Buffy’s Corner 12/26/21 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

I hope everyone who celebrated had a wonderful Christmas! This is the last Buffy’s Corner of 2021, and at some point I plan on writing a year end wrap-up post, talking about things like reading stats, blogging goals, etc. It’s nice to look back and see how the year went, and then figure out what worked and what didn’t. In January I’ll probably share my goals for 2022. I just checked the upcoming prompts for Top Ten Tuesday, and I’m surprised there isn’t a “goals” prompt in January. So I’ll just have to do my own, I guess.

Upcoming reviews/reads:

December continues to be a bust for me, blogging and review-wise. I just haven’t been able to focus on reading, with all the Christmas preparations, distractions, and my job being extremely busy right now, which is unusual for my industry. I didn’t get my review of Razorblade Tears up last week, but come back tomorrow for my review! I’m currently reading Deep Dive and really enjoying it! Think The Matrix and you’ll have an idea of the plot. Next up, I need to tackle one of my “big” January titles, and The Starless Crown comes out in only a week, so I’ll probably read it next.

Posts this week:

It’s the last week of 2021, which means I’m thrilled to share my Best Books of 2021 list on Tuesday, don’t miss it! Wednesday brings a new crop of cover reveals on Future Fiction, Thursday I may do a December wrap-up post, The Friday Face-Off is “catnip cover,” and Saturday is New Year’s Day, which means I’ll be sharing my January reading plans on What’s On My Plate. Oof, busy week!

In case you missed:

Here are my posts from last week:

The Friday Face-Off: All Things Fire/Red Cover

Future Fiction #156

Five Star Predictions for the Second Half of 2021 – How I Did

Buffy’s Corner 12/19/21

Have a happy and safe New Year’s, and I hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted December 26, 2021 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 30 Comments

30 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 12/26/21 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. will

    How is it almost January already?? I haven’t finished 2021’s backlog yet lol

    I hope 2022 is as productive (if not more) than your 2021 has been! And Happy Christmas Tammy!

  2. The end of the year is just slipping away. I haven’t given much thought yet to lessons learned or goals for next year. I suspect I’ll more slowly develop goals over time instead of all at once this time around. Not sure if that’ll be a better thing or a cop out, but it is what it is. 🙂 And I love that photo of the egrets, all lined up and fading into the distance, with the beautiful gold light of the background matching that around their eyes and feet. So very nice!

    • Tammy

      I had a nice break this month, not really worrying too much about posting, but now I’m ready to hit January hard, lol.

  3. It’s so hard to believe we are in our last week of the year!!! Where did this year go? And man this month just flew by! Can’t wait to see your year in post. I need to make some myself!

  4. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas as well! I have accidentally fallen off some blogging this past week or so because life got super crazy, but I’m trying to catch up on everyone’s posts now! I started reading The Starless Crown last week and just couldn’t get into it for one reason or another, but I’m hoping to try it again some other time with more luck because I really want to read it, haha. I hope you have a great week!
    Jordan @ Forever Lost in Literature recently posted…Can’t-Wait Wednesday: Engines of Empire by R.S. Ford & Cold the Night, Fast the Wolves by Meg LongMy Profile

    • Tammy

      Thanks Jordan! I often have trouble with books because of my mood. So far The Starless Crown is grabbing me, so hopefully I can get through it:-)

  5. I can’t believe it’s January – I had such high hopes of catching up over December, then I turned my back for a moment and it just escaped from me. Still this is another year and I have all the good intentions so lets see what happens.
    Lynn 😀

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