Buffy’s Corner 7/31/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

My hubby is about to leave for another trip to Costa Rica, so hopefully next week I’ll be able to share a few of his photos. Otherwise it’s business as usual around here:-) I hope everyone is having a good summer so far!

Upcoming reads & reviews:

I’m starting the month with the review of a July book, We Made It All Up, which was pretty good for YA! Look for my review on Tuesday. And later in the week I’ll share my thoughts on Daisy Darker, which I absolutely loved. It doesn’t come out until the end of August but I couldn’t wait any longer. My reads this week will most likely be The Book Easters and Eversion, both of which come out on Tuesday.

Other posts this week:

Tomorrow is August 1st, so I’ll be sharing my August TBR in What’s On My Plate; I have three newish cover reveals to share on Future Fiction (Wednesday); the Friday Face-Off is “school setting;” and I’m posting a book haul on Saturday.

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

July 2022 Reading Wrap-up

The Friday Face-Off: Gigantic

The Daughter of Doctor Moreau by Silvia Moreno-Garcia – Review 4/5 stars

Future Fiction #187

Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey – Review 4/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 7/24/22

Ready for the ball.

Hope to see you around the blogosphere this week:-D

Posted July 31, 2022 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 34 Comments

34 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 7/31/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. I’m working my way back through everyone’s blogs slowly but surely. Looking forward to your reviews, particularly for the Gailey and Garcia.
    Lynn 😀

  2. Love the bird picture as always! Can’t wait to see what pictures your husband has from his next trip! I’ll be looking for your review of We Made It All Up to see what you thought about it. The Book Eaters looks good too! Have a great week!

  3. Excited to read the Book Eaters myself this month! I just started The First Binding though, so it’s gonna be a minute before I read anything else, that book is THICC.

  4. I think I’m going to start Moreau today! I’ll check out your review once I’m done (I try to wait to read other people’s reviews until after I read the book myself, when it’s a book I know I have coming up soon.) Hope you have a great week!

    • Tammy

      I’m working on my review this week, and I’ll make sure to keep it spoiler free. You should go into it without knowing much:-)

  5. Oh my gosh I’m so glad to hear you loved Daisy Darker! One of my favorite books of the year for sure. Even for a locked room mystery it was a bit over the top, but I think that was how the author meant it to be and I’m glad she owned it!

    • Tammy

      Me too! I can tell she knew exactly what she was doing. I honestly wish I could read it again for the first time:-)

  6. I’m really looking forward to trying Daisy Darker one day. I’ve gotten so far behind in the last couple weeks, still trying to catch up. Can’t wait to see more photos from Costa Rica! 🙂

    • Tammy

      My husband told me there was a harpy eagle sighting and of course now he’s obsessed with finding it:-)

  7. What a fabulous pic! And I look forward to offerings from Costa Rica:). Glad the summer is going smoothly so far and you are on track with your reading – I’ve rather fallen behind, but I’ve decided not to worry about it. I hope you have a great week with some engrossing books:).

    • Tammy

      Thanks Sarah! I’ve already seen a few Costa Rica photos, so it will be hard to choose one to use this Sunday:-)

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