Dune #1), by Frank Herbert – #SciFiMonthMy Profile

  2. That cover! And I love that this is book six- how fun to find a gripping SF series that keeps going and keeps the quality high. Looking forward to delving into this world 🙂
    Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #478My Profile

  3. I am so surprised this series is already on bk 6! Wow! I did read a few pages of the first book and I admit – its engaging as heck. I need to jump this series up in the infinite TBR mountain.

  4. This series just keeps getting longer and longer and longer… and it seems to still deliver… but I’ve yet to start it. 🙁

  5. I love the sound of this series, Tammy. However, right now I think I’ll pass until Life becomes a bit kinder as the covers clearly show that it’s quite dark:). Thank you for a cracking review!

    • Tammy

      There are some dark moments for sure. The series will still be around when you’re ready to dive in:-)

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