Future Fiction #189 – Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

Welcome to Future Fiction, my reimagining of the Waiting on Wednesday meme! There are so many amazing new books coming out, that I can no longer pick just one. My goal with Future Fiction is to share at least three new books each week, a combination of recent cover reveals and books that I’ve recently added to my TBR pile. I’m still going to be linking up with Wishful Endings/Can’t Wait Wednesday, and I also want to give a shout out to Jill at Breaking the Spine for starting the original Waiting on Wednesday meme. I hope you’ll find some new books to add to your TBR piles, and as always, I look forward to hearing what YOU’RE looking forward to:-D

Three cool new cover reveals, take a look!

Ness Brown’s The Scourge Between Stars is a tense, claustrophobic sci-fi/horror blend in the vein of Alien and Event Horizon.

As acting captain of the starship Calypso, Jacklyn Albright is responsible for keeping the last of humanity alive as they limp back to Earth from their forebears’ failed colony on a distant planet.

Faced with constant threats of starvation and destruction in the treacherous minefield of interstellar space, Jacklyn’s crew has reached their breaking point. As unrest begins to spread throughout the ship’s Wards, a new threat emerges, picking off crew members in grim, bloody fashion.

Jacklyn and her team must hunt down the ship’s unknown intruder if they have any hope of making it back to their solar system alive.

The Scourge Between Stars by Ness Brown. Releases in April 2023 from Tor Nightfire. I’m always on the lookout for space horror, and this sounds like a good one! And is that a creepy tentacled alien in the background? I’m excited to check this out.

This is what it looks like when coral dies.

Present day. Marine biologist Hana Ishikawa is racing against time to save the coral as of the Great Barrier Reef, but struggles to fight for a future in a world where so much has already been lost.

  1. Seventeen-year-old Judith Holliman escapes the monotony of Sydney Town when her naval captain father lets her
  2. accompany him on a voyage, unaware of the wonders and dangers she will soon encounter.

The sun-scorched 22nd century. Telma Velasco is hunting for a miracle: a leafy seadragon, long believed extinct, has been sighted. But as Telma investigates, she finds hope in unexpected places.

Three women: divided by time, connected by the ocean. Past, present and future collide in E. J. Swift’s The Coral Bones, a powerful elegy to a disappearing world – and a vision of a more hopeful future.

The Coral Bones by E.J. Swift. Releases in September 2022 from Unsung Stories. This might be my favorite 2022 cover so far, isn’t it pretty? I love that the story spans hundreds of years, it’s a format that usually works well for me. I actually just preordered a copy from The Book Depository, I couldn’t resist!

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Passage comes a riveting standalone novel about a group of survivors on a hidden island utopia–where the truth isn’t what it seems.

Founded by the mysterious genius known as the Designer, the archipelago of Prospera lies hidden from the horrors of a deteriorating outside world. In this island paradise, Prospera’s lucky citizens enjoy long, fulfilling lives until the monitors embedded in their forearms, meant to measure their physical health and psychological well-being, fall below 10 percent. Then they retire themselves, embarking on a ferry ride to the island known as the Nursery, where their failing bodies are renewed, their memories are wiped clean, and they are readied to restart life afresh.

Proctor Bennett, of the Department of Social Contracts, has a satisfying career as a ferryman, gently shepherding people through the retirement process–and, when necessary, enforcing it. But all is not well with Proctor. For one thing, he’s been dreaming–which is supposed to be impossible in Prospera. For another, his monitor percentage has begun to drop alarmingly fast. And then comes the day he is summoned to retire his own father, who gives him a disturbing and cryptic message before being wrestled onto the ferry.

Meanwhile, something is stirring. The Support Staff, ordinary men and women who provide the labor to keep Prospera running, have begun to question their place in the social order. Unrest is building, and there are rumors spreading of a resistance group–known as “Arrivalists”–who may be fomenting revolution.

Soon Proctor finds himself questioning everything he once believed, entangled with a much bigger cause than he realized–and on a desperate mission to uncover the truth.

The Ferryman by Justin Cronin. Releases in May 2023 from Ballantine Books. Has Justin Cronin even written anything since The Passage trilogy? I don’t think so. I was surprised to stumble across this on Facebook of all places, and I knew I had to share it. This sounds like a sort of creepy dystopian, and I want to try it!

What do you think of this week’s Future Fiction picks? Let me know in the comments!

Posted August 10, 2022 by Tammy in Future Fiction / 33 Comments


33 responses to “Future Fiction #189 – Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

  1. Ooo… I love the sound of all three of these – although I think the horror aspect of The Scourge Between Stars isn’t something I’m in the mood to tackle right now. But… These Coral Bones and the new Cronin book both sound awesome – thank you so much for sharing Tammy:)).

  2. The cover of The Scourge Between Stars makes sense since the synopsis says it’s in the vein of Alien. I’m already creeped out!

    The Coral Bones sounds absolutely amazing. I love the description and cover so much. I WANT IT!

    The Ferryman also seems to be really interesting. It’s lucky that you stumbled upon it on Facebook!
    Stephanie @ Bookfever recently posted…Can’t-Wait Wednesday: Force of Nature by Skye Warren & Amelia WildeMy Profile

    • Tammy

      I think The Ferryman was just announced this week and now everyone’s talking about it. Great marketing, lol!

  3. Oh wow scourge sounds awesome. and yes that cover! I want to watch a Netflix version of this right now lol!

    The Ferryman sounds awesome and is giving me almost Logan’s run vibes.

  4. The Coral Bones has such a gorgeous cover! I’ve seen The Ferryman, and I’m excited to give it a try, too. I was wondering if you’d read it, since it sounded like something that’d be right up your alley. 😀

  5. The Coral Bones sounds amazing!! I’ve never read Justin Cronin’s books, despite hearing SO much about them over the years… so I’ll wait and see the reviews for the new one before deciding if I want to read it.

    • Tammy

      A lot of readers don’t like Cronin’s series, but I loved the first book. I’m seriously tempted to see what kind of writer he is now!

    • Tammy

      I only read the first book in The Passage series but I loved it at the time. I’m curious about his new book!

  6. The Coral Bones is a vision of a more hopeful future? I don’t see enough of that these days, so I’m interesting for that reason lone. And of course, the cover. 🙂

  7. So The Ferryman I have for review, and it looks awesome! And I requested The Scourge Between Stars like, the second it was up because it too sounds awesome. The Coral Bones is new to me but WOW I need it! I added it to my Book Depository wishlist too, waiting for one of those 10% off coupons to buy it heh. Thanks for putting it on my radar, love your other choices too!
    Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight recently posted…Reviews in a Minute: Much AugustMy Profile

  8. Ooooh I am immediately drawn to The Scourge Between The Stars (that COVER! Yassss bring it) and The Coral Bones. I wasn’t a fan of The Passage, so I’ll wait for reviews there 😉
    imyril recently posted…Dead WaterMy Profile

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