Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D
Not much to report, I’m just super busy at work and last week wore me out. Blogging and working full time is so hard sometimes! Who’s watching the Super Bowl? Not me, ha ha. I’ll be reading:-)
Upcoming reads & reviews:
My review of Sisters of the Forsaken Stars will be up tomorrow. I really enjoyed this, although not quite as much as the first book. I’m hoping to finish Sundial by the time this post goes up. It wasn’t on my list to read last week, but I grabbed it on a whim and I’m glad I did, although it’s super weird and disturbing, and there’s a very upsetting element that I didn’t know about. I’ll post my review later in the week.
Next week I have two blog tour stops, and I’m not sure how that scheduling worked out, but I need to read Bluebird and Stars and Bones in preparation, so that will be my focus this week!
Other posts this week:
Wednesday is Future Fiction, and I’m really excited about the first book on the list in particular! The Friday Face-Off is “hate to love” trope, and Saturday I’ll do a book haul, mostly because I was bombarded with book mail this past week and I’m excited to share it!
In case you missed:
My posts from last week:
Good Neighbors by Stephanie Burgis – Review 4/5 stars
The Great Witch of Brittany by Louisa Morgan – Review 5/5 stars

I hope this new week would be a tad more relaxing!! And all your upcoming reads sound amazing!!!
Me too, Susy! I think I need a vacation:-)
Oooo, I’m looking forward to the Sundial review! I’m reading Just Like Mother and actually put off the last 5 pages because it’s so good I don’t want the book to end! There are so many issues in the book. It’d make for a good book club read, lots of discussion fodder! (Yeah, so I’m recommending the book if you get a chance to read it.)
I can’t wait to start it!
Well, since I figured out your blog is blocked on my work internet, I have to set aside a night at home to make sure to go back through all your reviews I want to read! Especially interested to see what you think of Sundial! Have a great week!
Sundial was so crazy! Hope you have a great week too:-)
I’m looking forward to Sisters, Looking forward to seeing what you thought of it
It was really good!
If only we could pick blogging over full time work, right? One day! I’m looking forward to the release of Sisters of the Forsaken Stars. And I really like LA River at twilight. Black and white suits it well.
One day for sure:-)
I’m not watching the Super bowl either. I’ll be in a FB chat about books, possibly walking Lulu and hopefully napping so I can stay up and watch the Olympics late. I LOVE the photo.
Thanks Anne! I love the photo too.
Beautiful photo. No Super Bowl for me — same as every other year! I’ll be reading too, or maybe taking advantage of the beautiful day by spending every second I can outside. Have a great day!
The weather has been lovely!
I can’t wait to read your Sundial review!
OMG it was crazy!
I will be reading not watching the superbowl, sports is not my thing and if I want to watch the commercials I can youtube them tomorrow…lol.
Cool pic as always!!
Have a great week and happy reading!
Ha ha yes, YouTube is great when you only want to watch certain things:-)
I had the same issue with work and blogging last week. Hopefully we’ll both have slower weeks coming up. Very curious about your review for Sundial!
Ooh Sundial was quite the book. I have no idea how I’m writing that review, lol.
I’m right there with you. The work/life/blog balance struggle is real. I hope you have an easier week this coming week. I am figuring I can come up for air the end of March, if I’m lucky. LOL I hope you enjoy your reading this week!
Oh no, not until March??
“bombarded with book mail”: I love the concept!
Good luck for your work. Yes, not easy to combine work+chores+reading+reviewing+blogging, lol.
Some weeks are definitely harder than others:-)
Lol! I wasn’t watching the super bowl either. I spent my time struggling with new furniture. I should have read something instead.
Ha ha! New furniture can be a pain…
I’m in the middle of Stars and Bones right now and quite enjoying after a somewhat shaky start: it’s quite different from the Embers of War trilogy, but so far there is great promise in this new series. Happy reading!
I just started Stars and Bones last night and I’m enjoying it too!
As you said: blogging and working full time is hard! I hope next week will be more relaxing Tammy.
Thanks Sophie!
I’m looking forward to Sundial! From here it sounds like it’s as wild as her last book!
Not sure you’re going to like this one, but I hope you do!!
Blogging can definitely be a juggling act so I definitely feel you.
Lovely photo this week. I love the reflection.