Buffy’s Corner 7/3/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

So I just binged the last four hours of Stranger Things Season 4, and I loved it! I was so caught up in the story I didn’t even realize I’d been sitting there watching for so long, lol. I did inadvertently read a spoiler before I saw it, so that was a bummer, but I guess it doesn’t matter now. I plan on rewatching the entire season, because a lot goes on and I feel like I missed some things.

For those in the U.S. celebrating Independence Day, I hope you enjoy the holiday. I love whenever I get a three day weekend, so believe me, I’m enjoying every minute. The only thing I don’t like about the Fourth of July is the fireworks, because my dog is so scared of the noise:-(

Upcoming reads & reviews:

I’m happy to say I’ve already read one of my July books (Upgrade) and I’m about to finish another (Black Mouth). I also went back and picked up a very late May book that I agreed to read and review, Pteranodon Canyon, and it was a blast! Look for reviews of Upgrade and Pteranodon Canyon this week. Next up, I’m going for something short to get a jump on those eight July 12th releases I have, so I’ll probably pick up What Moves the Dead.

Other posts this week:

On Tuesday, don’t miss my Most Anticipated Books of 2022 – Third Quarter! Wednesday is Future Fiction, and although there haven’t been a lot of cover reveals lately, I’m sure I’ll find three new books to share; I’m happy to be participating in a cover reveal on Thursday for an Angry Robot title called Where it Rains in Colour, and The Friday Face-Off is “orange cover.”

In case you missed:

Here are my posts from last week:

What’s On My Plate – July 2022

June 2022 Reading Wrap-Up

Future Fiction #183

Drunk on All Your Strange New Words by Eddie Robson – Review 4/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 6/26/22

A Western Grebe swims through the river, reflected in the water.
Western Grebe

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted July 3, 2022 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 22 Comments

22 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 7/3/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. Oooooooo, that’s a gorgeous photo of a grebe! I love birds with red eyes, they really stand out. And such a fantastic background with those nice reflected colors. I hope your dog makes it through with as little stress as possible. We’ve had some pre-4th fireworks going off for the last couple weeks now, but thankfully it hasn’t been all that much.

    • Tammy

      Thanks Todd! I’ll never forget the fireworks of 2020 when everything was cancelled because of Covid. That year was so stressful for everyone. Seems like every single house in our neighborhood had their own backyard fireworks show. Crazy!

  2. I love the meaning of the 4th but I hate the fireworks! My poor dog last night.
    Enjoy your books! I am curious about what you though of Upgrade, I haven’t tried that author again since I dnfed Pines…lol. I don’t think he is for me so I just read others reviews. 🙂

  3. I watched the 8th episode Friday night, started the 9th episode Saturday night, but had to take the dogs out and when I paused and saw that even though I’d been watching an hour and a half already, there was still almost another hour left, I decided to save that last part till tonight! I have a feeling I might do a rewatch of this season too once I finish. Can’t believe we have to wait so long for the next/last season! My brother’s dog is scared of fireworks, and his house is always where we have the get-together. My dogs are always in their cage, but don’t seem to care when we go outside and hear fireworks. Unless they’re really loud they will go to sleep too. We’ve already had people shooting them off here. Hope you have a good week!

    • Tammy

      We’ve had fireworks going off for several nights now, and fireworks are illegal here so it makes me mad:-(

  4. will

    I’ve heard good things about What Moves the Dead (even if I HATE that cover), so I hope you like it and can’t wait to hear your thoughts!! Hope you have a good week Tammy!

  5. I finished Stranger Things too and mostly liked it, although I thought it was too long. But it ended well mostly? And same about the fireworks. I get fireworks on the 4th but people here have been shooting them off all night and the animals are NOT a fan.

    I think I saw Pteranodon Canyon here a few weeks ago and decided to get it? Looks great! 🙂

    Great pic as usual!

    • Tammy

      I didn’t mind the last two long episodes, mostly because I was expecting them to be long, and I also enjoyed them a lot.

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