Over-Booked [153] – A Book Haul Post

Welcome to Over-Booked, where I share my latest and greatest book acquisitions! There is a new blog hosting Stacking the Shelves, so do check out Reading Reality for more information!

I don’t usually announce it, but today is my birthday, and it’s also my year in the Chinese horoscope, the Year of the Tiger! I’m hoping that means I’ll have an extra lucky year in 2022. Anyone else out there born in the Year of the Tiger?

In book haul news, I’ve received some great review books over the last few weeks, especially my digital haul, which EXPLODED! Ha ha. Yes, I’m going to be busy. Take a look:

Physical review books:

I’m happy to report that I’ve already read three of these and I’m almost finished with a fourth:-)

First, big thanks to Tor for this beautiful finished copy of The Thousand Eyes by A.K. Larkwood. This is book two in the series, and I may have already missed the release date, but I will definitely read and review it this month!

And from the lovely Orbit/Redhook team, I received this gorgeous finished copy of The Great Witch of Brittany by Louisa Morgan. I’ve already read this and my five star review will be up Monday!

Thanks to Nightfire for yet another finished copy, this time Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes. I loved this sci-fi horror story and the link takes you to my review if you missed it.

With thanks to Simon & Schuster, I received an ARC of Gone Dark by Amanda Panitch. I’m intrigued by this YA apocalyptic thriller. I can’t wait to read it!

And huge thanks to the wonderful Angry Robot team for a couple of green books! Stringers by Chris Panatier is Chris’ follow-up to The Phlebotomist, and I have already started reading it. This one is crazy so far! Ha ha. I’m looking forward to sharing my thoughts closer to publication.

And as a “thank you” gift from Angry Robot last December, I was sent a copy of Doors of Sleep by Tim Pratt which I read and loved last year.

Big thanks to Nightfire for an ARC of Just Like Mother by Anne Heltzel, an upcoming horror/thriller that I’m very excited about. I featured this on a Future Fiction post not too long ago:-)

Last but not least, from Tordotcom I was thrilled to receive an ARC of A Mirror Mended by Alix E. Harrow, the next book in her fun “fractured fairytale” series.

Digital review books:

And now for my giant digital haul! A lot of these are shorter novels and novellas, so it’s not as bad as it looks;-)

I’m starting with three novellas that I received directly from the authors, and I couldn’t be more excited to read all three. We Can Never Leave This Place by Eric LaRocca will be my second book by the author. It’s been getting awesome reviews, and I’ll probably be reading it this month.

The Girl Who Outgrew the World by Zoje Stage is also getting really good early reviews, and don’t you love the cover?

And finally, The Fall by Alan Baxter is the second book that takes place in the Gulp, a weird, seaside town that you really don’t want to visit, trust me!

I was thrilled to be offered a copy of Blake Crouch’s next book, Upgrade. I’ve loved all of his books, and I’m sure I’ll love this too.

Prison of Sleep by Tim Pratt is the sequel to the above Doors of Sleep, and eek I can’t wait to read it!

And Then I Woke Up by Malcolm Devlin. Stephen Graham Jones blurbed this novella and now I’m looking forward to it even more.

What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher. We’re getting two new Kingfisher books in 2022, and this one comes out first, I believe. This is hands down one of my favorite covers of 2022 so far:-)

The Extractionist by Kimberly Unger. This sounds like a fun, fast-paced technothriller!

The Impossible Us by Sarah Lotz. I’m excited to finally read something by Lotz. This seems different from her other  books, and I’m very curious.

Finally, I was asked to participate in a blog tour for The Soul Stealer by Graham Masterton, and I couldn’t say no because one of my favorite publicists who used to be with Titan Books and moved to Head of Zeus asked me to! I was so excited because I want to keep working with her, I couldn’t say no.

Big thanks to Eric LaRocca, Zoje Stage, Alan Baxter, Ballantine Books, Angry Robot, Tordotcom, Tor Books, Tachyon, Ace Books and Head of Zeus:-D

Are any of these on your TBR?

Posted February 5, 2022 by Tammy in Over-Booked / 43 Comments

43 responses to “Over-Booked [153] – A Book Haul Post

  1. Publishers do love you, don’t they? Which is well-deserved of course, what with all the work you’re doing relentlessly in order to let the world know their books exist!

    I have a digital copy of Prison of Sleep, and I’m very much looking forward to reading Dead Silence – plus I’m interested in And Then I Woke Up.

  2. will

    I love how your “giant” digital haul is only a wee bit bigger than your physical one lol! And I can’t believe you’re only 36! (or you must be as your birth animal only comes back up in multiples of 12)

    I’ve Prison of Sleep and Upgrade too!! I hope you like them (and all the others)!

  3. Marian Parsons

    Happy birthday! I hope the coming year is full of five star reads and good stuff, and a dearth of the annoying and awful life things.

  4. I have Just Like Mother too. I can’t believe I haven’t started reading it yet because it sounds so good! I expect Upgrade and The Soul Stealer are going to be fantastic reads. Have fun!

  5. Happy Birthday! I don’t have any of these but I’m certainly curious about some of them. I hope you enjoy all you read!

  6. Happy birthday! Have a wonderful year, full of many great books, and other tons of great things.
    wow, abbondanza! I was also offered Upgrade, this will be my very first by him, it’s about time, I know.
    Doors of Sleep is an intriguing title, so I’m going to check your review right away.

  7. Copies of Just Like Mother and A Mirror Mended landed at my place this week too. My digital pile isn’t quite so big yet, but I’m sure it’ll grow as more of these titles are released in audio!

    • Tammy

      I’m not sure why I got so many digital copies, I’ve really been trying to back off Netgalley, lol.

  8. Happy birthday! Hope you had a great day.
    A new Blake Crouch book, I’ll be interested in your thoughts on that one. I loved the Wayward Pines series and would like to read more of his books.

  9. For a second I thought you had a copy of Underland by Alix E. Harrow & was kind of jealous. So can’t wait for that!! I somehow forgot her latest is a series, really need to check it out soon. It’s fantastic to hear that you’ve enjoyed some of these already too & that Witch Of Brittany is five stars. I hope you end up loving the rest as well.

    • Tammy

      OMG thank you for making me aware of the Underland!! I didn’t even know about it, and now I can hardly wait!

  10. A belated Happy Birthday:)). My lovely son is also a Tiger child so I know just what fiery, interesting characters they are. What a fabulous haul. I’m thrilled to see that Pratt’s Prison of Sleep is out there as I thoroughly enjoyed Doors of Sleep. And Upgrade also looks great. I’ll pass on this Kingfisher – I keep forgetting that she also writes horror as well as her other quirky offerings:)). Have a lovely week, Tammy.

  11. Belated birthday wishes. I’m the year of the dragon (which my family thinks is apt) and also a Sagittarius which is a fire sign – so oddly fitting.
    Happy reading.
    Lynn 😀

  12. Happy belated birthday, Tammy! I was born the year of the dragon. I need to see when my year is coming! I hope you enjoy Dead Silence and all your new reads! That one was a departure for me and one I really enjoyed!

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