Ten New To Me Authors I Read in 2021

Every year I look forward to discovering new authors, and 2021 was a very good year. I’ve compiled a list of ten new-to-me authors that I read for the first time in 2021. The criteria for this list is that an author had to have published at least two books (not a debut author, in other words). I’m listing them in alphabetical order, and I’ll link up my reviews if you’re interested.

Alan Baxter

I read The Gulp way back in January, and it still haunts me. I guarantee it’s going to make my best of the year list in a couple of weeks! I’m holding out hope that Baxter is working on more stories from the Gulp, but I’m excited to read more from him no matter what the subject matter. Read my review here.

Kimi Cunningham Grant

These Silent Woods was such a fantastic surprise! I just don’t read enough mystery/thrillers, and I hope to read more next year. Grant has a book called Fallen Mountains that I see all over the place, so I’m definitely interested in catching up with her backlist. Read my review here.

R.W.W. Greene

Greene has written a couple of books and has a new book coming out next year. Twenty-Five to Life was a great introduction to this talented author, and I’m excited to read his next book. Read my review here.

John Gwynne

John Gwynne is beloved in the world of epic fantasy, and I’m so glad I decided to read The Shadow of the Gods this year, which is the start to a new series. Gwynne is just as good as everyone says he is! Read my review here.

Stark Holborn

I had heard great things about Stark Holborn’s Triggernometry series, so I jumped at the chance to read and review Ten Low. And it was fantastic! I can’t wait to find time to check out Holborn’s backlist soon. Read my review here.

Jeremy Robert Johnson

I heard about Jeremy Robert Johnson on Instagram. I follow quite a few small press/indie horror reviewers, and it wasn’t long before I knew I had to try one of his books. In the River was heartbreaking and beautifully written, and I can’t wait to read more of his backlist. Read my review here.

Richard Lange

I actually own one of Lange’s short story collections but I haven’t read it. When Rovers was announced, a dark urban vampire tale, I knew I had to read it, and I’m so glad I did. Read my review here.

Fonda Lee

I’m actually surprised I haven’t read any Fonda Lee before this year, but I finally dove into her incredible Green Bone Saga earlier in the year. I may not be able to finish the series this month, but I’m reading Jade War now and loving it! Read my review here.

Ronald Malfi

I had no idea what I was getting into when I requested Come With Me, and boy did it blow me away! I loved the book so much, I’ve already bought a couple of Ronald Malfi’s backlist books, and lucky for me, he’s written a lot. Don’t worry, you’ll be seeing this book on my “Best of 2021” list! Read my review here.

Tim Pratt

Tim Pratt has quite the backlist, but for some reason I hadn’t had a chance to check him out until now. Doors of Sleep was an amazing surprise, and I’m so happy the sequel comes out in 2022. Read my review here.

Have you read any of these authors? Who was your favorite “new to you” author of 2021?

Posted December 14, 2021 by Tammy in Lists, Top Ten Tuesday / 33 Comments

33 responses to “Ten New To Me Authors I Read in 2021

  1. I haven’t read any of them, sadly, even if Gwynne was in my list of authors tonread this year. I failed miserably with that list but I can always do better next year! And I have read a ton of amazing new to me authors all the same so… All is good!
    On another note, Gwynne’s pic is awesome!

  2. Good list, Tammy! There were so many new-to-me authors that I read this year that it’s hard to pick a fave. I’ll go with This Thing Between Us by Gus Moreno. It’s AI horror but so much more, and Moreno is so skilled at turning metaphors into symbols.

  3. Kimi Cunningham Grant and Ronald Malfi were also new to me this year, and I very much enjoyed both those books. There are others here I’d love to discover soon.

  4. I loved Fallen and These Silent Woods by KCG. Robin loves the Fonda Lee series. This matches up with our Your Choice on Friday 12-24 and is the topic Sophia and I are doing. I hope you’ll consider linking up for more people to see your list.

  5. I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed Fonda Lee. I’m hopping my library gets an audiobook copy of Jade War soon because the production has been fantastic. You’re going to have to start her YA series that starts with Exo.

  6. I haven’t actually read any of these authors — but I do love the topic (and I’m planning to do it next week in place of the “official” TTT topic). I think I may finally try the Fonda Lee books. For some reason, I thought they wouldn’t appeal to me when the first came out, but I keep hearing how great they are.

  7. These are all great! All ten are new to me, so I’m putting a few on my list for books to dive into next. “The Gulp” sounds really interesting — I love any book/anthology with stories that move along and differ. Keeps things exciting! “Doors of Sleep” is another book from your list that really interests me. I’m excited to be introduced to Tim Pratt! The concept of being able to travel through dreams both fascinates and terrifies me. Thanks for sharing your list — you’ve done all the hard work in finding these jewels!

    • Tammy

      There are still so many authors I’ve never read, hopefully I can cross some more off my list next year:-)

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