Top Ten Tuesday – Books With Numbers in the Title – Part 2

I’m linking up with Top Ten Tuesday. Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Check out upcoming Top Ten themes on Jana’s blog!

We’ve already had this theme, back in 2019, but I was able to find a whole new bunch of books with numbers in the title, so I thought why not do it again? And of course, I have to put these in numerical order or it will drive me crazy, lol. Here we go:

I seriously could have made this post twice as long, but I guess I’ll save some books for the next time this prompt comes around:-D

Posted September 14, 2021 by Tammy in Top Ten Tuesday / 36 Comments


36 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday – Books With Numbers in the Title – Part 2

    • Tammy

      Oh good, I’m glad you enjoyed it. I went in with no expectations and I think it made the experience so good:-)

    • Tammy

      I wasn’t going to do this again but then I realized I had read quite a few number title books in the last two years:-)

  1. I don’t know how people come up with new books that fit this prompt. I saw it again and was like, nope, I tapped out my number books in the last one and haven’t recovered yet. xD

    Gideon the Ninth (or Harrow the Ninth even) is about the only one from this list that I thought of off the top of my head, and I’m just proud that I managed that much! I completely forgot about The Fifth Season, though I definitely need to read that still! Oooh, that cover for The Second Bell really grabs my attention!
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