Buffy’s Corner 4/24/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

I hope everyone is doing well. Today was sort of an introspective day for me. I’ve been thinking a lot about blogging lately and how it seems that many of the friends I’ve made on the blog over the years are falling away, and it’s making me sad. I know you all are just virtual friends, but it really means a lot to me that you take the time to read my words and leave comments on my posts. For the past few months, more and more regular visitors have stopped coming, and I understand that tastes change and people get busy and lives are upended by all manner of things. But it’s still hard. I have a few die hard blogging friends that never miss a post and always leave a comment (I won’t mention names but you know who you are!), and I want to give you guys a special thanks and a big hug. And to anyone who is still reading my blog, whether you comment or not, THANK YOU. It really is the people who make me want to keep blogging. Well, the books too, but what’s the point of pouring your heart out about books if there’s no one to hear you? Anyway, it’s been on my mind and I just wanted to mention it. Now, on to the books!

Upcoming reads & reviews:

Look for reviews of Nettle & Bone, Rosebud and Prison of Sleep this week! I’m on the blog tour for Prison of Sleep on Friday, and I’m in the middle of the book and really enjoying it. I absolutely loved Nettle & Bone, and Rosebud was very weird, lol. I’ve started A Sh*tload of Crazy Powers and I love Jackson Ford’s high energy.

Other posts this week:

This week I’m joining Top Ten Tuesday with “Books With _____ On the Cover.” Stop by and see what theme I’ve picked:-) Check back on Wednesday for some new cover reveals spotted on Future Fiction, and on Saturday, I’ll post my April Wrap-up. Can you believe the month is almost over??

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

Over-Booked [157]

The Friday Face-Off: Unknown Magical Ability

Future Fiction #173

The City of Dusk by Tara Sim – Review 3/5 stars

Gone Dark by Amanda Panitch – Review 4/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 4/17/22

A Bullock's Oriole sitting on a branch.
Bullock’s Oriole

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted April 24, 2022 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 36 Comments

36 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 4/24/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. I have falling on the commenting…lol. I do check out the post but will admit sometimes I don’t comment…lol. I still always look forward to your post even if we don’t have the same taste in book much. 🙂 I know I have been having a hard time motivating myself to blog as I have been working more on my youtube channel and need to find a nice balance or something as if it wasn’t for Kathy posting there wouldn’t be much happening on mine. 🙁

    • Tammy

      That is a good reason to blog less, finding another way of talking about books! I’m sure I’d do the same if I focuses on YouTube or Instagram.

  2. I’ve definitely noticed folks stepping away from blogging in the last few years, which makes me sad I always appreciate the comments people leave though!! Sometime I can’t believe people are still keeping up with me blathering on about books

    Also, Nettle & Bone was fabulous!

    • Tammy

      Ha ha I think blogging must go through phases. It feels like it’s not popular much right now but maybe things will turn around again.

  3. I’ve always found comments few and far between, but I blog for myself first and visitors are just a bonus – that’s helped!

  4. It’s so true that people have been blogging less these days, sometimes also due to what’s going on in the world, but I’m always happy when people find time to check out each other’s stuff and support us in the things we love to do and share! Happy reading, Tammy! 😀
    Lashaan Balasingam recently posted…Brood X by Joshua DysartMy Profile

  5. Well I read always but only comment if I have something to say. Your blog has different genres highlighted than many others I read so I enjoy it very much. I read more diversely than some people. Right now I’m stuck into loving mysteries which is my old standby. I want things to be solved. I want to know. I agree with what one person said that one also has to blog for their own self even if no one reads. I feel that way sometimes as I don’t have the 1000s of subscribers people used to get. But there are more ways to subscribe now. I subscribe through Feedly to the ones I don’t want to miss.
    Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…The Other Half of the Grave by Jeaniene FrostMy Profile

  6. Can’t wait for your Nettle & Bone review! Hope you have a great week. And re blog visits, I know it can be discouraging when stats drop off… but I’ve mostly given up on trying to understand why one week might have unusually high visits and another feel like a ghost town. 🙂

  7. I know what you’re saying! I’ve been busy and not able to comment as much as I want. Part is because my new job has me so that I can’t really do as much blogging during the school day as I was able to at my last job. Plus I now have a separate work and personal laptop, and I don’t want to do some things, like log into my own blog, on my work laptop due to policies they have. So that has slowed me down too. But I’m still here and getting emails on all your posts! Just not always having time to comment right away. I save the ones I want to go back to these days. 🙂 Like someone said above, I also just still kind of blog for myself and hope people still come and read and comment! Hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #64 – April 24th, 2022My Profile

  8. I can’t wait for your Nettle & Bone review! I kept going back and forth on whether or not I wanted to request it, and never ended up doing it, but now I’m thinking I might request it from the library because I really do want to read it soon!

    • Tammy

      It was short and sweet! And very funny and heartwarming. Definitely try it if you have time:-)

  9. Blogging can be so demanding, even when we keep repeating to ourselves that it’s only a hobby. I suppose a lot of people end up throwing the towel, and when they do, they don’t even comment on other people’s blogs anymore. Also, lots of the new kids are on other platforms, like YouTube and Tik Tok…

    Looking forward to your thoughts on Prison of Sleep!

    • Tammy

      Yes, I’ve noticed that too. I guess blogging and blog hopping are tied together for many and when you stop blogging you stop all together. That’s why I fear blogs are on the way out, so many other platforms are popular right now. Sometimes I feel like a dinosaur, lol.

  10. I know what you meaning about the blogging. I love your blog but I know I’ve been lagging in my own comments and visits just because of life, some things I’ve mentioned on my blog and some others that I haven’t. I’m seeing the same irregular traffic on my blog as well though so it’s definitely not just you. I sometimes wonder if the pandemic and everything going on in the world has caused a kind of mass burnout.
    Suzanne @ The Bookish Libra recently posted…Reviews: THE HOMEWRECKERS & EVERYTHING MUST GOMy Profile

    • Tammy

      I think you’re right. So much going on, plus this time of year with graduations, Mother’s Day, summer coming, I think people just need to do something different.

  11. I think that sometimes the worst part is that you start to get somehow attached to people with whom you share a passion and when they fade away you wonder if they are still good and just stopped blogging for whatever reasons or if they are not in a good place or else… They just fade away and it is a bit sad!
    On another note, I am curious to read your review of Rosebud!

    • Tammy

      It is sad! But I know there are ups and downs with blogging, I just have to remember that:-)

  12. I have noticed less interaction lately in blogging, and even I have gotten a bit irregular with everything going on, unfortunately, but I so enjoy visiting blogs and chatting and leaving comments. I tend to feel the same way–books and talking about books are great, but it’s the connection and sharing with others that makes it so meaningful and fun. I’m excited to hop over and read your Nettle & Bone review, and I’m super curious about Rosebud! I hope you have a great week, Tammy. 🙂
    Jordan @ Forever Lost in Literature recently posted…The Friday Face-Off: Unknown Magical AbilitiesMy Profile

    • Tammy

      I guess there are a lot of distractions right now. I just hate when bloggers I follow stop blogging and I don’t know what happened to them:-(

  13. It’s amazing how little time it sometimes takes to feel that attachment even with virtual friendships. But hopefully the comments above (and likely more to follow below) show there certainly are still those who appreciate your words! 🙂

  14. I read your comment and just want to reinforce right now – I, for one, am not leaving the blogging world or going anywhere (although I realise I have been mostly absent recently). I know you weren’t referring to me and I completely get where you’re coming from because I’ve also recognised quite a lot of this too recently with people’s lives just becoming busier or other issues taking over. But, I love blogging and chatting to you bunch 😀 And you all give me such great book recommendations.
    Lynn 😀

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