Future Fiction #188 – Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

Welcome to Future Fiction, my reimagining of the Waiting on Wednesday meme! There are so many amazing new books coming out, that I can no longer pick just one. My goal with Future Fiction is to share at least three new books each week, a combination of recent cover reveals and books that I’ve recently added to my TBR pile. I’m still going to be linking up with Wishful Endings/Can’t Wait Wednesday, and I also want to give a shout out to Jill at Breaking the Spine for starting the original Waiting on Wednesday meme. I hope you’ll find some new books to add to your TBR piles, and as always, I look forward to hearing what YOU’RE looking forward to:-D

This week’s post is for horror fans! I’ve got three upcoming horror releases to share, take a look:

Folk horror meets ancient gods in a remote snowbound Peak District town where several murders take place…

In a lonely village in the Peak District, during the onset of a once-in-a-lifetime snow storm, Constable Ellie Cheetham finds a body. The man, a local ne’er-do-well, appears to have died in a tragic accident: he drank too much and froze to death.

But the facts don’t add up: the dead man is clutching a knife in one hand, and there’s evidence he was hiding from someone. Someone who watched him die. Stranger still, an odd mark has been drawn onto a stone beside his body.

The next victims are two families on the outskirts of town. As the storm rises and the body count grows, Ellie realises she has a terrifying problem on her hands: someone – or some thing – is killing indiscriminately, attacking in the darkness and using the storm for cover.

The killer is circling ever closer to the village. The storm’s getting worse… and the power’s just gone out.

File Under: Folk Horror [ Small Town | Big Terror | Long Night | A Few Good Women ]

The Hollows by Daniel Church. Releases in November 2022 from Angry Robot. There’s so much about this book I love: the remote, snowy setting, the folk horror subgenre and I’m not sure where “ancient gods” come into the story but I want to find out!

With the 80’s nostalgia of Stranger Things, this horror drama from NYT bestselling author Christopher Golden follows neighborhood families and a mysterious, lurking evil on one Halloween day.

It’s Halloween night, 1984, in Coventry, Massachusetts, and two families are unraveling. Up and down the street, horrifying secrets are being revealed, and all the while, mixed in with the trick-or-treaters of all ages, four children who do not belong are walking door to door, merging with the kids of Parmenter Road. Children in vintage costumes with faded, eerie makeup. They seem terrified, and beg the neighborhood kids to hide them away, to keep them safe from The Cunning Man. There’s a small clearing in the woods now that was never there before, and a blackthorn tree that doesn’t belong at all. These odd children claim that The Cunning Man is coming for them…and they want the local kids to protect them. But with families falling apart and the neighborhood splintered by bitterness, who will save the children of Parmenter Road?

New York Times bestselling, Bram Stoker Award-winning author Christopher Golden is best known for his supernatural thrillers set in deadly, distant locales…but in this suburban Halloween drama, Golden brings the horror home.

All Hallows. The one night when everything is a mask…

All Hallows by Christopher Golden. Releases in January 2023 from St. Martin’s Press. OK this sounds sooo good. 80s horror nostalgia and Halloween plus a Stranger Things comparison, combined into one story. I’m just sad it’s not coming out closer to Halloween this year!

A woman is haunted by the Mexican folk demon La Llorona as she unravels the dark secrets of her family history in this ravishing and provocative horror novel.

Alejandra no longer knows who she is. To her husband, she is a wife, and to her children, a mother. To her own adoptive mother, she is a daughter. But they cannot see who Alejandra has become: a woman struggling with a darkness that threatens to consume her.

Nor can they see what Alejandra sees. In times of despair, a ghostly vision appears to her, the apparition of a crying woman in a ragged white gown.

When Alejandra visits a therapist, she begins exploring her family’s history, starting with the biological mother she never knew. As she goes deeper into the lives of the women in her family, she learns that heartbreak and tragedy are not the only things she has in common with her ancestors.

Because the crying woman was with them, too. She is La Llorona, the vengeful and murderous mother of Mexican legend. And she will not leave until Alejandra follows her mother, her grandmother, and all the women who came before her into the darkness.

But Alejandra has inherited more than just pain. She has inherited the strength and the courage of her foremothers—and she will have to summon everything they have given her to banish La Llorona forever.

The Haunting of Alejandra by V. Castro. Releases in April 2023 from Del Rey Books. OK first, I’ve been meaning to read V. Castro for a while now, so I’m excited to see this new book of hers coming out next year. Horror and Mexican folklore combined? Yes I am totally on board! (Plus pretty cover:-))

What do you think of this week’s Future Fiction picks? Let me know in the comments!

Posted August 3, 2022 by Tammy in Future Fiction / 36 Comments


36 responses to “Future Fiction #188 – Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

  1. I am absolutely loving the synopsis of The Hollows even if it sounds terrifying! I’m really liking the sound of folk horror, the snowy setting. Also perfect that it’ll be a November release!

    I agree that All Hallows should’ve had a release closer to Halloween. It would’ve been so perfect for it! I also love the 80s nostalgia and Stranger Things comparison.

    “A woman is haunted by the Mexican folk demon La Llorona” Hell yeah give it to me now! You find the best books, Tammy!
    Stephanie @ Bookfever recently posted…Can’t-Wait Wednesday: The Counterfeit Scoundrel by Lorraine HeathMy Profile

    • Tammy

      Oh yes, I’m so excited about the Stranger Things comparison with All Hallows, although sometimes those comparisons are way off base. We’ll see!

    • Tammy

      It does seem like a weird release schedule. But hey, I’m ok reading Halloween centric stories any time of the year:-)

    • Tammy

      It’s been a while since I’ve read Christopher Golden, so I definitely want to read this one:-)

  2. will

    Well, I just got a copy of the Hollows, so I hope it’s pretty good! The rest of them are new to me, but I’ll add them to my list. Thanks Tammy!

  3. I have a copy of The Hollows which I’m looking forward to and I love the sound of All Hallows – I mean, Halloween – how can I resist a story set on the one night of the year when everyone is dressed up and creepy things seem decidedly possible.
    Lynn 😀

  4. The lucky side, for my TBR and my wallet both, is that they all aren’t my cup of tea, but all of them sound like interesting and original books! Thanks for sharing!!

  5. Well the Haunting of Alejandra is certainly pretty! I laughed because it talks about La Llorona and I just finished Love on the Brain where Bee’s collaborator was fascinated by La Llorona!

  6. So The Hollows DOES sound really interesting- though I admit that the “ancient gods” bit gives me pause? Like- it could be a big hit.. or not heh. But I am definitely intrigued! The others look good too- I am not 100% sold when something is compared to ST because, full confession, I could never get into it. And I LOVE the cover of the last one- and I am always down for family secrets, so this one will be on my radar too! Wonderful choices, as always- and these are ALL new to me!
    Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight recently posted…Reviews in a Minute: Much AugustMy Profile

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