Buffy’s Corner 12/19/21 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

I heard about the news of Anne Rice’s death last week after I posted Buffy’s Corner, so I didn’t have the opportunity to mention it. Her books were a huge part of my early reading life, along with Stephen King, and I own copies of almost all of them, except for those published in the later years when her fiction took on a more spiritual, religious quality (which I wasn’t interested in at all). This week I learned an interesting fact about Rice that I didn’t know: she was born Howard Allen Frances O’Brien and changed her name to Anne when she was ten. I also heard there is going to be a celebration of her life in New Orleans at some point, and everyone is invited! RIP Anne:-(

My daughter is home from Boston! So our whole nuclear family is now under the same roof for a couple of weeks. Or at least until the rest of my daughter’s band arrives in LA and then they are renting an Airbnb somewhere and doing a couple of local shows, then heading up to the Bay Area for a couple more. I’m finishing up the last of my Christmas preparations this weekend, and I’ll be happy to see my parents for Christmas and just relax for a couple of days. Let me know what you’re doing for the holiday, if you’re celebrating!

Upcoming reviews/reads:

So my reading is all over the place, and it’s turning out to be a terrible month for reviews. I’m trying to stockpile some January reads so I’m not overwhelmed next month, but I also don’t want to post the reviews until January. So you’ll definitely see fewer reviews up this month, but hopefully I can make up for it next month. So far I’ve read In Every Generation (definitely a mixed read, lots of fun parts but also a lot of things that bugged me) and Where the Drowned Girls Go (pretty good, much better than the last book but still not the five star read I was hoping for). I haven’t picked up Jade War all week—I know! To be honest the length is overwhelming me at the moment. I’m needing shorter reads right now so that’s what I’m doing. So I picked up Razorblade Tears, which I’ve heard amazing things about, as a change of pace. I’ll try to post a review later this week.

Next up:

After Razorblade Tears, I’m going to keep going with January releases. I think Deep Dive will be next, and then I have two chonky books to get through, The Starless Crown and Engines of Empire.

Other posts:

It’s going to be another light week for posts. I’m trying to come up with a Tuesday list type post, but I’m not sure what it’s going to be yet. I have some exciting books to share on Future Fiction on Wednesday, and the Friday Face-Off is “Catnip cover.”

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

Over-Booked [151] – A Book Haul Post

The Friday Face-Off: Winter Solstice

Future Fiction #155

Ten New to Me Authors I Read in 2021

Buffy’s Corner 12/12/21

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted December 19, 2021 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 30 Comments

30 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 12/19/21 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. I’m really looking forward to your Razorblade Tears review. I put it on my TBR when I first heard of it but haven’t gotten to it yet! (Argh, too many good books, too little time!)

  2. Yeah, I also heard about Anne Rice. Always sad when an author we enjoyed passes. I have a similar stack of her books, but yours is a bit taller than mine. 🙂 So glad to hear about your family being together! And your husband’s photo is absolutely PERFECT!!! Beautiful light, color, composition and such a special pose. Worth of being hung on the wall.

  3. “Where the Drowned Girls Go (pretty good, much better than the last book but still not the five star read I was hoping for).”
    Aw, I’m sorry about that. I ordered it for my birthday/Christmas haul, and I still have great expectations (also because I love Cora).

    I have a Deep Dive review coming on Jan. 9th. Not spectacular, but some aspects of it were really interesting (I vibed with the thriller aspect a bit less).

  4. I didn’t know that about Anne.

    Glad your daughter is home, and hope you guys have a wonderful week of holiday cheer! 🙂

    Where The Drowned Girls Go and Book of Night look good.
    Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #432My Profile

  5. I’m also a bit skimpy on the review front next week. I have been reading but the reviews are not until January. Sounds like you’re going to have a lovely Christmas with the family.
    Lynn 😀

    • Tammy

      I’m trying to start the New Year off a little bit ahead, although I know I’ll slip back to normal, lol.

  6. We are staying home now and happy to be home. I hope with Top 10 this week to read a bit more ahead. I tend to “free” read instead with stuff I own or from the library so I stay the same with ARCs finishing as they are due. Happy Holidays Tammy!

  7. Ooh, good reads coming up! I also recently picked up a copy of Razorblade Tears. I’m encouraged to hear that it’s short! That’s about all I can handle right now. 🙂

    I’m very much the same re Anne Rice. I was obsessed with her books for quite a while, then tapered off somewhere after Violin, I think.

  8. Stephanie @ Bookfever

    Such sad news about Anne Rice. I haven’t read any of her books but nontheless she was a huge literature influence!

  9. will

    But… but… Empire of the Vampire! Vampires! Like, seriously hardcore vampires too. Hope you have a good holiday season Tammy!! Can’t wait to see the rest of the lists!

  10. How wonderful to have your family all together! I think we will just be visiting our immediate families, which will be so nice. My December is horrible for reviews as well, so I feel you! I’ve heard great things about Razorblade Tears, too. The Starless Crown is next up for me, also (if I can get through it, haha). I hope you have a fantastic week and a wonderful holiday!

  11. That’s great that your whole family is together. I hope you have a wonderful holiday with them. My reading is all over the place too right now. I’m torn between holiday reads, wanting to get a jump on January review books, and wanting to keep pushing myself to read books from my shelf. I hope you enjoy Razorblade Tears. I’ve really enjoyed the last two books of Cosby’s that I’ve read.

  12. Yeah. I’m totally failing catch-up December, and not doing much catching up at all and only fall more behind lol! But I’m enjoying being able to mood read these days. I hope you’ll enjoy Razorblade Tears! It was so good.

  13. I also was sad to hear about Anne Rice. I learned that fact as well, but when I did some research into her name change, it wasn’t any big deal about her deciding to be a different gender or anything, just that her father named her after a male relative or something. The big books are harder for me to get into, that’s why I had to give up on The Starless Crown, the size just deterred me since I’m not a big high fantasy reader. But then I did just finish in about two days an over 500 book, guess it depends! Hope you’re having a nice holiday!
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…The DNF Report #9 – September – December 2021My Profile

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