Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D
It’s been a crazy week! I mentioned last Sunday that we attended my daughter’s college graduation in Boston, and it was a whirlwind of a trip! Long plane flights, hours without food, little sleep, you know, a typical vacation, lol. But I’m so glad I got to be there for this milestone. Those four years flew by, and it’s hard to believe she’s ready to start her next adventure! She was selected to sing in the pre-graduation concert that took place on Friday night, a concert that showcased three honorary doctorate recipients. Zoe performed Steely Dan’s Kid Charlemagne, in honor of bassist Chuck Rainey, who not only worked with Steely Dan but also many other musicians. Yes, I was in tears.

And of course, I came home to an extremely busy work week and so I’m still recovering!
Upcoming reads & reviews:
This week look for reviews of Book of Night (Monday) and Hidden Pictures (Tuesday). Book of Night was just OK for me, unfortunately. It was one of my most anticipated books this month, but I had some issues. Hidden Pictures was a lot of fun and has a unique format. I may try to (finally) read The Girl Who Outgrew the World and get a review up later this week. After that, I’m diving into Just Like Mother!
Other posts this week:
On Wednesday, it’s Future Fiction as usual. Thursday I’m happy to be on the blog tour for Mercury Rising, so stop by to read my interview with author R.W.W. Greene! And The Friday Face-Off is “yellow cover.”
In case you missed:
My posts from last week:
Fantasy A-Z – Upcoming Fantasy Books
Mercury Rising by R.W.W. Greene – Review 4.5/5 stars
The trip might have been stressful, but I have no doubt that the pride in your daughter’s achievements more than counterbalanced it all. Congratulations!!!
Yes, exactly! Thank you:-)
That is so cool that your daughter got to sing at the graduation celebration! Your hubby’s crow picture is very cool. Have a great week, Tammy!
Thanks Priscilla, you too:-)
I’m very happy you were able to see your daughter graduate and to hear her perform. And what a fascinating crow composition. Those are some crazy branches. It actually fits in perfectly with the book I’m currently reading, Fevered Star by Rebecca Roanhorse, with clashes between the powers of the Crow and Sun gods.
That’s so cool that the photo reminds you of Fevered Star. I’m hoping to read it at some point:-)
Glad you had a good time with your daughter even if busy…lol. Your husbands picture is cool as always!
Thanks Stormi, I love that crow photo so much:-)
Congrats to your daughter (also for getting to sing and play), and I hope she’s going to have an amazing future!
That pic belongs on a book cover .
Thanks Roberta!
Congratulations to your daughter! You must be so proud of her Tammy! I would have loved listening to her singing!
Thanks Sophie, it was fun to watch her perform:-)
Forget the book reviews, CONGRATULATIONS to your daughter on her graduation and to your family for this amazing milestone!!!
Thank you! It’s pretty exciting:-)
Wow, that concert looks so neat! I’m sure you were so proud! Love the bird picture as always as well. Enjoy the new books!
Thanks Lisa!
Congratulations to your daughter, such a big milestone! Sorry Book of Night wasn’t a fave. On to the next book~
Thank you! Hey, sometimes those anticipated books don’t work out…
Sounds like an awesome graduation!
Congratulations!! And Hidden Pictures looks good. I think I need to pick that one up. 
Thanks Greg, and yes Hidden Pictures was fun:-)
That is so exciting for your daughter. Your family is quite the collection of talented artists.
Thanks Anne:-)
Wow, congratulations to your daughter!!
Thanks Lisa!
That is so cool what your daughter got to do! And congratulations to her on graduating!
Thanks DJ!
Congratulations to your daughter! It honestly feels like just yesterday I Was reading your post about her going off to Boston, where does the time go!
I know, it went so fast! Thanks Steff:-)
Well, you had tour plate full but it was the best kind of full!! And congratulations for your daughter!!
Booking wise I’ll wait your next reviews because you managed to pick my curiosity!
Thank you Susy!
That’s so great that your daughter got to sing at her graduation. I’ve listened to some of the vids you’ve shared on IG and she’s very talented.
Aww thanks Suzanne!
Thank you for sharing the pictures of your daughter’s graduation. What an emotional moment for you all and like Mogsy I can also remember your posts from when she first left. What a journey.