Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D
Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!
Last week I skipped my Buffy’s Corner post because I was focusing on my May TBR, but I’m back today with a double dose of books! As this post goes live, I’m still out of town on my trip to Boston to attend my daughter’s college graduation, so next week I’ll share my experiences. Because of that trip, my blog may be quieter than normal this week, since I won’t have time to blog until I get back, and of course, week days are hard for me due to working full time. But I can at least tell you what I’m reading and what reviews will be coming soon.
Upcoming reads & reviews:
I swear May is going to kill me, guys. I have a ridiculous amount of books to read. Not only that, but I am excited to read them all, so choosing what to read next is so hard! I’m writing this post four days before it goes up, so I’m not sure exactly what I’ll be reading, but these are the books I’m taking on my trip. I’ve finished Mercury Rising and it was so good! R.W.W. Greene is such a unique writer, and this is the second of his books I’ve read and loved. Travel books will be Book of Night, Just Like Mother and The Hourglass Throne. I won’t be able to read all of them, but next week I’ll let you know how I did!
Other posts this week:
This week is a bit up in the air—I may or may not get any reviews posted—but here’s what I have planned so far. On Tuesday, I’m thrilled to be hosting a cover reveal for Robin Kirk’s upcoming book The Mother’s Wheel, the third book in The Bond trilogy. Robin also has a cool giveaway, so don’t miss it! Wednesday I’ll have three new books to share on Future Fiction, and the Friday Face-Off is “a favorite book to film.”
In case you missed:
Since I missed last week’s Buffy’s Corner, these are my posts from the last two weeks:
The Friday Face-Off: Kick-ass women
Twelve Upcoming YA Fantasies to Get Excited About
A Sh*tload of Crazy Powers by Jackson Ford – Review 5/5 stars
May is Wyrd & Wonder! What’s On My Plate May 2022
Looking Back: April 2022 Reading Wrap-Up
Prison of Sleep by Tim Pratt – Review 4/5 stars
Rosebud by Paul Cornel – Review 3.5/5 stars
Ten Books with Disembodied Hands on the Cover
Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher – Review 4.5/5 stars
You skipped a week of reading to go see your daughter graduate? Tsk tsk you need to work on your priorities, Tammy;) I’m glad to see your husband still has his straight!!
(Congratulations to Zoe!!)
LOL. Thanks Will:-)
Congratulations to your daughter, and to you and Mr. Sparks. Enjoy the trip.
Thank you Marian:-)
Congratulations to your daughter!! And enjoy your trip!!
Thanks Susy!
Congratulations on your daughter’s graduation! How exciting! I hope you’re enjoying Boston.
Thank you! I’m back and it was a lot of fun:-)
Congratulations to your daughter. I hope you enjoy your trip to Boston!
Thank you Priscilla!
Hope you’re enjoying your time in Boston! Yeah, it’s hard when you have a ton of books to read and review and they are all ones you want to read no matter what. I actually had to DNF a book I was so excited to read because I just wasn’t getting into it this week and I couldn’t waste any more time struggling with it. I may go back and try again, because I loved the author’s first book. Have a good week!
That happens to me too, if a book doesn’t grab me and I have a lot to read, sometimes I’ll set it aside because I feel like I’m wasting time…
Have a fun time at graduation! May is quiet for me in releases, but trying to catch-up on April and get ahead on June is MORE than making up for it. Early summer is such an insane time for books!
To be honest I haven’t looked that far ahead, I’m just trying to stay afloat this month:-)
Congratulations to your daughter Tammy! I hope you’ll have a great time at her graduation!
Thank you Sophie! It was really fun:-)
I’ll be so excited to hear more about your trip Tammy!
I’ll definitely talk about it next week. It was a whirlwind!
“My name’s Amy” :):)
Good luck with the reading this week!
Thanks Greg!
Hope you had a fun time! Congrats to your kid who graduated!!
Thanks Stormi! It was fun but exhausting:-)
Happy mother’s day!!
And congrats to your daughter on her graduation!
Happy Mother’s Day! Hope you had a good day
And lol May is kicking my ass too!
How wonderful — congratulations to our daughter! I hope it all went off without a hitch !
Hope you have a great trip and congrats to your daughter!
I hope you had a great Mother’s Day and I hope you enjoy the trip and seeing your daughter graduate. Must be a special time for all.
I hope you had a great Mother’s Day, and huge congratulations to your daughter! I am here with you about May–I am SO behind I can hardly even look at all the books I need to get to, haha. Hope you have a great week!
I’m always in awe at how you are able to consistently read books, Tammy! I feel like I read in spurts and it is so frustrating for me, a person buried under a pile of books. I hope you’re having a great time in Boston and congratulations to your daughter~!
Congrats to your daughter on her graduation! I’m looking forward to your review of Book of Night.
I hope you had a fantastic time at your daughter’s graduation.