Buffy’s Corner 6/26/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

Ugh the heat! We’re in a heat wave in Southern California right now with no signs of relief. Mid to high 90s. I’m afraid to see next month’s electric bill…

Not much news otherwise. I do have a quick comment about new blog post notifications. I’ve noticed that I’m not getting notified about new blog posts for some of the blogs I’m following, specifically if you’re on the Blogger platform. There’s a new notification system called Follow It and I’m not getting those notifications anymore either. So my apologies if I’ve missed some of your blog posts or haven’t been in a while. I truly rely on email notifications to do my blog hopping, it’s really the only way I like to blog hop. So if you don’t have a “follow by email” option on your blog, I recommend adding one if possible. And don’t get me started on Bloglovin’, I absolutely hate it! Anyway, on to the books:

Upcoming reads & reviews:

The end of the month is so stressful for book bloggers! Or is it just me? I see those last days looming and realize how many review books I haven’t been able to get to yet. Locklands and The Splendid City are both June releases and I plan on working on them these week, even though I won’t get reviews up until July. My review of Drunk on All Your Strange New Words will be up this week, and I somehow managed to read a July release this past week! I was in a rut and grabbed Upgrade for a fun, fast-paced read, and I really enjoyed it. I’m saving it to review in July, though, so check back next week!

Other posts this week:

On Wednesday, join me for Future Fiction where I’ll share three new cover reveals & new books; Thursday is my June Wrap-Up post; Friday is July 1st! So stop by to see What’s On My Plate; and The Friday Face-Off is “epic story.”

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

Over-Booked [160]

The Friday Face-Off: Daddy Dearest

We Can Never Leave This Place by Eric LaRocca – Review 3.5/5 stars

Future Fiction #182

Our Crooked Hearts by Melissa Albert – Review 5/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 6/19/22

Tarantula Hawk

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted June 26, 2022 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 21 Comments

21 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 6/26/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

    • Tammy

      I think their sting is very painful, from what I hear. I’m so glad I wasn’t with him when he took the photo, lol.

  1. Ugh, the heat is unbearable! I really wanted to read outside yesterday, but it was just too hot. I couldn’t handle it. I’m really looking forward to reading Upgrade soon.

  2. Your husband got that close to a taratula hawk? YIKES!
    I don’t get Blogger notifications anymore, either, unless I had subscribed via email. It’s too bad, too. All those lovely blogs, especially the craft blogs that I enjoyed.

    • Tammy

      He was actually pretty far away, so he was fine:-) Yeah, I always feel bad when I’m not notified anymore and bloggers think I ditched them:-/

  3. I remember tarantula wasps from when we lived in Arizona. I was fascainted by them. And, of course, by the tarantulas, as well. Used to love letting them walk around on our arms, how they tickled. 🙂 Great photo, it’s a perspective most of us haven’t seen (and for many probably don’t want to).

    • Tammy

      I hear their sting is pretty painful, luckily he was pretty far away when he took the photo:-)

  4. The Spare Man looked so good I requested it after seeing your last post. I am not a fan of the heat. I stopped following by email because all those emails gave me anxiety and were not ordered. I never liked Bloglovin. But I tried Feedly maybe 6-9 months ago and I LOVE it! That’s how I got here to this post today. Wishing you a cool week!

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  5. I wonder what’s up with post notifications. I’m getting mine. And I also use notifications to do my visiting too. We finally got a break in the heat wave because of rain. Still super humid though and our nights don’t get much cooler.

  6. I’ve really come to like Blake crouch’s books. Still need that one. And I hear you on blog notifications. Blogger seems to be making a lot of changes lately- comments and comment notifications too seem all over the map…

    Love that pic! It’s funny how terrifying real creatures can be up close!

  7. will

    I’m loving Upgrade too so far! Even more now that Montana is taking center stage, even if it is Glasgow lol

    I’ve heard mixed things about Locklands (mostly the time skip) so I can’t wait to see how you like it. Also, maybe turn off your heat this week and save on electricity, eh;)

  8. The tarantula hawk is creepy! But wow, what a picture! Yeah, I am not a fan of Bloglovin. Since I switched platforms I cannot claim my blog! I hope you’re able to start getting my posts again! I’ve got so many of your reviews I need to go read!

  9. Yep, I know what you mean about the end of the month looming and all the books not yet read. I wonder if I’ll ever catch up and then I realise of course I won’t because I have a serious problem in that I want all the books and have a deep rooted fear of missing something. I need help.
    Lynn 😀

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