The 2022 Mid Year Freak Out Book Tag

This is my fourth year doing the Mid Year Freak Out Book Tag! The tag was created by Ely @ Earl Grey Books and Chami @ Read Like Wildfire.

I love pausing at the mid point of the year to look back on my reading so far. Already I’ve read some amazing books that will most likely make it on the end of the year “best of” list. I’m going to follow the same format I did last year by highlighting three books in most categories. It makes this post more symmetrical, and also it’s so hard to choose just one book for each prompt. I tried not to repeat books, so I could highlight as many as possible, but in a few cases I couldn’t help myself:-) Here we go!

# of Books Read So Far:

I’m not sure how precise this number is, as I did this screen shot in early July, but yep, I’m behind schedule so far. Last year I was way past this number by now, so I’m not sure what’s changed. But if I want to hit 100 books by the end of the year (my unofficial goal), I need to step things up! (No. More. NetFlix.)

Best Books I’ve Read So Far This Year:

Oh this was so hard to pick only three books! Luckily I’ve spread my other favorites throughout this post in different categories. But overall, these three books were outstanding in every way. Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel was simply brilliant in scope and creativity. Read it but then go back and read The Glass Hotel as well, they kind of go together.

Louisa Morgan is a favorite author of mine and her latest, The Great Witch of Brittany, is one of her best. If you love multigenerational tales with a touch of magic and wonderful characters, you’ll love this too.

And Our Crooked Hearts by Melissa Albert could have very well fit in the “Best Surprises” category but it’s definitely earned a place here. I loved the hell out of this book!

Best Sequels I’ve Read So Far This Year:

All three books in the last category are female authors, but all my favorite sequels are written by men. Hmm interesting. This was an easy category to choose. First up, The Hourglass Throne by K.D. Edwards is the third book in Edwards’ Tarot Sequence, and it was a perfect finale to the first trilogy.

Moving on to book #4 in Jackson Ford’s fantastic series The Frost Files is A Sh*tload of Crazy Powers. Every book in this series has been a blast, and Ford’s characters are so much fun.

I devoured The Gulp last year, and I was so excited to read the sequel in 2022, The Fall. Alan Baxter is popular in Australia but I’m not sure enough U.S. readers know about him. Seriously, get on board, horror fans!

New Releases I Haven’t Read But Want To:

This category could have been a mile long, unfortunately. I’m limiting my choices to review books from the first six months of the year that I’ve not been able to read yet, unfortunately. At the top of the “walk of shame” list are Under Fortunate Stars by Ren Hutchings has rave reviews but I just haven’t been able to fit it in. Likewise, Locklands by Robert Jackson Bennett is a series finale I’ve been dying to read, but my TBR is just too big!! Finally, I keep hearing amazing things about The Hacienda by Isabel Cañas and I even have a beautiful physical ARC. Ugh. I promise to read all three books soon, I swear!

Most Anticipated Releases for the Second Half of 2021

Another category that could be a mile long, lol. But these three books in particular are must-read-can’t-wait books on my TBR: Wayward by Chuck Wendig, The Witch in the Well by Camilla Bruce, and Little Eve by Catriona Ward.

Biggest Disappointments:

I always hope I won’t have anything for this category, but this year I do have three books that were disappointments. As a Buffy fan I really wanted to love In Every Generation by Kendare Blake but the story came across as too silly.

Like many other readers, I really wanted Book of Night by Holly Black to work. For me, though, it had several issues and ended up disappointing me.

And I had heard really good things about The City of Dusk by Tara Sims and I was hoping I’d love it too. But the story and pacing just weren’t quite there for me.

Biggest Surprises:

I love this category! Honestly, The Shadow Glass by Josh Winning deserves to be in the Best Books I’ve Read So Far, but I decided to put it here because it surprised the hell out of me. I expected to have a fun time with this homage to the 80s fantasy, but I did not expect it to have so much heart and depth as well. It can also fit in the “Books That Made Me Happy” section:-)

Ordinary Monsters by J.M. Miro was a book I was hesitant about because of the length (almost 700 pages, way out of my comfort zone), but the story was so engaging that the pages simply flew by!

And The Violence by Delilah S. Dawson was oh so good! Again, I had no expectations going in, and Dawson blew me away with her characters and dark themes.

Favorite New Author:

These are authors I read for the first time this year, and trust me, I will be reading them again. I read Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes in January and it still resonates with me, it was so creepy! The Book of Cold Cases was my first Simone St. James but it won’t be my last! And Bluebird by Ciel Pierlot was simply delightful, I’ll be watching out for Pierlot’s next book!

Newest Favorite Characters:

I fell hard for two characters in Nettle & Bone: the dust-wife and Agnes the fairy godmother. Kingfisher really knows how to create unforgettable characters!

Lilly is eleven but she’s over seven feet tall and still growing. Lilly from The Girl Who Outgrew the World is such a resilient character who has an enormous (literally!) challenge but manages to solve her problems with grace and determination.

Finally, I have to mention Simone from Glitterati. This book is filled with quirky characters who I couldn’t help but love, but Simone in particular is one of the most unique characters I’ve ever come across.

Books That Made Me Cry:

To be honest, I haven’t had a really good cry from a book yet this year, but these three had some tear-inducing moments. The Great Witch of Brittany had some lovely emotional moments. K.D. Edwards knows how to tug on his readers heartstrings, and The Hourglass Throne had some cry-worth scenes that I won’t forget. Sundial might be an odd choice for this category, but I’m including it because there are some upsetting scenes involving dogs that made my heart break.

Books That Made Me Happy:

Oliver K. Langmead is one of the most talented authors I’ve had the pleasure of reading, and he outdid himself with Glitterati, a bizarre, outrageous sci-fi story bursting with larger-than-life characters. R.W.W. Greene is on my “must read” list, and his latest, Mercury Rising, is another unique alt-history science fiction story that I fell into and didn’t want to leave. Finally, Stringers by Chris Panatier was pure ridiculous fun and had me grinning and laughing from the first page to the last.

Favorite Post I’ve Done This Year:

Looking through my posts for the first six months of 2022, I’m dismayed to find that I haven’t really posted much other than my usual reviews, memes, book hauls and lists. I need some more original content, lol. But these three posts were fun to put together and got some good response from readers:

Fantasy A-Z (2022 edition)

Reading “Firsts” for 2022

Eighteen Recent Reads With Character Names in the Title

Most Beautiful Book I’ve Bought This Year:

I’ve severely cut back on book buying this year, but I couldn’t resist this Waterstones special edition of Sundial by Catriona Ward. I wish I had a better camera because the pages are bright orange to match the orange foil on the cover.

Books I Need to Read By the End of the Year:

All of them? So so many. Here’s a sample of what I NEED to read in the next few months!

2022 has been a pretty good year for books so far! Let me know if you’re doing a Mid Year Freak Out post and I’ll come visit!

Posted July 12, 2022 by Tammy in Mid Year Freak Out Tag / 29 Comments

29 responses to “The 2022 Mid Year Freak Out Book Tag

  1. YES YES YES THE SHADOW GLASS. Every time I see a reader mention it fondly, or putting it onto their “best of” lists, I feel honoured to have been included in its journey to the shelves as a beta-reader.

    I wanted more from Dead Silence – I couldn’t suspend my disbelief about what happens in the second part (mainly to a certain character that seems to be completely gone, but turns fully functional again once a certain threat gets removed). And I want to read Our Crooked Hearts.

    • Tammy

      It’s very cool that you were a beta reader:-) I’m sure The Shadow Glass will be on my best of list at the end of the year too:-)

  2. Not too far behind – good luck with that goal! Little Eve has been out in the UK for a couple of years, so I better get round to reading it – I had mixed feelings about Rawblood (which impressed me, but I didn’t _enjoy_ it per se) but I can’t resist Scottish locations for creepy Gothic narratives…

  3. Will

    Wait NO more Netflix? So… you’re switching to Hulu, right? Or Disney? Peacock? You can’t just read Tammy, think of all the Stranger Things you’ll miss!

    Somehow I’m ahead of schedule and only a book behind you. I thank Netflix;)

  4. I also loved The Great Witch of Brittany, it really is one of her best works. Wayward is so high on my list of anticipated releases, I cannot wait. Little Eve is also one I’m very excited for. I think The Violence was a big surprise for me as well, I can’t believe how much I loved that book. I wish I had managed to cut back on book buying more this year, haha. I’m pretty good about not buying books in general and using ARCs/library more, but I’m such a sucker for all those darn special editions. Looks like a great reading year so far, here’s to hoping the second half is just as good, if not better! 🙂

  5. Fantastic list. I’m also behind my reading schedule for the first time in years. I don’t know what’s going on this year but life issues are taking over – perhaps it’s as a result of all the lockdown measures for Covid.
    That Emily St John Mandel book is simply amazing – I can’t get over how clever it is to bring so many threads together so masterfully. It makes me want to reread all of her books.
    Lynn 😀

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