Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D
How was everyone’s week? Bridgerton Season 2 is so good! I still have four episodes to go—I know everyone else has already binged it—but I’ll probably finish it this weekend. It’s sad to think that there will be such a long wait until Season 3…Otherwise my week was very same same. And honestly that’s the way I like things:-D
Upcoming reads and reviews:
Yes, I am still reading The City of Dusk. I’m really enjoying it but the world building is very dense, and unfortunately the only time I get to read during the week is at night, the worst time of day for me to stay alert. But I will finish it this week and get a review up soon, promise! Tomorrow I’m posting my review of Stringers, and Thursday I have an interview with Chris Panatier, don’t miss it! I also feel bad because I agreed to read Always Beside You last year, and my out of control TBR means it slipped through the cracks. Luckily the author contacted me to ask about my review and I’m glad he did, because I’ve started reading it and it’s really good. I didn’t manage to start Sea of Tranquility yet, but hey it’s up next.
Other posts this week:
It’s another busy blogging week. On Tuesday I get to post my Most Anticipated Books of 2022 – Second Quarter; Wednesday I have some exciting cover reveals to share on Future Fiction; Thursday as I mentioned, I’m interviewing Chris Panatier for the Stringers blog tour, and The Friday Face-Off is “green cover.”
In case you missed:
My posts from last week:
The Friday Face-Off: Upcoming Release
What’s On My Plate – April 2022
Looking Back: March 2022 Wrap-Up
The Book of Cold Cases by Simone St. James – Review 4.5/5 stars
I am looking forward to your review of Stringers! And I am also curious to see what ypu would think of City of Dusk! I am working at that review and it is… Complicated! I enjoyed the book but it made me overcritical and I am trying to find a balance!
I’ve heard several people say the same thing about City of Dusk, I’m so curious to read your review once it’s posted!
I’m looking forward to your review of Stringers. Another beautiful photo by your husband!
Thanks Priscilla! I love it too:-)
I haven’t watched Bridgerton as I want to read the books first, though I have been told they changed things in season two that made some people mad because I guess the hook up wasn’t the same as in the book.
Have a great week and happy reading!
I just bought the second book so I can read it and see what’s different from the TV show. I think it was better to watch the show first so I wasn’t disappointed! I absolutely loved season 2:-)
Here’s hoping for a little less of the busy stressful week so we can have a little more time to enjoy our reading.
Beautiful shot of an egret, just love the details and the pose as it takes flight.
It’s a beautiful shot, isn’t it? They are such graceful birds:-)
yes when I only read at night and I’m tired I don’t get very far. I don’t enjoy that. I need your husband to come take photos of our swans. I haven’t watched any of Bridgerton and barely any of Virgin River. I just tend to read more than watching tv.
He would love to take photos of the swans, seriously just give him a reason to hop on a plane and take a photo trip:-)
Really curious about Sea of Tranquility. Hope it’s as good as it sounds. Happy reading!
I’ve heard nothing but good things, fingers crossed:-)
I have seen the first two episodes of Bridgerton season 2 and am enjoying it. We’re about to put on The Abyss at my daughter’s request. It’s not her typical movie but she’s interested in the deep sea aspect of it. I hope you enjoy your reading and have a good week!
Ooh I love The Abyss, one of my favorites. I never get tired of rewatching it:-)
Hope it’s a nice week! I’m curious about the new Mandel book and St. James also!
I can’t wait to start the new Mandel, this week for sure:-)
I just finished City of Dusk and I hear you about the world building being dense. Add to that the story being all over the place, I had a really hard time getting through it and it took me more than a week to finish. I know a lot of people loved it, but sadly I just couldn’t feel the same enthusiasm :\
I’ve been reading it for two weeks already and I’m only on page 200, lol. I keep putting it aside. I need to just push through!
The world-building in THE CITY OF DUSK is definitely a lot (and isn’t very clear) at the beginning of the book. The ending won me over, but I totally get why people are struggling a bit with this one.
I feel like I’ve been reading it forever, but I’m pushing through this week no matter what:-)
Sounds like a busy week! It’s so hard to read dense books at night, I feel you on that. Hope you have a great week!
Thanks Jordan, you too:-)
I finished watching season two on Saturday! I loved it!
Wasn’t it so good??
I really loved Bridgerton season 2. I already want to rewatch it, lol.
Me too! Luckily we have that option:-)
I’m looking forward to season 2 of the Bridgertons.
And happy that you’re enjoying City of Dusk. It just didn’t work it’s magic for me which is unfortunate – perhaps my expectations were too high in the first place.